So schelor is mad max incarnite.
// Other Response // Human, No.
// User M.A.S.K replies. // These are tended to be kept as bland as possible. Somewhere in my thirties, humanoid, and why should I care...
// User M.A.S.K. replies privately. // My line of work requires many questionable skills that should not be stated in public. This includes...
// User M.A.S.K. Replies // Name: Maskellona Del Age: No Sex: Female Species: No Religion: Why Previous...
//User DnteBldva22 replies// I love how they want them 10 light years away when they're the ones closest to Haven right now.
The standard teleporter in your ship has full list of the hubs regardless?
//Name: Anonymous //Address: Araxis I (somewhere around -15883685, 230000014) //Number of Flasks: 1