yeessz.... yes KILL..... yesss yessss yeeesss KILL kill evilly KILL KILL KILL KILL
if it's any reassurance, keeping track of multiple characters is actually pretty easy. I'm no Zecon and Dave obviously gets most of my attention...
Mir is a really good character. however, I can't help feeling like he's a bit of a self insert. not in the 'i'm gonna fulfill all my fantasies in...
Oh hell yeah. Passed
Oh hey, I've actually heard about cryptochromes before. A 2019 research article found that humans are slightly sensitive to earth's geomagnetic...
would like to see you get onserver a little more... you’re not the least active person in that area but it’s the only criticism I can think of lol
your characters are fun and rp quality is good. Only flaw I can think of is your attitude, kind of. There are a lot of situations where you don't...
named... cade edwards
named... DW003252BETA
Gotcha. Passed
Quick pending- how quickly does the drug wear off? Is stereotypical villainous behavior mandatory and guaranteed to happen, or just a very common...
what? who is this
Pending, one thing I want to clarify first- how complex of a pattern can the dye support? Could you, say, use the dye applied to a flat surface to...