
Discussion in 'Planets & Organizations' started by Caucasian Asian, Jan 23, 2021.

  1. Caucasian Asian

    Caucasian Asian p̵̈́̾̀͂̈́́̆̆̋͐́́̀̇͗́̍͝ Ex-Staff Impervium Donator

    Jun 28, 2017
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    The Falar System

    Köekjan - Main System Star
    Köekjar - Secondary Star

    • Falar-56690 — (A small, oxidized planet. Barely habitable. No known life on it. Rich in precious metals. Could possibly be inhabited with better technology.)

    • Falar-56691/Falahal — (Habitable. Rich in transition and moderately rich in precious metals. Various amounts of larger species. Consists of two main continents: Laarton and Gülton. Laarton is mainly a desert, connecting to an arctic region in the north and a tropical/prairie region in the south via multiple land bridges. Gültan has a much larger cold region, being vastly higher above the sea level than Laarton. It is mountainous and cold, with only a small desert region towards Falahal’s equator. Both areas are rich in mining resources.)

    • Falar-56691-A and B — (Erchius-poor moon. Has not been touched by Falahal’s people. It has a very jagged terrain. B is much more rich in Erchius than A.)

    • Falar-56692 — (Uninhabitable gas giant. It has a red and pale yellow (phosphorus-based atmosphere) color to it, and strong winds blow all throughout it. Rich in metals/materials that require better technology to acquire.)

    • Falar-56692-A-AA — (27 moons. All are fairly productive in Erchius. Lots of them are cold and barren, with their fair share of Erchius deposits around.)

    The Falar System is a pretty hard find in itself, as it is very distant from most advanced colonies. Most of the life in the system is based in Falahal. There is great diversity in the flora and fauna--except the sentient kind. The only sentient diversity are the Glitch and Humans, although the Humans are the majority now. Most of their technology is medieval, but they have a good understanding of renewable sources of power and electricity.


    Two main continents on the planet--Laarton (Western) and Gülton (Eastern). In Laarton, there are three main areas: the arctic, the desert, and the grassy region. All three of these are smaller, divided continents, but they are connected by multiple, large land bridges.

    The arctic is extremely cold, having plants meant to withstand cold weather and fruits with antifreeze properties. The animals are large and coated with thick furs. This area is particularly rich in metals, most smaller villages in the area basing their work around mining for the mint or the blacksmiths. Some people do hunt animals for their furs, however. This is the home of Colkirk, a now-public trading village for all sorts of goods that might have been mined, killed, skinned, or crafted. Lots of people there are artisans in their craft--tailors, jewelers, blacksmiths, and brewers.

    The desert, despite being dry, is much more full of life than one would expect. It has many oases sprinkled through the sands, fresh and clean water flowing through them. The Falahalian Bees are responsible for the pollination and growth of these. The main businesses in the desert are fruit, spices, and honey.

    The southern region starts with a prairie, flat and grassy with smaller forms of life. The trees to the tropical region are even visible from the land bridge. After taking one of the many cut-out horse paths through the grass, the tropics are available. There, you’ll find extremely large flora and even larger fauna. The Gargantus is a good example of the animal life there. Although not as rich in metal deposits, it is richer in minerals. Gems and salts mainly come from the few cave systems underneath the area, and the single mountain in the center of the tropics is the main standing point for an empire.


    Falahal has only been fully noticed for around two to three years, after the arrival of Gulvar Frosthand into the Fringe. Not much is publicly known about Falahal, besides the fact that they have a Latin-based language as well as old Terran literature. Most of the history within Falahal is located in its temples and the ruins of older generations under the ground, but they are hidden behind the wall of Falahal’s native language.

    Even if much is not known about Laarton, it is publicly known that there is a large war, mainly among two Idols.

    There has been outside meddling in Falahal, with old, broken tech being teleported onto the surface. Falahal is more advanced than most medieval civilizations, having primitive cybernetics made from Glitch parts and plasma-based weaponry in Gülton.

    Gülton is also a mystery--even to the natives of Laarton. It was only discovered a year ago after previous beliefs that their planet was flat and encased in a thick, protective layer of water. The Laartonese believed that the stars were the souls of their fallen brothers and sisters in arms, having passed the watery
    casing of Falahal and reached the holy land of Köe.
    Dwarfman Alfoldrous likes this.
  2. Caucasian Asian

    Caucasian Asian p̵̈́̾̀͂̈́́̆̆̋͐́́̀̇͗́̍͝ Ex-Staff Impervium Donator

    Jun 28, 2017
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    Location and Population
    Located in the Northern region of Laarton, jointly guarded by the Idol of Priesthood, Empress Atarah, and the Idol of Honor, Sir Frosthand. For around 71 years, it has been one of the main trading hubs in Northern Laarton because of its location on the map. It feeds directly between two of the major trading routes from Frosthand’s Fortress of Honor, all the way to the Idol of Wealth’s walled-off empire.

    It is roughly the size of New York City, although not as populated. It has almost 1,500 people living in it.

    Colkirk started as a simple hunting village with only a few hundred people that called it home. At its start, it was owned entirely by the Idol of Honor. Even with the trading route being put on the southern outskirts of this small village, it was only home to travelers for a day or two. They occasionally bartered, sold food and even rooms to willing traders and travelers alike. It gained its popularity, however, from the legend of Sir Rigel.

    A bronze statue in the town’s center can be seen of a knight, standing on a pile of demon-like bodies with a sword buried in the pile. The legends say that this statue was erected in honor of Sir Rigel, former respected Idol of Honor. Around 60 years ago, creatures began spawning from a single, dark gate in Colkirk. They did many vile things to the people there, and Sir Rigel was the first to answer. He and his group of knights spent hours trying to quell the scourge currently invading Colkirk. Sir Rigel took it upon himself to move into the portal alone. Once he charged in through the horde, the portal closed.

    After word of his heroism spread throughout Falahal, many flocked there to see the statue and help with its construction. With all of the new faces coming around, many saw the opportunity to expand their inns and build a large mead hall. Rapid expansion occurred and Colkirk was soon the largest trading hub in all of Laarton.

    After the recent events of the war going on between the Idol of Lust (Lord Mannering) and the Idol of Honor, the Idol of Priesthood took control of Colkirk in order to assist the Idol of Honor in his war effort. With his return, the Idol of Priesthood and the Idol of Honor jointly control it.