Psionics Update 2

Discussion in 'News' started by PrivateNomad, Feb 5, 2021.

  1. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    • Added some wiki articles to expand on existing concepts.
    • Added a new section to the psion app template for the appearance of the psion's flux. This is purely aesthetic and exists just to make you think about it, since how your flux looks is an important aspect of their characterization. Apps made before this change don't need to be updated unless you want to.
    • Added a bunch of new common abilities. If you want your psion to have one of these or learn them in the future, please contact your graders. Some abilities like Tulpa Creation or Minor Creation are very easy to pick up if your psion has an aptitude that is or close to those ability's subjects.
      • Neuroinvasion
        • Flux Intent Projection - The psion subconsciously exerts their feelings or intent to those in physical contact with their flux. Passively, this is a more subtle effect than emotion mirroring, and can be best described as an 'aura' that can cause subtle feelings such as warmness, discomfort, anxiety, or even feel the psion's subconscious motives or murderous intent. This ability becomes significantly stronger if the psion is actively generating flux, and is passively blocked or dampened by another psion's flux. Flux can be fully directed at a person to intensify the feeling like an emotional 'attack'.
        • Headspace - The psion can create and maintain a vivid mental environment through imaginative neuroinvasive enhancement of ordinary visualization techniques. This space can look like anything they want and can even store specific memories or mental notes, and can be inhabited by any tulpas or alternate personalities the psion has. The psion can 'space out' while awake to enter this mental space, and can visit the mental space in their dreams. A psion's headspace can provide a potential avenue for new abilities. A headspace could potentially be developed from trauma or from a desire to escape from reality.
        • Psychocomputation - The psion has developed a fair number of very basic tulpa subroutines that serve to facilitate mental math, allowing the psion to 'calculate' potentially large and complex mathematical functions with ease.
        • Perceptive Hallucination - The psion causes those susceptible to neuroinvasion that perceive them to perceive false sensory information about the psion, such as having their face blotted out, looking different, or other sensory hallucinations like the psion sounding or smelling different than they actually do. This ability cannot be used to mimic another character, and the hallucination does not hold up to touch. Weaker versions of this ability only work in passing, the illusion breaking down when the psion gets someone's attention, but stronger versions can work even to close inspection.
        • Tulpa Creation - Basic neuroinvasion technique. The psion can create a tulpa, an independent mental being.
        • Metacognition (memory) - The psion can learn more about their own minds than they would know on a normal basis, allowing them to easily recall memories to a photographic extent. They can memorize long strings of numbers or other sequences with ease, and can fairly easily recall facts they learn about a topic.
        • Metacognition (substances) - The psion is aware of the effects and presence of mind-affecting substances on their brain such as neurotoxins or drugs.
        • Flux Scanning - The psion can detect a property of an object that is inside of their flux. A beginner psion's flux can expand to a sphere of up to 15 feet, though this can expand with practice, as with the number of properties that can be detected. Blocked by solid walls. The list of properties you can choose from is the following:
          • Mass
          • Density
          • Velocity and acceleration
          • Shape and volume
          • Temperature
          • Texture
        • Sonokinesis - The psion can create vibrations in the air to create sounds within a certain range. This can be used to achieve certain effects such as making their voice boom loudly, make a sound appear within a certain spot in range, or replicating sounds.
        • Flux Forcefield - The psion hardens their flux and turns it into a material similar to a forcefield that shrouds their body. The forcefield can either dampen kinetic or energy damage at first, and uses substantial amounts of flux to do so. Grader specifies what kind of armor it is equivalent to, and how many instances of damage it can take before the psion is completely drained of flux; metacreators will be best at it, with the average for a metacreator being equivalent to medium armor (either kinetic or energy resistant) for up to eight instances of damage before the psion runs out of flux.
        • Photogenesis - The psion can metacreate photons from flux to perform various harmless effects such as creating harmless lasers, bright lights, or make parts of themselves or objects glow.
        • Psychic Holograms - An advanced application of photon creation in which a psion suspends metacreated photons from their flux in a 3D lattice to create holograms using only their flux and imagination, allowing them to create certain visual effects.
        • Flux Drawing - Use your flux to make marks or draw messages. Unless flux is given qualities to make it visible, messages are only visible with cuilsight. Lasts longer the more flux is put into it, from hours to weeks.
        • Minor Creation - Basic metacreation technique. The psion can metacreate faux matter replicas of a mundane object (like a cup). The result depends on the psion’s own subconscious definition and perceptions of what the object is, with visualization training possible to hone down their idea of the object to make it more accurate. With training, more mundane objects can be created. Objects with moving parts are harder to make, and objects might not necessarily resemble their real counterparts on the inside (for example, a flashlight would still emit light, but wouldn’t have any electronic components or batteries inside of it). See faux matter lore for more information.
    Bulphrog, WowGain, PadLock and 2 others like this.
  2. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Update 2.5
    • New common abilities listed for basic techniques. You do not need to list these as abilities, as it can be expected that every trained psion has these. These were listed as common abilities to make them easier to reference.
    • Basic Techniques - You do not need to ask your graders or list these as a common ability to use these, since they are basic techniques that almost every psion has with some exceptions (for example, newly forcibly awakened psions probably wont know how to expel flow and might only inspire flux accidentally, though these techniques can be learned fairly naturally.) All psions have Anomaly Detection.
    • Expel Flow - The psion enters an extended state where they subconsciously expel anomalous flow away from themselves instead of allowing it to shroud them. This gives a very small cuil resistance, prevents the psion from generating flux, and causes all flux the psion is currently sustaining in their reserve to dissipate. While in expelled flow, the psion cannot be detected as a psion but they cannot use their abilities and have no flux reserve. Expelled flow also prevents abilities from involuntarily manifesting. When not in a state of expelled flow, a psion is always in shrouded flow, allowing them to use abilities and passively or actively generate flux.
    • Inspire Flux - The psion concentrates and actively generates larger amounts of flux for use in abilities by reverberating anomalous flow like guitar strings, forcing reality to correct itself. Every psion inspires flux in different ways, generally an act that can be done either consciously or subconsciously; some psions accidentally generate flux through raw unbridled emotion, whereas others may generate it through careful meditation or reaffirmations of their desires and beliefs. It takes two hours of inspiring flux to recharge a full depleted flux reserve, though intense inspiration such as through extremely powerful emotions can produce more flux. You cannot inspire flux while actively focusing on another ability.
    • Anomaly Detection - The psion can detect active psionic abilities, nearby psions, and anomalies.
    • Cuilsight - Advanced flux manipulation technique in which a psion condenses their flux into a solid 'lens' in front of their eyes, allowing them the ability to perceive flux, anomalous flow, and invisible flux constructs. Making flux solid is a difficult task, and beginners can only see blurred images as if they were looking through a film of water. As they train this ability more, the image becomes clearer and it becomes easier to maintain. Cuilsight in this way is an ability that must be consciously activated, and takes considerable concentration to maintain.
    WowGain, Bulphrog and Cheffy like this.
  3. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    lol update 2.6
    • Added cuil walking to common abilities
      • Genetic (true) cuilwalking
      • Aberrant faux cuilwalking
      • Metamanipulative faux cuilwalking
    • Inspiring flux now grants minor resistance to negative cuils. Prolonged inspiration of flux can potentially cause minor cuil sickness.
    • Added veilsight as an ESP common ability.
    WowGain and Teldrassil like this.
  4. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    • Specified that you can only awaken with one common ability or one apped unique ability. You can awaken alongside certain passive common abilities listed as such: molecule detection, flux intent projection, clairgustance, clairalience, veilsight, molecule creation, and photogenesis.
    • Info on awakening events
    • Info on training and developing abilities
    WowGain likes this.
  5. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Just a slight change to the application template to reflect above stuff
    Edit if you wish.
    WowGain likes this.
  6. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Added two new common abilities, and the indirect inclusion of metacreated spaces into the lore:
    • Healing - The psion forces rapid tissue regeneration in the wounds of themselves or others, causing them to rapidly heal and return to a normal state with some scarring. With time and care, can also be used to perform regenerative feats such as reattaching limbs. Generally less effective against species with different biology than the psion.
    • Pocket Space - The psion has metacreated a small manifold of space anchored to their parietal lobe. Using flux, they can shunt objects to and from the pocket space.
    As per usual, speak with your graders if you want your psion to have one of these abilities.
    WowGain likes this.
  7. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Updated the wiki pages for neuroinvasion and and metamanipulation to add info on how neuroinvasion and biokinesis respectively affect other species and biochemistries. Note the same for neuroinvasion applies to clairsentience.
    WowGain likes this.
  8. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Pinkbat5 and WowGain like this.
  9. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    • Some wiki pages:
      • Added Manifests - Manifests are non-euclidean spatial anomalies; they can exist naturally and they can be metacreated.
      • Added Headspaces - Just writing lore for a fairly popular common ability.
      • Added Postmortem Psionics - Establishing psionics after death.
      • Added Cuilsight - Lore for a common ability. Also, cuilsight is an ESP ability now instead of just being flux manipulation, so espers will have the easiest time learning and using it.
      • Added Defiants - Psionic ghosts twisted by a deadly psionic awakening.
      • Added Anomalous Material Properties - Describes how some materials conduct flux or emit cuils. Noble metals and prisilite conduct flux. Also, ionic crystals such as salt are a flux insulator.
      • Updated Tulpas - Clarified that tulpas are usually non-psionic once created.
      • Rewrote Public Knowledge - Completely rewrote the public knowledge section of the psionics lore to better represent the topic. I suggest you reread it.
    • Added new common ability: Flux Shaping (Metacreation) - Flux shaping allows one to consciously (or with enough time and practice, passively) change the appearance of their flux. It is extremely easy for metacreators to learn.
    • Added new common ability: Ghostsight (ESP) - Ghostsight is a common ability that allows one to see invisible phase matter.
    • Updated common ability: Inspire Flux. Inspiring flux now grants a much larger burst of flux after a state of being in expelled flow. This makes expelling flow less punishing for not having a flux pool, since you can regenerate it more easily now. Also added in how much flux inspiration generates.
    WowGain, Ryanatorx and ThatCabbage like this.
  10. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    • Added awakening and changed how abilities are developed
      • New wiki page for Awakening. This is the new official lore.
      • Abilities are developed differently as well; the details are in the new Awakening wiki page, but the gist is this: most abilities require a smaller awakening in order to be utilized to their full potential. By training in the traditional means, you are essentially conditioning your brain to awaken in a certain way so that when put into that kind of situation, you can awaken that ability. Awakening a fully realized ability must be done in roleplay; this change was mostly done to clarify what "training" an ability entails, and to put in a hard RP requirement in order to acquire most new abilities, similar to how a psion awakens in the first place. Some abilities such as very passive sensory abilities may not acquire this, or abilities that are similar to a psion's existing abilities.
    • Added dissonance
      • New wiki page for Dissonance
      • Dissonance is the inherent incompatibility between a psion's anomalous brain and their physical bodies. If a psion develops a lot of complex abilities, they may acquire dissonance, which can have various negative effects on their body, brain, or psionics. Dissonance is assigned by psionic graders, so you don't have to worry about the specifics.
        • Dissonance was added as a way to balance out psions that have a large number of abilities and strong abilities, and to emphasize more that psionics is a dangerous force (but an interesting danger from an OOC writing standpoint).
    Cheffy, Ryanatorx and ThatCabbage like this.
  11. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Not necessarily psionics, but I'll post them here since its related to anomaly.
  12. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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  13. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    New common ability:
    • Trace Detection (ESP) - Upon close inspection of an object and activation of this ability, a psion is able to detect a flux trace inside that object, allowing them to utilize the Law of Contagion for other abilities. If they have perceived the flux of another psion before, then they can recognize any of that psion's traces as belonging to them. Must be learned once the psion is aware of the Law of Contagion.
      • Trace Detection is a prerequisite ability for any ability that utilizes the Law of Contagion. It must be learned or taught, meaning you cannot awaken with it.
  14. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Added Evocation lore for binding lesser creatures to your service, and forming dangerous and costly contracts for power...
  15. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Declassified some older lore that we decided to make public:
  16. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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  17. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    New Common Ability: Comprehend Languages - The psion reads output from the Broca's area of people within range, allowing them to understand any language spoken by susceptible people.