Foreword . . . .In July of 2020, a Bittergrey Legionnaire by the name of Thorn made the mistake of picking on the emperor of Atlas. This triggered...
Foreword . . Over the course of writing my gamemaster’s guide, it occurred to me that I had a decent amount of advice I’d like to give out to...
Name: Helminglot, Language Worm, Babelbiote Description: Helminglot are a group of symbiotic worms around 16mm in length and 4mm in diameter....
Name: Glyde Gear, Wallrun Tech, Wall Glide Description: Glyde gear takes the form of gloves and boots worn by the user. When in use, they allow...
Name: Personal Hardlight Shield, Faux-Ceramic Hardlight Plates Description: The Personal Hardlight Shield itself is a sturdy box that projects...
Name: Quick Deploy Hardlight Barricades, Q.D.H.B, ‘Cuties,’ ‘Lightstrips.’ Description: Quick Deploy Hardlight Barricades are most commonly...
Name: Khalas, Crab Blood Description: Khalas is a viscous cyan fluid that is harvested from the bodies of fallen Qadim, a type of interloper...
Name: Gravity Gloves, Psycho Gauntlet, Kinesis Gloves Description: Gravity Gloves typically reach up to the wearer’s elbow, with an array of ZPEM...
//The following post can be found snaking its way through the nexus, being posted to basically any website that allows a user to post text, some...
- Hara - Astrography: Hara, White Dwarf - Ø Small asteroid belt in very close proximity to its sun. - Ø ‘The Wreck’ (Immense spaceship graveyard...
Character Name: Maur Teer Cause of Death: Beheaded in a political assassination performed by Crown of Thorns. # of Previous Clones: 0 Member...
Name: Wallcrawlers, Gecko Grips, Spider Gloves Description: Wallcrawlers are a kind of glove and boot sole, recognizable by the folded pattern...
Name: Concussion Burster, Concussion Grenade (Not that kind) Description: Concussion Bursters are a throwable weapon, equivalent to a grenade,...
- Cetera - Astrography: [IMG] Beacon - Main Sequence F Class Star - I Cota (Oceanic planet boiled in its proximity to Beacon.) - Ø Cota II...
Name: Schelorian Stew Fish Description: The Scheloran Stew Fish is a small, fat fish resembling a piranha with a wide pair of mouths. They are...
Name: Displacer Plates, Over-Armor Camo Panels Description: Displacer plates are thick invisibility panels capable of being slotted over existing...
Name: G.I.P, Gravitic Interdiction Projector, Vortex Device, Siren Module Description: A G.I.P. is a device that projects out a ‘vortex’ of...
Name: Bastion Assault Shield, Bash Shield, Gravitic Assault Aegis, GAA Description: A bastion shield is any variety of large shield that has been...
Name: Shadowveil, Gang Wraps, Ever-Shade, Veilskin Description: Shadowveil is a thin and breathable material that clings tightly to the item...
Name: Retch, Thin Dip, Spew, Universal Antitoxin, 'A life changing experience.' Description: Retch comes in three main forms; A powder, a cream,...