Wishful think no more. The return has commenced.
((even though im technically already in, posting for IC reasons)) //Name: Vago C. Kepp //Race: Synthetic //Age: 84...
at the very bottom of the home page of this site is an image with the IP address. [img] If you read the guidelines and take the quiz you...
Name: Kepp Model androids, Keppbots, Vagobots, bots Description: A titanium resembling humanoid for internal support, lined with carbon fiber...
Name: V-Crystal Core, V-Core, V crystals, Description: 8 violet avian crystals cut in certain shapes and then forced together with strong...
Forum name: Dekerrex Age: 17 Country/Timezone: USA/EST Why do you want to be Staff?: I realize that when I was staff the server...
Mayhaps mayhaps. Just wait a little bit and we'll see
Reserved for Update log: stuff
Overview [IMG] Name: Vago Cornelius Kepp Pronunciation: Vay-go Cor-neel-e-us Kep Title(s): Doctor, Lord, Sir, Prime Other Aliases: Sir Cornelius,...
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