Fire Burp - Deferred

Discussion in 'Deferred' started by dzalamaj, Jan 25, 2021.

  1. dzalamaj

    dzalamaj Galactic Prodige

    Dec 13, 2020
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    Name: Fire Projectile Mechanism (In slang, Fire Burp hehe i'm so funny)

    Description: As it's an internal augment, not much of external modifications are seen, except for the igniter replacing user's tooth and a metal atomizer sprayer at the palate, pointing outwards.

    Abilities: Ability to let out short clouds of fire from the mouth, resembling the famous entertainment technique: [​IMG]

    Conditional Abilities (Optional):
    • You can light a candle from a distance.
    • Ability to light up flammable materials from a certain distance, if enough fluid is delivered.
    • Surprise attack for anyone who doesn't know the user possesses such augment.

    • Available only for robots/androids/synthetic only, as the heat would significantly damage an organic's oral cavity. It would also interrupt their oral system, because of the lung's positioning.
    • The flame can be sustained for maximum 3 seconds, as longer use would start damaging even robotic parts.
    • The flame's radius is no longer than 4ft.
    • After long term use, overall damage of the oral cavity starts to appear, because the heat takes it's toll either way. Repairs are advised every two months of regular use.

    Conditional Limitations (Optional):
    • Without any flammable fluid, a flame cannot be made.
    • As the igniter is resided where the tooth is, a punch into the face can damage the igniter. It makes the same result as lack of the fluid.
    • Misproper use, for an example in rapid movement of the head, can cause the flame to burn person's lips.
    How does it work: In a person's throat is installed an augmented silicon "lung" with a round metal hatch, big enough to fill 1.5L of fluid. It has a round metal hatch for the throat, so that a person can drink any flammable liquid and it ends up in the bag. After the injection the hatch closes. The lung has a small pipe going up and ending at the person's palate. The lung has an ability to squeeze itself, transporting the liquid in high pressure to the end of the pipe, where it's sprayed outside of the person's mouth. The liquid meets with the igniter installed instead of a person's tooth where it transforms into a ball of fire.

    Flavor text: As it's not a complicated concept, lots of people throughout the galaxy use this augment. One of the examples is Caligula, which bought and installed it from an unknown vendor at the Fringe's outskirts.

    Attainability: Open.

    Tags: [Military]
    Category: Prosthetics.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2021
    Caucasian Asian likes this.
  2. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Hey, I'll be grading this app today.
    I could see this as being app-worthy if it were for organics, but you've specified that this is an augment specific to synthetic lifeforms. For that reason the process becomes way more simple given they're far more compatible with those kinds of things, and I'm just going to give it a deferral. It'll be moved to denied, but that doesn't mean you can't use this. Just that it does not require an application so long as things like range and temperature and other limitations are kept within reason, which this does.

    If you have questions about future augments and whether or not they'd need an application, feel free to DM me and I can determine that for you.
    Khaos and dzalamaj like this.
  3. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Moved to deferred because we have a deferred section now