Name: Neuro-Synchronization Matrix, The Twisted Pairing Description: A mesh of diodes and neural-stimulation devices, similar to that in tech...
Name: Hyper-Urchins, Space-Sheafs Description: A Hyper-Urchin, or Sheaf, appears as a shimmering, green bulb drifting in space. These bulbs...
Name: Plasma Caster Sword, Hiroko Sword, Hylonime Bullshit, that Hiyodam sword that bisected that one actress Description: A Caster Sword...
Name: Zero-Point Displacement Field Weaponry, Cryo-Arms, Ice Hammers Description: While the designs of ZPDF weapons may vary, they all...
Name: Trinitroto-Gastro Glands aka Nitro-Breath, or Pyromaniac's Tongue Description: This augment appears as a set of glands, two primary ones of...
Name: Bloodhound, Scout, Detective's Eye Description: The bloodhound is a small, spherical drone that appears to be a panoramic camera of sorts...
// An advertisement finds itself circulating in some circles of the fringe, popularizing a particular site in the underground of Baldr. // [IMG]...
//On the subscription-based service dubbed Nexeon is a brand-new power-armor/ship centric account.// [IMG] Subscribers: 12 Select Membership...
Name: Xinodus Vanocyclic Power Cell Description: Vanocyclic cells are rather uniform in appearance, though they may vary in size (usually no...
// Several ads crop up on forums, news sites, image boards, and streaming services across the fringe. Each present some variation of a minecart...
[IMG] First name: Charlie Surname: Luo (Vodovotov) Age: Old. Race: Augmented Human Vampyr. Gender: Female. Relationship status: Polyamourous....
Name: Holomization Warper Description: If you about to die it makes you turn inot tachyons and you teleporter to your ship and you are safe and...
First name: Zarta Surname: Hodunk Age: 29 Race: Shifter (formerly Deadbeat) Gender: Identifies Female Relationship status: It's complicated....
IkedaMemorial.nex/scp-signup // Advertised on Havenite platforms, a link floats around pointing to this nexus page on the Ikeda Memorial Hospital...
RoCPost.nex = Republic of Canada Post = Largest Recorded Blizzard In Albertan History // A recent Republic of Canada headline has spread pretty...
Name: Neuro Imprinter Description: The neuro imprinter consists of two different devices. Firstly, the implant. This implant is designed to be...
Name: Striker Hands/Fists Description: Striker fists are a set of implants set into the hands and arms of an organic individual. They're...
gobobobo momgobombra hocus bandwagon pocus give me- ah- give me the thonks give them, they belong to me i will consume thy opinions and send them...
[IMG] * General Information * First name: Adela Middle name(s): n/a Surname: Jiriil Age: 36 (38) Date of birth: January 28th 3252 (December ?,...
Name: Funnelers, Warp Maggots, Cosmithan Warts Description: Funnelers are strange symbiotic parasites capable of facilitating FTL travel in their...