Last Activity:
Aug 3, 2021
May 20, 2021
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Sep 8, 1992 (Age: 32)
Home Page:
Full-Time Artist


New Arrival, 32, from USA

I'm still pretty new, getting back into Starbound for the first time since it was first released and just learned about the RP side! May 20, 2021

BM13 was last seen:
Aug 3, 2021
    1. BM13
      I'm still pretty new, getting back into Starbound for the first time since it was first released and just learned about the RP side!
      1. wango
        Welcome! Hope you have a good time here man
        May 20, 2021
        BM13 likes this.
      2. TrIpTiCuS
        Welcome! We're happy to have you here!
        May 21, 2021
        BM13 likes this.
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  • About

    Sep 8, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Home Page:
    Full-Time Artist
    Yo hey! Howdy! Welcome! Yeah!
    I haven't made a profile on a website like this in a very, very long time, haha!

    I first downloaded Starbound in 2016 or so, but hadn't gotten to play it in a very, very long time, so here I am starting over in 2021 now that I finally have a computer again that can run games! C:
    I learned it has a very extensive RP community and I love RPing, been RPing since '06, and have been looking for new places to go and new folks to meet, so here I am!

    I'm probably going to focus on just getting the hang of the game again for a wee bit before I dive into RPing, as I have a LOT to learn with the lore, about the different cultures and races and things, etc. (Last time I played, the game didn't even really have an intro! This is all so new to me here!), but if ya see me around, don't hesitate to say hey if you want! ^ ^

    See y'all on the flip side!

    General About Me:
    I'm a full-time artist with a focus in character art, traditional mediums (mainly ink), monsters/horror themes, and an adoration for character design from what you get at a first glance all the way down to who a person is from anthropology and psychology details. I've also done work in video games for concept art, script consulting, and team management, though admittedly I am still rather new and because of life issues it's been difficult picking up new projects to get more practice. As of writing this, I'm in the process of cleaning of my plate of To-Dos, working hard as a concept artist and co-producer for an indie game called Renaine, and am getting back into the swing of creating art regularly for myself to share now that that's my full-time job.

    I've been roleplaying across different forms since at minimum 2006, from tabletop roleplay games to forums to chat rooms, combat and banter, planned and off-the-cuff, narrative and short. I usually gravitate toward narrative style, as roleplaying is my main outlet for creative writing, but if there's one thing I really, really miss, it's roleplaying in online games like MMO's -- hence why I'm here! The characters I RP and design tend to go deeper than what they may appear to be, so just a heads up: there may be more to my character's history than it may appear! Who knows what they know and what they're down to do with that knowledge!
    I've mostly roleplayed original characters rooted in already existing universes (ie: Dungeons and Dragons, League of Legends (though not anymore), and a few others), so I'm excited to develop my gal in what turned out to be the expansive world of Starbound! I haven't gotten to poke around in space travel/etc. settings before, so I'm eager to see what it's like and how I can make a person with it!

    I'll often draw something when I'm inspired and usually this includes things from roleplay shenanigans, both serious and not, so I'll try to remember to share those somewhere on here if I make anything!
    I do take commissions, but please contact me to check if they're open or not if you wanna ask about it! I might not be accepting at the time.

    That's all I can think of! Thanks for reading!

    Whatever RP stuff I have currently:
    Name: Lymen
    Race: Novakid
    Personality & Demeanor: Upbeat, easily intrigued, curious, adventurous and perhaps a bit too gung-ho at times. Sometimes the walking epitome of "I make very calculated decisions, but boy am I bad at math." She's learning, though.
    She has a heart of gold and a strong sense of justice. As far as she is concerned, no one's a stranger and everyone's a friend waiting to happen, though this doesn't mean she's unwary around said strangers, simply friendly to anyone who could be a friendly face.
    She's quite fond of spelunking and talking to strangers.She has an interest in history, but it's less about history itself and more the effort and dedication behind recording and preserving such that interests her; history itself she can't seem to keep her attention on, no matter how much she insists that she can.
    General appearance: On the taller side, but not towering, simply a tall gal with a big personality. She likes to dress well, but not because she likes to look good. He just likes the look, wearing nicer clothes such as her buttoned up vest and button down shirt very casually.

    **This is very much so a work in progress! (So much so that, as I write this line, I've just learned the idea I had for her is actually just how Novakid are apparently? That's hilarious, I love these funky gas doods). I'm updating and brushing things up as I read and learn more about the lore, so expect things to be changing up a lot here for a while, kinda like a publicly-viewable notepad.**