A Collection of Characters

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by WowGain, Jan 30, 2019.

  1. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    This page will be updated over time to add my various characters. I'll eventually add some level of information on all my characters, though some will be less forthcoming than others, for various reasons.


    General Information:
    Cirillo de Guanciale is a human man in his early-forties of Italian descent. Measuring 6'3" and 195lbs, he carries a decently powerful presence when coupled with his sharp choices of attire, indicative of his traditional Italian socialite upbringing. Descended from a powerful family of Italian mafioso which fled Earth as its globalist governments began to crack down upon criminal families with cultural ties such as themselves, Cirillo is the eldest son of the Governor of the Rendera District of the Haven Federation. His lifelong position in social circles of political and economic influence have left him with little patience for those unfamiliar with the concepts of social etiquette or high-society, and a rather elitist attitude. A former member of the ICIF political class, Cirillo was introduced to the politics of the Caliphate during his time studying abroad at the University of New Makkah in his earlier years. It was there that he met those such as Ahsanullah al-Saqqaf, and the young Syed al-Quiche, future Caliph of the ICIF, both of which he has fostered friendships with that have lasted through the years.

    Physical Appearance:
    Cirillo is a slightly aged man of his mid-forties, bearing shoulder length, well-groomed, thick, blonde hair and olive skin of a man with southern-Italian heritage. He is most often dressed in high-quality, hand tailored silk suits made in Italian tradition, or occasionally Arabic garb during his occasional visits to the ICIF. He enjoys pairing his clothing so that it matches in color, and takes great pride in his appearance. Even in his progressing age, he finds time to maintain his physical health. Although not as fit as he was in his earlier years, he still is decently fit and toned for someone of his position.

    Personality Type:

    Political Ideology:
    A man who believes greatly in the concepts of meritocracy, Cirillo occasionally finds disdain in democracies occasional failings in its appointments at times of those incapable of leadership or inferior compared to other candidates simply based upon public opinions, however, he understands its benefits and generally supports it, having been raised in a democratic society where its ideals were ingrained into his way of seeing the world. Economically, he is a vehement capitalist, and believes in the concepts of Social Darwinism in economics, thinking government's involvement in markets should be as limited as possible. Socially, he is a more conservative man, following after his traditional Italian, Catholic upbringing, his concepts of morality are tinted through this lens.
    A man who was raised in the political and social elite, Cirillo is a man who has no doubts of the moral superiority of the elite, and greatly believes in the ideas of family lineage being important in one's social class, rooted in his heritage and great love of his cultural background, which could be taken as a sense of ethnic superiority. For those who he associates with as friends and family, he is extremely generous and caring, though this gratitude is not as often extended to those whom he is unfamiliar with.

    Born July 10th, 3245, Cirillo was born into the Guanciale family. A large family which is known in both CivSpace and the Fringe, some of their pioneers were involved in the early days of the Haven Federation's founding, and were responsible for the creation of the massive fishing industry upon which Rendera was built and thrives on today. Born on the private Guanciale Villa in upstate Rendera, Cirillo has never known a life outside of prosperity. His father has long been the incumbent Governor of Rendera, sustaining his political position through his great charisma and the famous presence of the Guanciales in the District.
    In 3261, a 16 year old Cirillo left the Haven Federation to pursue a higher education of a quality which was simply not available in the Federation at the time. After a short period of wandering, he settled upon the University of New Makkah. It was there that he found a place in the high society of the Caliphate. Familiar with the concepts of a religious, elite social class, he quickly was able to fit in, and ended up finding his way into social circles that led to his introduction to those such as Ansanullah al-Saqaaf, and eventually, the Court of the Caliph. It was here that Cirillo found his place in the secular political members of the Caliphate, a position where he spent the next four years of his life, garnering both wealth and social influence. Eleven years before Syed al-Quiche would take up the mantle of the Caliph of the ICIF, Cirillo decided to depart his position within politics, and began to once again explore the Fringe, funding his philanthropic expeditions with the wealth he had amassed during his political career, combined with some of his family fortune, he was able to found the Guanciale Museum of Fringe Archae-Xenopoligical History, an institution on New Makkah which still runs to this day, funding groundbreaking research into ancient alien life in the Northern Galactic Hemisphere.
    It was in 3268 that Cirillo finally returned to his home in Rendera. After seven years away from home, he returned with many stories and great wealth in property and finance to share with his family. Welcomed with open arms by the tight-knit Italian communities of Rendera, Cirillo was quickly re-enveloped in his home-city's spheres of influence. Now, with the revocation of the Radec Isolation Act and the swarms of immigrants moving into both the Haven District and the outlying districts of Rendera and its neighbors, Cirillo once again finds himself with his wanderlust and desire to envelope himself in all circles of influence he can.
























    General Information:
    The very core of Vinebot’s being is one of tumultuousness and a constant sense of mental turbulence. The definition of unstable, its original mind has continued to split apart into more and more personalities over the years, creating a web of insanity that can barely keep track of itself at this point. Nearly everything about it is shrouded in mystery, from its motivations to the people who would create such a wretched thing and set it upon the Fringe. It disappeared following an altercation at a precursor ruin site, where a strange group of people who seemed to have control over the unit led it away, but strange leaks made to the Nexus seem to point to the idea that it's still out there somewhere, planning in the shadows.

    Physical Appearance:
    An android of Floran appearance that stands at about 7'2" (7'6" with mask) with a very bulky and muscular build. It has a set of shaman like armor built into its endoskeleton, and has a detachable face which can be swapped out for a large, metal mask that hooks up to its systems to allow full animation of all mechanics and electronic systems built in. On its hands are two small red convex diodes, poking through the false skin covering them.
    Personality Types:

    Political Ideology:
    Vinebot is a largely apolitical being, with most of its personalities sharing a lack of interest in such things. Although those with a measurable level of emotion do share a similarly anarchist view of the world, none of them have much drive to change political structures to fit this, and rather just seem to disregard their very existence in the most part, simply operating as they see fit without care for any political organizations or struggle going on around them.

    Vinebot’s arrival into the Fringe’s consciousness was about as bombastic and violent as the being is itself. A day like any other at the Outpost’s bar, with people from all over the edge of civilization socializing and having their usual small spats. However, the arrival of a Floran named Vineeater was the beginning of a day that would forever live in infamy. His mad ramblings were mostly ignored by those present, but they would soon be pulled from the amber-colored glow of their collective drunken stupor. The mad stirrings heralded the arrival of an imposing figure. Standing tall above the crowd, he announced himself with no words, but purely action. A blow sent a man flying and with that, the bar sprung to action. However, even the hardened mercenaries of the Fringe had little chance of dissuading him. One by one he struck them down in increasingly brutal ways.

    A mound of bodies began to amass itself around him, and those who survived his onslaught were left crawling away, carried by the hands of their friends rushing for help. One lone warrior in green stood against him. Nemo Verticus. A shining example of the Fringe's tenacity and bravery. A chance to make an example of what this foolhardy bravery would bring them, in Vine's eyes. In a display of cruelty, Vine brought Nemo to his knees, and executed him in front of the crowd, in which stood his wife and child. They witnessed this monstrosity's greatest weapon. An integrated laser weapons system capable of piercing thick plates of metal even at a distance. With this hero left deceased, most feared that this night would become a slaughter. Only one present in the Outpost stood a chance of sending this demon away.

    Her name was S.A.M.A.R.A. A mining android given freedom. Their fight was brutal and drawn out. For a time, it seemed that Vine would even surpass her. However, in the final moments, he abandoned the fight. Both were left damaged but this would not be the end of his tale of sadism. For several months, he continued to enact cruelty on the people of the Fringe. Scattering bodies in his wake. Kidnapping pillars of the Fringe's culture and turning their rescue into a game. The finale of this saga was a showdown atop an ancient arena against two warriors, Solid-State and PUTTY. Although he was victorious, this was the last that was seen of him, publicly. A band of soldiers led by a mysterious figure approached Vinebot, quickly disarming him before inputting commands that directed him to follow. The group marched away in silence, without a word to the stunned crowd that watched this display, and warped to places unknown. A gruesome tale with an uncertain end. Although no one has seen the monster since this final showdown, rumors are abound about his presence in the Fringe and where he may be, lying in wait for the next chance to bring terror.
    ThatCabbage and Pinkbat5 like this.
  2. Roren

    Roren Galactic Citizen

    Jul 13, 2018
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    write more of these you bastard, i wanna know about the caspans
    ThatCabbage likes this.
  3. Deleted Account

    Deleted Account Galactic Prodige Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    ThatCabbage likes this.
  4. schizothotep

    schizothotep Ozymandias's very own Diamond Donator

    Aug 20, 2018
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    We're waiting Wowgrug
  5. schizothotep

    schizothotep Ozymandias's very own Diamond Donator

    Aug 20, 2018
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    We're STILL waiting
    SilverGallium and ThatCabbage like this.