Were-OC question thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Alias, Feb 9, 2021.

  1. Alias

    Alias Galactic Citizen

    Jul 17, 2017
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    You're approached by two men in black suits with a briefcase who have an offer for you: They will hand you the briefcase, containing 1,000,000 USD in cash, if you drink some concoction they hand you. The intended purpose is not stated, but you are given the assurance that the drink itself will not harm you, and they or the organization they represent will take no action that brings you harm.

    The side effect of this serum is that on the full moon, you undergo a lycanthrope-like transformation into your most played character. During this time you keep your own memories and gain the physical characteristics of the character, as well as acquiring the mental knowledge of the character, but you are mentally the character.

    Do you accept this offer, and why or why not? Tag people when you answer!

    Bonus Caveats (if you wish):
    You can answer with more than one character!
    Anyone else who agrees undergoes the same affliction in the same Earth timespan.
    Cheffy and Pinkbat5 like this.
  2. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    I would, instantly, with Zelis, Blair, and Kaiko. As for what they'd do during that time...

    Zelis would get drunk, cry, and then if he figured out that Kristina might be around too, try to get to her so they can solve this.

    Blair, would be confused for a moment, think, and then probably try to make my (our?) lives better with the cash.

    Kaiko, upon learning of the truth of things. Would instantly head out to buy some honey, steal some drugs, get fucked up to shit at a club and try to find someone to bang before the night was over.

    Last edited: Feb 9, 2021
    Pinkbat5 likes this.
  3. Mir

    Mir The Kentucky Fried Cyborg Impervium Donator

    Jun 19, 2019
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    I would with Mir, yeah.

    He'd probably just... be sad, honestly. His friends and loved ones are what keep him going, so if he was all alone without any of them in our world, he'd probably cry for awhile thinking about what all he's gone through, and wondering if he'd ever see any of them again.

    And then the second time it happens, and he realizes it's only temporarily and he gets to head back afterwards, he'd probably just play video games to pass the time until he gets to see the people he cares about again.

    uh @Khaos
  4. Exon

    Exon Galactic Enforcer

    Sep 25, 2020
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    Mine would probably be either Dox, Ry or Aria, given how much I play each of them fluctuates. Aria's probably the most interesting of them, so I'll talk about her.

    Aria would immediately set to work figuring out what's happened, because unfamiliar surroundings are weird. She figures out what's happened quickly - repeatedly, I've established she studies Earth history as a hobby, so this would come into play. When she figures it out, she takes the time to nerd out a bit and take a look around the Internet to get more direct information on these things.
  5. Dorfus

    Dorfus Sword Fiend

    Jun 26, 2017
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    well considering Naru would look like a literal shiny pokemon in real life people's eyes, if I turned into him every full moon night either he'd probably hide at home or go out into the forest to start a new life.

    much like many characters in this thread however, he'd be freaked out at suddenly having appeared in a new, unknown world without his loved ones, and thus would try to find a way to get out and return to his home. I imagine this would inevitably end up with him coming into contact with someone which means he'd end up getting kidnapped by some research organization for being a literal bipedal deer-fox who can also talk. essentially, I'd end up in some shady laboratory, most likely.
  6. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I'd absolutely accept.
    The were-Dave I would become wouldn't exist long enough to remember that his loved ones don't exist in this universe. He'd put on the one vampire jacket I own IRL (it'd fit him), effortlessly crawl out my bedroom window, and either go to some late-night fine dining restaurant or break into my favorite sushi shop and eat all the raw fish. I probably wouldn't benefit from this in any way, but whatever he does wouldn't be able to be traced back to me, and it'd make for some *extremely* entertaining headlines. I also wouldn't have to worry about him getting me injured, because he has a qarin, laser implants and combat experience. It'd be very hard to hurt him on 21st century earth.

    Were-CE, on the other hand:
    were-CE would be stuck.

    Khaos, Cheffy, Exon and 1 other person like this.
  7. Exon

    Exon Galactic Enforcer

    Sep 25, 2020
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    dying. dead. holy shit.
  8. Z3R0

    Z3R0 New Arrival

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Hell yeah, I'd accept.
    Spectra would be scared and confused at first, but this would eventually give in to curiosity. Next time it happens, however, she realizes that the effect is only temporary, and opts to cause as much trouble as she can knowing that she'll be whisked away to the future the moment the night ends. By the end of the experiment, she's on the watchlist of every major government, and almost everybody she's come in contact with ends up hating her.
    Lyssa starts out the same way as Spectra. She tries calling Mikhail Kostis for help, but is unable to. A few onlookers are surprised by her appearance, and with every increasing night, more and more people become aware of her existence. Eventually, she's taken in by a research group, who perform tons of horrific unethical experiments on her. By the end, Lyssa's a broken, trauma-stricken nervous wreck, while Spectra ends up having the time of her life tormenting people without having to worry about suffering from any consequences.