Across numerous frequencies, a broadcast is made by the Fringe Separatist Front. An inviting, charming voice (yet demanding too) invited people to listen. “To all free denizens of the sovereign Fringe! The Fringe Separatist Front bears a message on the Ascended-Atlas war in the Haven home system. The FSF firmly believes the war is a hoax to further Atlas’ agenda -- it’s imperialistic, tyrannical growth. Not only was the war utterly anticlimactic, short, postponed and dealt with via a single skirmish, surely the Shifter parasite wouldn’t just let themselves be defeated by a robotics company… Right? “And yet they did.” The warm tone turned to a rather grim, sobering one. “From our observation, Atlas has merely used the Shifter threat to subjugate the former territory occupied by the so-called Ascended Empire. Atlas fought a staged battle with the Ascended and turned triumphant, thus the Atlas octopus spreading its tentacles further through Haven’s own system. “While the Ascended Empire spreads their disease through mass murder, trumping innocent sovereign countries like houses of cards, people still stand idle. Atlas, whilst a Federation, turned their back on their own people on the planet of Olympus, now they’re proclaimed as the first to successfully oppose the parasites... And yet in the shadows of this unthinkable collaboration, perhaps a single forfeit to numb our senses is to burrow its influence to our very hearts. “As formerly loyal engineers have forsaken Atlas -- seeing it for what it truly was -- we call to those who value their freedom to leave as well. Atlas has proven to the whole of the Fringe that they barely respect the freedom of others, crushing companies attempting to get a slice of the pie, and also attempting to even separate their services from Atlas’ own. “Atlas enforces their arrogant monopoly to the point they’re warring with small drill companies. Suffocating any businessman trying to do their own thing and not kneel to the imperial corporation. “Are these truly the values of a governless nation? In this diverse, beloved home of ours, that the parasites upon parasites would prey on our sacred weaknesses- On the naivety of the shining dream we all hold in common? “Fear not if you bought into the lie, as we, the FSF, bring forth the truth at long last. “The Fringe is divided into two camps; the camp of the independent freedom fighters and those who collaborate with the foreign intruders. “This is a warning to all invaders wishing to subdue the free frontiers of the Fringe for their ignorant gain; we, the invisible empire, will not stand idle.”
// The broadcast is circulated heavily in Fringe Syndicate Coalition territory, and given light coverage across it's media network. Many citizens would react positively, though some seem uneasy about the radical group. //
// Official account HAVEN_FEDERATION replies to clarify a fact. // The Haven Senate has not granted the Atlas Corporation permission to settle onto the Haven planet of Clymene. Any attempt to do so will be met with repercussion until further notice or contact with the Haven Federation is made. // End Message //
// The post is brought through the Atlas Net to keep the viewers entertained and informed, and then a reply is issued. "Atlas' agenda, as said during the summit, is to reestablish on the old capitol world of Olympus, imperialistic? Sure. Tyrannical? No. A government has not been set up as of now. We're sorry that we didn't perform well enough for your crowd to watch and war is notoriously difficult to predict so it is unsure whether the Shifters are scared, bored or simply no longer to wish at war, Atlas has no intent of pursuing as a defensive war is to be defensive. "What is an octopus and also you seem to forget that the FSC owned Clymene at one point, they were wiped by the Shifters." "Atlas has not been a Federation for multiple years. We seem to have very public records of Haven successfully warding off total Shifter destruction, much as we did for Clymene." "You say this as we pass the biggest payraises in the history of our establishment, we house our members, feed, train, clothe, provide for them, almost anything you can think of is taken care of simply because we value them and their work. Your idea of freedom is perverted, rancid anarchists that simply wish to see business and progress burn." "While Hephaestus was a small establishment, they had the bright idea to place spies into Atlas, very bad and obvious spies, and when confronted about it, proceeded to suicide bomb one of our facilities on a far-off world. If that doesn't justify the two ships we spent taking their facility, you are hopeless. I seem to recall companies such as Horizon and Solus Industries and even BCorp, which was released from Atlas control doing well for themselves." "Our values are evolving and changing based on what the surviving population of Olympus needs, as it is our priority. The best part about the Fringe is the freedom to do whatever you please, and while Atlas takes up likely less than half of a percentage of all the territory in the Fringe, we are somehow the largest imperialistic force eating land like no other. Atlas in its current state is Pro-Fringe. Fringe born, funded and operated solely within the borders. You and your group are a set of anarchists believing that any group infringes on your unwritten rights to do simply whatever you please as you float in a sea of unclaimed worlds. Those dots in the night sky are solar systems to visit. Set aside your ignorance and turn your attention to the unknown rather than the overdone." "Some shadow-organization fearful to put a face out there brings the truth about a long-established Fringe-local establishment, of course. Your theories on what we do and why are simply paranoid ramblings designed to spread fear to people who may even have a seed of doubt in their mind. This post serves as a long advertisement for your anarchist lies." "See two quotes above, we were established here." "All of this time was spent trashing government and order just to advertise a band of anarchists calling themselves an Empire? Trading one for another by your standards should be equally bad. Maybe I will withdraw from the Shifter war and let your empire show us how it's done."