Audiclann Curieur

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by Roval_Jax, Aug 4, 2017.

  1. Roval_Jax

    Roval_Jax New Arrival

    Jul 1, 2017
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    Theme : Parov Stelar - Catgroove

    General information
    Audiclann Curieur is a 22-year old human man from the CivSpace planet Melkanian Eclipse V. He is the only child of Jaquren Curieur and Aoifenn Curieur, father and mother respectively. Now, he enters the Fringe sector as his home planet is gone for some reason and Is finding out what happened to that planet as well as trying to find a job involving treating the wounded and infected, since he is a trained and certified medic.

    Recently he witnessed the death of Andre, which thankfully he returned from the dead, after a fatal barfight. Due to this event he has disdain for Dave and Dan as well as an armored figure and a ravir. He also became close with Beatriz.
    People he knows so far:
    Letsua - This mute person is the first person I met in the Fringe sector. Gave him one of my data-pads to allow him to talk to people. His ability to have a conversation with people has improved overtime. Must continue checking on him."

    Andre - A rather timid man. He gave me a bracelet and a canister filled with a neon and argon gaseous mixture that can cause a shock to anyone who is not wearing a bracelet.

    Honassa - A hylotl woman who escaped a riot on her home planet. Suffered a cut wound that I treated immediately. She is a tough one that is for sure. She is doing alright so far.

    Mochi - "A female researcher whom I had a lovely chat and meal with. I am eager to have a chat with her again."

    Bullet - "A male novakid mute that I helped direct to for help involving being able to speak."

    Beatriz - "A female human that was raised by glitch nobility. She gave me a drawing of myself helping people, which said drawing helps me out everyday. I told her that I will always be there for her...I hope I can live up to that promise."

    Dr. Rainguard - "A male Hylotl that is part of the medical department as well. I can always count on him for some help..."

    Eva Ypr (Also known as Misery) - "A female human with a thing for Hoverbikes. She seems to be busy lately but it is good to have a chat with her every now and then."

    Franix Emix - "A male Melkanian who is a great person to have a chat with now and then. I hope he is doing alright."

    Phonecia Lexian - "A female Melkanian whom I known from the academy days. She is doing alright (hopefully)."

    Jen - "A female human who knew Phonecia, and even cared about her. I hope she is happy now that Phonecia is back in the real world."

    Nevada Brown - "A male human detective who was saved by Phonecia once."

    Physical appearance
    Audiclann is of Caucasian skin and very short (but not shaven) charcoal black hair. His eyes were of the brown shade. As for his clothes he wears three sets. His first set revolves around a red t-shirt with the yellow symbol of a certain group of old and black pants and shoes, complimented with a red cap or bandanna. His second set involves a red and black with yellow trimming tracksuit with same logo along with a red track helmet and white boots.  His final set is a red sleeveless shirt with the same logo, black sweatpants and brown running shoes. Most of the time he wears a white bag with the red cross on it, since it is his medical bag.

    Personality type: ISFJ "The Defender”
    Political Ideology:
    He avoids politics at all costs since it hampers his personal duty to treat anyone and everyone at all costs. He witnessed in the past political factors preventing doctors and nurses to treat even a child because of political backgrounds and unnecessary political obligations. Because of this he will not take any political sides unless people's lives are in danger.

    ((Backstory is a WIP; watch this space.))
  2. D&K

    D&K Nicotine Mogul Bronze Donator

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Thank You