Ranged Armaments Ion-Smoke

Discussion in 'Approved' started by TrIpTiCuS, Jan 13, 2021.

  1. TrIpTiCuS

    TrIpTiCuS Galactic Enforcer

    Jun 30, 2017
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    Name: Ion-Smoke, Storm Grenades, Killbot Kooker, Electricata Granadada


    A mech stomps through a cramped cityscape, laying down suppressive fire between various alleyways. An unseen hostile soldier leaps onto the mech from one of the nearby buildings, intending on popping open the hatch and eliminating the pilot. However, as soon as he hears the soldier land on the cabin, the pilot deploys its smoke launchers. A thick, putrid green smoke quickly envelops the mech which begins flashing with electricity. Soon, the unwanted hitchhiker drops onto the asphalt, dead.

    A shootout between two gangs in a parking garage starts to turn ugly. One of the gang members, a hylotl, decides retreating is the best move. He pulls a pale white canister from his jacket, covers his nose and mouth with his shirt then pulls the pin. From the top sprays a dark, green smog. He quickly throws it over the car he was using as cover before motioning to his gang to run. The grenade pops, and electrified smoke quickly fills the garage. Some of the opposing gang fall dead, others manage to retreat, coughing up blood as they run.

    Ion-Smoke usually comes in the form of small handheld or loaded grenades, often cylindrical in form. Inside the grenade there’s a smoke producing compound, as well as an electromagnet and onboard battery. On the front of handheld grenades there’s a lever which is to be held down before throwing.

    When the pin is pulled the top begins bellowing out tremendous amounts of a thick, greenish-black smoke. Shortly after being thrown, shot or otherwise primed the cloud will begin pulsing with shocks of electricity that arcs throughout it.

    • Two war crimes for the price of one!: The gas cloud is primarily made up of chlorine and can shock people within it.
    • Shock-cloud: The cloud emits a continuous series of electric pulses. For as long as a person is in the cloud they’ll be shocked with the strength of a taser.
    • Smokescreen: The cloud is completely opaque and quickly fills up a space, making it useful for obscuring people or objects. The smoke can cover an area of 3 metres in diameter in enclosed, wind free conditions and 1.5-2 metres in exposed conditions, depending on the wind. It takes the grenade only 3 seconds after the fuse runs out to cover this space.

    Conditional Abilities (Optional):
    • Toxic: The cloud is highly toxic to most organic lifeforms due to its high concentration of chlorine.

    • Limited duration: Although the smoke continues to pour out of the grenade for 60 seconds, the electromagnet can only continue to ionize the smoke for 20 seconds.

    Conditional Limitations (Optional):
    • Gaseous nature: As is the tendency of gaseous substances, strong winds will displace them. 20 mph winds or higher render the gas unable to sustain an ionizing reaction or act as a suitable smoke screen.
    • Countermeasures: An EMP thrown at the grenade will instantly disable the electromagnet. Alternatively, removing the grenade and throwing it again will usually render it harmless as it needs to be at the centre of the cloud to produce any meaningful ionization.
    • Masks: Gas masks or other breathing apparatuses render the toxic aspect of the grenade harmless.

    How does it work:
    Ion-Smoke, in its most primitive form, is a canister filled with a smoke producing compound, an electromagnet and an onboard battery. There’s also a simple fuse mechanism hooked up to the lever in handheld grenades, or the firing pin in fired grenades.

    The smoke is primarily made up of a halogen, usually chlorine, as well as various other compounds to darken it and allow it to be used as a smoke screen. The smoke quickly fills an area, even in light-to-moderate wind conditions.

    The fuse usually lasts for around 3-5 seconds. As soon as the fuse runs out the electromagnet is armed, and will begin generating a powerful electromagnetic field around the grenade. This ionises the smoke, causing discharges of energy in the cloud as the chlorine is turned into a plasma. The magnetic field is too powerful for the magnet to sustain, and it will eventually fry itself. The electromagnet can keep ionising the smoke for around 20 seconds before frying.

    Flavor text:
    It’s often suggested that you run like hell after throwing the grenade, as not only is the smoke electric, it is also highly toxic!

    Originally developed by Syncasa Systems & Cryonics as an area denial tool and as a more effective smokescreen alternative.

    Due to it breaking 72 out of the 81 informal galactic armaments codes
    ([CRUELTY TOWARDS ORGANICS], [CRUELTY TOWARDS SYNTHETICS], [ECOTERRORISM]...), the weapon has been banned in every civspace nation shortly after its development.

    Attainability: Open (Available for purchase from Syncasa Systems & Cryonics)

    Tags: [Military]

    Category: Ranged Armaments
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2021
    zirconzz, Exon, Ryanatorx and 4 others like this.
  2. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Hi. I'll be starting the grading on this today.
    What's the radius on the grenade? How long does it take for the gas cloud to reach that max radius? Also, does the gas get vented prior to the fuse running out? You only specified with the electromagnet kicks in.

    Also, this is listed as semi-open, which doesn't exist but can also be interpreted as semi-closed anyway, but regardless, this doesn't use any exotic technologies. It's a tech that could reasonably be made by anybody with the proper know-how as far as engineering, but just be much, much easier and less time-consuming to purchase from the listed company. Would you be against simply listing it as open and specifying that?
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2021
    Cheffy likes this.
  3. TrIpTiCuS

    TrIpTiCuS Galactic Enforcer

    Jun 30, 2017
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    Hi! It depends. In closed, relatively wind free conditions it can quickly billow up to cover a large area. Assuming a large interior space like a parking garage I think it could quickly fill a ~3 meter diameter sphere centered on the grenade, though if there's ventilation it could quickly fill more space. On the contrary, if outside and there's ambient wind, the grenades might at most cover 1.5-2-ish meters in diameter.

    It would fill this space within only a few seconds, most likely "puffing out" as soon as the fuse runs out.

    And yes, as soon as you pull the pin the grenade starts venting gas, however the fuse doesn't ignite until you let go of the lever.

    I'll add this to the app if it seems reasonable.
  4. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    That's reasonable, but try and give me a number of seconds until the space the smoke takes up is filled out.
    Cheffy likes this.
  5. TrIpTiCuS

    TrIpTiCuS Galactic Enforcer

    Jun 30, 2017
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    Done that.
    • Smokescreen: The cloud is completely opaque and quickly fills up a space, making it useful for obscuring people or objects. The smoke can cover an area of 3 metres in diameter in enclosed, wind free conditions and 1.5-2 metres in exposed conditions, depending on the wind. It takes the grenade only 3 seconds after the fuse runs out to cover this space.
  6. Skid

    Skid God Incarnate Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Taking over for 9k. Everything seems fine to me so I'm giving this it's first pass.
    Cheffy likes this.
  7. TriReef

    TriReef treef Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Hello! Read over this again and it looks fine, so I'm giving it a Second Pass :)
    Cheffy likes this.