Country/Timezone: EST Why do you want to be Staff?: Because of the opening, as well as I've considered it for a while. What skills can you bring...
If you don't know what I'm talking about, look at the buttons in the bottom right corner of this post. I promise you'll see them. Can we please go...
Hey; since last time I had created this I had also created an app (which also had passed,) I thought I might just bundle the two together into one...
[/b]General Information[/b] Wal-Tok was born September 26th, 3263 in a modestly sized village. The male floran stands at 5'11", with a fairly...
General Characteristics Name: Cromulous (Caspan - at least, that's what they personally see themselves as.) Appearance: Crom has two different...
I need to take a poo.