to people whose hobby is art/sketching etc

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by dzalamaj, Jan 19, 2021.

  1. dzalamaj

    dzalamaj Galactic Prodige

    Dec 13, 2020
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    what did you inspire your art style from? i'm not talking about plagiat, i think every amateur/professional artist has a moment where they think "i love those lines, this is what makes me gasp", same with shades, overall concept of perception et cetera.
    i will start to give you a glimpse what i mean:
    the most thing i've got inspiration from are illustrations (from jan marcin szancer if anyone's intersted) from a polish children's book called "gospoda pod upiorkiem" (rough translation is "inn under a wight/wight's in" i think):
    the work of shades, colors and unrealistic anatomy of the characters were always a wonder for me, that something so messy can look so magical.

    another one, from my early days of sketching and starting to become more skilled than stickmans with smiley faces, is jamie hewlett that designed gorillaz:
    his art's facial expressions along with their dynamic postures are something i want to accomplish one day, to keep the abstract look with eye-flooding energy aura.
    and the last one and with the least impact is oda eiichiro, creator of one piece:
    i love that he manages to keep the raw simplicity and yet blow your mind with unexpected details sometimes.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2021
    TriReef likes this.
  2. dzalamaj

    dzalamaj Galactic Prodige

    Dec 13, 2020
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    i want to post more szancer's sketches/illustrations i can't resist it
    TriReef likes this.
  3. Dorfus

    Dorfus Sword Fiend

    Jun 26, 2017
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    weeb shit lol
    Cheffy likes this.
  4. dzalamaj

    dzalamaj Galactic Prodige

    Dec 13, 2020
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    you're officially dead
  5. Roren

    Roren Galactic Citizen

    Jul 13, 2018
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    i have no definitive style, but if i had to take inspiration, it's all from shitposts with a tiny bit from stuff i like
    dzalamaj likes this.
  6. Dorfus

    Dorfus Sword Fiend

    Jun 26, 2017
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    in all seriousness now

    technically what I said at first was right - my inspiration is basically weeb shit

    BUT I can specify (mainly to humor the pole, also because I'm actually not on my phone now)

    one of my BIG inspirations was berserk by kentaro miura, yeah I know haha funny but tbh it's because of it that I draw (i think) pretty good looking arms most of the time, also why a lot of my characters are ripped, I love the clean-ish yet still rough artstyle it has



    moreover I'm a massive fan of ancient japanese yokai and spirits, especially their designs - hence why my rantori has these weird marks on him and my bittergray has a demon mask and samurai-ish armor, I just think it looks cool as fuck, and I use it as a type of aesthetic very regularly


    im talking like I know shit but I've been drawing seriously for like half a year at most so most of it is just me looking at stuff I like in terms of design and sometimes applying it to my stuff if I think it would make sense lol
    crumchy and dzalamaj like this.
  7. majo

    majo Magical Girl Ex-Staff

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Hi my name is Majo and I am an art nerd. Allow me to go on at length about the things that have artistically inspired me. I'll try to keep it simple by just, posting some of my favorite pieces under a spoiler with the name of the artist in the label.

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    lets see can i think of anything else...
    nope! i think thats all. at least, that i can think of
    TriReef, WowGain and dzalamaj like this.