Military Vehicles Hirins, a compact take on a mechsuit

Discussion in 'Approved' started by TrIpTiCuS, Nov 26, 2020.

  1. TrIpTiCuS

    TrIpTiCuS Galactic Enforcer

    Jun 30, 2017
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    Name: Hirins


    Hirins are large, powerful combat machines…

    Is how a naian would describe them. In actuality, hirins are only between 6 or 8 feet tall, a far cry from the mechas and mechsuits of other species. Hirins take on an anthropomorphic shape in relation to their naian creators, with a central torso, two digitigrade legs, two arms and a tail. Some might even have features reminiscent of a naians horns or ears. Hirins are often equipped with powerful particle thrusters as well as anti-gravity systems. This allows hirins to leap across long distances, hover for quick movement and even, in some cases, partial flight.

    • Combat mobility: A classic naian hirin is incredibly mobile. A hirins core mobility can be nailed down into three primary points.
      • Speed: Naian hirins can move at around 56 km/h (~35 mph) on foot, and sometimes up to 80 km/h (~50 mph) whilst hovering.
      • Powerjumps: In addition, with the aid of their powerful thruster packs, hirins can leap around 10 meters into the air (~30 feet)
      • Dash: Hirins can also, utilising their thrusters primarily, perform quick horizontal dashes. In one turn they can cover around 7 meters (~20 feet) in a quick jump or turn their bulk around to face different directions. This can be used to get the hirin out of harm's way or to quickly face a new opponent.
    • Compact size: Hirins are usually between 6 and 8 feet tall. As such they can usually operate in the same situations as normal suits of power armour. This makes them suitable for things like infantry support.

    Conditional Abilities (Optional):
    • Limited flight: Some hirins can attain a limited flight. This usually comes in the form of a heavily bolstered antigravity system, allowing them to hover around 20 meters (~60 feet) over the ground. These hirins also often have control surfaces allowing them to glide from high altitudes. A hirin flying in this manner can usually maintain a top powered speed of 100 km/h (~62 mph).
      • - It should be noted that a hirin flying in this manner will need to undergo a temporary “transformation” of sorts to adopt a more aerodynamic shape. Whilst in this shape they lose the use of their limbs, and can only fire their sponson guns or auxiliary weapons if they have those. (Transforming to and fro will take 2 combat turns, including actions like taking off or landing.)
    • Sponson guns: Some hirins might carry sponson guns. Due to their restricted firing angle, sponson guns are rarely used in standard combat outside of as a backup weapon or other support tool.

    • Thin plating: Hirins usually have subpar armour plating on account of needing to remain light enough for their thrusters to carry them. This usually only comes in the form of thin plasteel armour with only minimal backplating to protect against lasers and plasma. In addition to this, some vitals are left exposed on a hirin (specifically on the back), meaning that they can be threatened by normal infantry armament. Mid to high power laser and plasma rifles can punch through a hirins armour with ease.
    • Fragile: Hirins are comparatively fragile to a normal suit of power armour. They have large sensor arrays on their surfaces which can be destroyed if the pilot is not mindful, and anti armour weapons make short work of a hirin. As such they are unsuited for direct combat against other armoured targets.
    • Deployment Time: Hirins cannot engage in active combat for long. At most, a hirin can actively jump around and fight for an hour before needing to fall back and recover for another hour. When the hirin is recovering it can still carry loads and walk and otherwise perform low intensity tasks, however loose the functionality of their hover systems and thruster packs.
      • - Should a hirin continue engaging in active combat after that hour they will suffer severe damage to their thruster packs and cascade power failure. This could lead to the hirin collapsing without power in the middle of combat.

    Conditional Limitations (Optional):
    • Neural link requirement: Due to the compact size of the pilots cabin and the sheer amount of commands a trained hirin pilot is expected to execute across a short period of time, a hard neural link is required on official military class hirins. On cheaper hirins a soft link is often enough.
    • Size constraint: Hirins are small, and their compartments cramped. Nothing larger than a 4’6’’ tall naian can fit inside of a hirin.

    How does it work:
    Hirins work in a very similar manner to common mechas and mechsuits, with powered limbs carrying a central cabin containing the control module and various mechanical and electrical components. Like common mechas and mechsuits, modern hirins are usually powered by compact, onboard solarium reactors, though some cheaper hirins might instead use atomic batteries.

    On the back of a hirin sit a set of high output particle thrusters which are powerful enough to catapult the hirin several feet into the air, or provide bursts of intense speed. This, combined with anti-gravity channels running under the hirins bulk allows a hirin to hover and achieve high horizontal velocities and, in some rare cases, a limited form of “flight”. This flight is more akin to a supercharged hover, suspending the vehicle around 20 meters off the surface.

    Common armaments aboard a hirin include whatever weapon they have in their hands, as well as a set of sponson mounts, usually present on either side of the sensor pod. These sponson mounts are usually interchangeable, allowing for the mounting of anything from coilguns to plasma guns or laser guns and are usually used as a backup or for hirins with a flight configuration. Some hirins might also have explosive weapons on their back. Most common are a few dumbfire rockets or guided wasp missiles, however many pilots swear by the versatility of standard smoke grenades.

    Hirins require some form of neural interface in order to be fully operated. Though cheaper hirins get away with a soft link, many official military classes of hirins require a hard link to be integrated into a pilot's neck. In addition, a hirin requires several years of extensive training to fully master the intricacies of.

    Flavor text:
    Originally developed by the naian dynasty, the first production prototypes of what would become the hirin was developed in 3239. The so-called A1 class stood around 6 feet tall. Though the first A1 classes were only prototypes at the time, they quickly proved themselves during an invasion of the dynasty arcologies. Their compact size, yet tremendous firepower allowed them to excel in the tight spaces offered by the arcologies.

    Later on, in 3242, the technology was lended to the naian royal core in the form of the B2 Champion-class. The royal core took this technology and refined it, later on introducing their own hirins. This included a revolutionary class of hirin built for orbital insertion and game changing mobility which was introduced into their space navy. This became the predecessor to the modern hirin, which would give rise to the Reaver-11 and the most modern and up to date hirin class, the 7 foot tall K-34.

    Referenced Technologies (Optional):
    Mechas, mechsuits, power armour

    Attainability: CLOSED. Hirins are only avaliable to naians with some kind of military background or if they constructed a knockoff themselves somehow. Reach out to me if you want your character to have one.

    Tags: [Military], [Racial], [Event]

    Category: Military Vehicles
  2. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Assuming that the Hirins operate under the same rules as mechs, I don't have any complaints. This gets an initial pass. Awaiting seconding.
    Cheffy likes this.
  3. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I see no issues. Pass