Name: Solus Weapons Description: [IMG] A Solus Katana [IMG] A Solus Warhammer Solus Weapons are weapons that have...
Name: Gravitic Impartment Long Fall Boots (GILF Boots), "Earthshakers" Description: The Earthshaker Fall Boots appear as a large set of boots...
Name: Flying Carpets / Magic Carpets Description: [IMG] Flying Carpets can appear as a variety of different designs with a variety of sizes and...
Name: Frosten Weapons Description: [img] Azra'Zult, the Frosten Scimitar used by Karnis Vaerok. What spills from his carnage is frozen...
Name: Discombobulator Anti-Armanent Grenades Description: DAA Grenades can appear as a variety of different ways depending on their creation and...
Name: Shin'kali Acid Grenades Description: Shin'kali Acid Grenades appear as a small papaya-like pod of flesh, with a frame of tough tendons...
Name: Overcharged Plasma Description: Overcharged Plasma is a different type of plasma that can be generated by 'overcharging' one's plasma weapon...
Name: Phase Matter Vacuums, Electron Suckers, "That Ghost Busters Thing", etc. Description: Phase Vacuums are large devices meant to suck in...
Name: Glitch Necromancy, reanimationDescription: [/b] [/b]Glitch Necromancy is the act of "flash repairing" dead Glitch processors,...
Name: Shin'kali BioshipsDescription: [img] Shin'kali bioships are the Shin'kali race's means of FTL transportation and fleet...
Name: [IMG] Energy Dash Tech Energy Dash Tech appears as a module attached to typically the chest region, strapped on or embedded into...
Name: Lightning Javelins Lightning javelins (or bolts) appear as long spears of energy arcing with electric current, held and...
Name: Asteria Gas, Eternacelestas Description: [IMG] (Above: A bird coated in natural Asteria Gas mixed with natural blue and green pigments)...
Name: Soul Coins Description: Soul Coins are a form of 'currency' that exists as a basic storage device for a transcripted engineered...
Name: Self-Writing Ink Description: Self-writing ink can appear as any ink of any composition or color, simply drawn onto a parchment as any...
Name: Milk-to-Bone Manufacturing, bone printing Description: Bone printing is a means of producing calcified material from raw milk of any...
Name: Heat Rays Description: Heat rays are devices that use core fragment ore and ionize it into a conical projection to form concentrated...
Name: Firstborn Observers Description: [img] (Above: Two revealed types of Firstborn Observers, hovering freely on a stand stuck...
Name: Blight Rounds Description: Blight rounds are simple bullets containing dense and pressurized black blight gas in a thinner shell...
Name: "Reincarnation" Description: The process known as 'Reincarnation' is a name for a special procedure that turns lifeforms into phase...