
Discussion in 'Approved' started by Teldrassil, Oct 13, 2020.

  1. Teldrassil

    Teldrassil Galactic Officer Community Monitor

    Mar 24, 2020
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    Name: Loupe

    Description: In its natural state, this rather unique phase matter organism looks like an floating black cloud enshrouding a multi-chromatic orb (think the tar from slime rancher).

    Behavior: When unbound, they float around doing incredibly little. Their lives consist of feeding and procreation. They lead simple lives, merely existing. Whereas bound Loupes take more active lives - mostly due to their hosts often possessing adventurous tendencies. They must work in tandem with their host to achieve peak effectiveness, both parties listening to the other’s needs and wants.

    Tamability: Untameable except for those with psionic capabilities. When tamed, they enter a symbiotic relationship with the tamer - bolstering their psionic abilities in exchange for being allowed to feed off of their flux. To kick off such a relationship, you must: stand in front of it; look directly at it; open your mouth really wide to signal that you’re open to such a relationship; and wait for it to fly in and up to your brain - where it then resides.

    Where is it found: The creatures are exclusively found in areas with a high environmental cuil factor. This is due to their need to feed off of anomalous flow. Outside of those areas, they are found bound to psions. Some psionic orders breed them.

    Rarity: Rare. Outside the aforementioned orders that breed them, swarms of Loupes are sparse and their actual numbers sparser.

    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: Loupes feed off of anomalous flow and anomalous flux. Preferring anomalous flux due to its malleable, less volatile nature.

    Products: Nothing beyond ectoplasm upon death.

    Reproduction: Asexual, will produce 2-3 “spores” every 5 years.

    Size: Small enough to live inside your brain.

    Weight: Practically nothing, as is common of phase matter beings.

    Lifespan: Can live up to 100 years, reaching maturity in 3-4 months

    Abilities: The most attractive ability of Loupes is their wondrous ability to boost psionic powers in a form similar to mana; allowing for potentially different applications of powers (consult your psionic coach before you do anything). To take advantage of this power, a psion must enter into a symbiotic relationship with the being - as detailed earlier. Once that process has been completed, there is a 1 hour period in which the host may shape the Loupe into a specific form; if that period is not taken advantage of then the Loupe will merely choose whatever form it thinks the host would like most. The forms it can take are widely varied, perhaps a bird that sits on your shoulder or a necklace worn around the neck, maybe even something reminiscent of a wand. The only limits to the form they can take is size, no larger than 4 feet by 4 feet; maximum weight of 60 lbs. This is relevant in that a psion’s powers are only boosted when they are in physical contact with the Loupe (i.e. not when it’s phase matter). The loupe can shift between forms freely, but is wary when not following the wishes of the host; with whom they can telepathically communicate with.

    Flaws: All the flaws of being a phase matter being, which also inhibits them from bonding with Novakid and similar beings. Weakens psionic powers as time goes on when used without the aide of the (manifested) Loupe, eventually to the point of full dependency as the psion grows in power. This weakened state is due to a knock on effect of “overextending”, if you’re at 115% power with it, you are at 85% without it. Damage is irreversible beyond 30%, the weakened state kicks in immediately and worsens as the psion becomes more powerful with the loupe. Limited intelligence. If it feels dissatisfied with the host for whatever reason - it will likely jump ship to another host (who is then able to re-reshape them) the next chance it gets.

    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: Feeds off of anomalous flow and flux - preferring flux due to the less volatile nature. When the bonded psion creates flux they will take a bit for themselves (not a huge amount) and consume it.

    Products: Ectoplasm upon death.

    Reproduction: Asexual, will produce 2-3 “spores” every 5 years that will grow into adulthood if fed well enough.

    Size: About the size of a human fist, varies within that range.

    Weight: Practically nothing- they’re phase matter beings.

    Lifespan: Can live up to 150 years, reaching maturity fairly quickly - roughly 3-6 months.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2021
  2. Teldrassil

    Teldrassil Galactic Officer Community Monitor

    Mar 24, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Edit Log:
    Updated name
    Updated behaviour
    Updated tameability
    Edit Log 11/10/20:
    Updated name
    Made everything more concise
    Edit Log 11/14/20:
    Made a few clarifications
    Updated rules for forms
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2020
  3. Bulphrog

    Bulphrog The All-Phrogger Staff Member Community Monitor

    Sep 9, 2017
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    Hello, and sorry for this taking a while to get to.

    I have a few questions regarding the Loupe, namely:
    In regards to the 'overextension', does the psion suffer the drawbacks and benefits only when they overextend themselves, or does this only take effect when they do this the initial first time? Is the reduced power also permanent, or can a psion recover over time?

    Is the Loupe just an 'infinite' source of mana? Not that it is Mana itself, but an infinite source of the effects? Or is there a time between in which a psion can do things outside of the realm of what they can normally do?
  4. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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  5. Teldrassil

    Teldrassil Galactic Officer Community Monitor

    Mar 24, 2020
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    Okay so!

    1. I'm having difficulty understanding what you mean by the uh, intial first time and whatnot but I think I get what you're saying. So lemme just explain the mechanics of it as an answer and if it's not satisfactory then lmk.

    There are two states:
    Using it (power boost)
    Not using it (power reduction)

    The power boost takes effect quicker than the power reduction. The power reduction is reversible to an extent, anything past a 40% reduction will leave a 'scar' (50% for example will leave you with a 10% reduction.)

    2. The effect doesn't run out, the only limitation is the psion. They've still got to focus, generate flux etc etc. It's just that their abilities now pack a bit more punch.
    crumchy likes this.
  6. Bulphrog

    Bulphrog The All-Phrogger Staff Member Community Monitor

    Sep 9, 2017
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    Alright, so this does clear things up a little bit. I would say that the drawback of using the Loupe ought to kick in a little sooner to fall in line with the benefit of using it, but, other than that it seems alright to me now that my questions were answered.
  7. Bulphrog

    Bulphrog The All-Phrogger Staff Member Community Monitor

    Sep 9, 2017
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    Changes were made as needed, approved.
    Teldrassil likes this.