Thought complete. The rest has been discussed in DMs.
Lesslyn Airgid Luidh Stùiricke II [IMG] [IMG] General Information First name: Lesslyn Middle name(s): Airgid Luidh Surname: Stùiricke II Alias:...
Original application has been heavily edited due to being relatively unclear and poorly written. Requesting a re-grade.
Re-Co-Sign from funny weird race guy
Hello yes it is me big weird race playing guy. I co-sign.
Updated enemy list.
...Barter...? [IMG] General Information Name: Null Age: Unknown Date of Birth: Unknown Sexuality: Null Nationality: Null Religion: Null Theme...
Name/Description of target: This horrible cretin [IMG] To be captured/killed/Etc: I don't personally care, just make sure they learn their...
Important note! The Drakablod and Vampyr are now a closed species- meaning you'll have to talk to me first on the lore of a character before...
//A simple job listing shows up on multiple sites, all by the same user. AURUM_SON\\ Greetings nexusers! I require a group of people with...
// User AURUM_SON leaves a comment. \\ It is great to see legends in activity. You know how to contact me! \\ End comment. // // User Ra'Viiskial...
//The author posts again.\\ Dearest Fringe-Goers, I am writing this to inform you the participants have been chosen, and know who they are. If...
//A basic website is posted, and a few ads pop up on event-advertising forums. They all read the same. "Lord Auvindictus of house VonDachn...
Could always use some vikinger robots. Cosign.
//User lkzi'oopalsk'kseai replies// ^^
Forum name: zecon125 Age: 17 Country/Timezone: America, EST. Why do you want to be Staff?: I enjoy doing things on and for the server- as seen...
// User AURUM_SON replies. // I farm them myself, so we're quite fine! //End reply.//
// User AURUM_SON replies. // I have chippens! Not sure if those will help. // End reply. //