// On Xander Nehusia \\

Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by zecon125, Feb 23, 2021.

  1. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // A post is made across various sites and forums simultaneously, posted by none other then Lesslyn Airgid Luidh Stùiricke II \\
    . . It is important to know that I write this as someone who had once called Alexander ‘Xander’ Nehusia an employee, and a friend. I do not like the fact I feel the need to write this, but it has become clear that he is not someone who can be trusted, and this is one of few ways to inform the larger Fringe of his true nature.
    . . Some of you might recognize Xander as a notable mercenary within the West Fringe, occasionally making appearances as the guard for Winston’s, but the truth of him lies much deeper than what can be noted on the surface. Xander is a man who does not care for the lives of those who he meets- Sucking them dry of their use to him, and throwing them aside, often breaking their hearts in the process.
    . . First we come to note his pitiful hobby of adultery, where he will interject himself into a happy relationship, and make sure that it can not stay that way. He has done this on both sides- Famously, he bedded the girlfriend of Senator Giorno Guanciale, a crime for which he paid the ultimate price. This did not prevent him from coming back simply to ruin the union of Caleb Carpenter and Robin Flynn, breaking apart a marriage that served as the backbone for R&G Requisitions. Most recently, he's broken the heart of one of my employees, a man I leave nameless both for respect for him, and his own safety.- I do not believe Xander is above trying to quiet these loose ends.

    Once is a mistake. Twice is a repeated blunder. Thrice is malicious. Do you wish to be the fourth?​

    . . Despite the fact I have called him a ‘Mercenary’ prior, Xander has proven many times that even in his profession, he is inept.- Lacking both any idea of professionalism and any care for his reputation. He is liable to spike prices for no reason, cancel mid-job, or even suddenly decide that what had once been a simple act of good is now a job. And what does he do when he comes to such a conclusion? Tries to sick any of his few remaining connections on you, in an attempt to strong arm the money that he has only now decided you owe him out of you. Somehow, he finds himself well connected enough to continue carrying out these threats.
    . . And these supposed connections are treated as nothing but cheap assets, to be consumed and then thrown away when he decides he is bored of them, or they no longer hold use- This is not helped by his tendency to bite the hand that feeds him at every possible step. He expects you to help him, and then pay him for the courtesy of his time.
    . . It is important you do not let his apparently extensive resume fool you, either. Apparently, he found his way into being a senator's bodyguard. Someone I had thought that I could respect. I can only conclude this is out of the ignorance as to his true intentions. This man should not be entrusted protecting state secretst and the life of our leaders.
    . . In conclusion, Alexander Nehusia is a man who will fuck your wife, make you pay for his time, and then threaten you with violence should you choose not to. Among the mercenaries one could hire, he is pitiful. Among the friends one could have, he stands alone at the bottom of the bin. Among the lovers, he has a uniquely terrible record. I am left to assume that he is something to be fond of in bed, but I value my current relationship enough to leave that up to speculation. Perhaps that is his one talent.
  2. SilverGallium

    SilverGallium No-Bark Noonan Impervium Donator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    //User Gold likes the post on at least one of the public forums it shows up on.//
  3. dzalamaj

    dzalamaj Galactic Prodige

    Dec 13, 2020
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    // User “brotherofneron” posts a comment on one of the forums the post is on. //
    being an experienced resident of the fringe j got to say alexander nehuisa is one of the few people that act professional but when it comes to action cries at the thought of taking an injury
    i asked him to cut off a pinky for safety reasons and he cried and begged me to not cut off his pinky

    for real anyone that hires him is a dumbass why would you hire a man that can only pretend to be good

    if anyone knows location of mr xander and has a beef with him then hit me up
    TriReef, Khaos and ThatCabbage like this.