He has been contacted, and should have reached back out to you. I'd recommend posting an introduction post here:...
go ahead and send a personal message to any of the staff on the forum: https://galactic-citizen.com/members/?type=staff I'd recommend Dekerrex...
Whomst'd've'ly'yaint'nt'ed'ies's'y'es░took░the░cookie░from░the░cookie░jar? (ぬ 誕可 以日姻ベ沿 )
Whoa, Dude, you weren't kidding when you said you could sprite. Those are badass.
So you wanna build a ship for Starbound eh? But need something to work with and think about, think no more: here are some pictures of ships I've...
Kali, is a Penetration testing Distro, it's good for classes where you want to learn how networks work, and how to break into them, it's great for...
I could talk at length about the Giver, apparently there are sequels to the book, I really want to read them. I'm told the movie is quite good as...
I was curious which one most influenced you, though it's totally fair if you can't pick one.
The Ghibli movies are a very integral part of my childhood, they certainly taught me alot about how to wonder, and to have Imagination. Their...
*A click is heard, and the sounds of cooking are heard, quite loudly, something seems to get in front of the source of the noise from time to...
So, say that you need to get some stats about your machine, RIGHT now, and you are SSH'ed into it, and don't want to use Netdata, which I covered...
Besides Starbound I mean, What movie, show, book, or Media had the biggest impact on your life? I remember taking a philosophy class that...
I didn't realize the lilium logo had that much detail, and I like it, I didn't know you also did the New Kioni flag which I love the summery...
I do think this should be moved to off-topic.
Appreciate you. :)
I saw your message to Khaos and would like to refer you to this document:...
So I do goof, like anyone, and from time to time, make flags that I can't really place anywhere, The Black Militia flag from Bereza is one such...
I've never done an art request, that is until last night, when I got a sudden request from Ballasivus to create a flag for them. I was given what...
//Velimar posts a question in Solus Support in regards to the Solarium Reactor// What is the power output on the Medium Size reactor?