TITLE: My Career I'm rather fond of AUTHOR: TAPE A The same, subtle distorting sound into the audio, with a moment of silence before they began...
MAXEMILE CASSETTES™ TITLE: From the Beginning. AUTHOR: TAPE A An audible sigh was heard before speaking into a dull yet comprehencable...
if you are feeling any of these symptoms from taking Viagra, please contact a doctor: Drowsiness, mild seizures, selective hardness or dumb.
---------------------------- >asset_EK-7629 {true} >failsafe {true} >system_activation >[PROCESSING...] > >[. . .] > >accessability_diverted...
Inspirational Quotes: Don't touch the floor when you walk because people leave their foot germs there.
Character Name : Aleksandr Cause of Death : Someone Shived me in the temple of my head . Previous Clones : 0 Member Vouch :...