
Discussion in 'Character Information' started by 803Chancè, Nov 28, 2020.

  1. 803Chancè

    803Chancè New Arrival

    Nov 22, 2020
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    The Renaize Sniper

    Ichiro 'Hydra' Zavodskoy


    General Information

    First name: Ichiro
    Surname: Zavodskoy
    Age: Nineteen
    Date of birth: July ninth, 2269
    Race: Hylotl
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Current residence: Gossa City, Renaize
    Social status: Renown amongst the Renaizian populace, hasn't made an impact elsewhere.
    Financial standing: Stable

    Traits of Voice

    Accent (if any): Hint of Axolotian with the occasional stammer or stutter.
    Language spoken: Galactic Common
    Other languages known:
    Axolotian and tidbits of Belarusian
    Style of speaking: Often cites poetry and uses cryptic language to convey a pivotal point, other than that he's calm and calculated.
    Volume of voice: Quiet, yet audible. Although he has a tendency to get loud if upset.
    Physical Appearance
    Weight: 174lbs
    Eye color: Crimson Red
    Skin color: Carbon grey with Picotee blue fins.
    Shape of face: Average for Hylotl standards.
    Build of body: Mesomorphic with a well-maintained muscular stature.
    Hair Color: He's a Hylotl.
    Hairstyle: He's a Hylotl.
    Tattoos: Numerous along the arms and back area.
    Typical clothing: Ichiro's choice of apparel revolves around his downright refusal to show his mortal visage. Whether it be his obsessive paranoid sense of existence or a simple preference, this Hylotl prefers to deviate away from showing skin, instead preferring to cover most of his body with garbs such as occult-like full covering robes, hoodies, and sweatpants, gloves, etc.


    : Exploration, taste-testing, fun weaponry, trying new things, stories, building things, friends, fireworks, money, trying out alien technology, and fueling his own curiosity.
    Dislikes: Sheet paper, gossip, conduits, foreign technology, machines, and idiots.
    Education: Never completed high school. He's self-taught in most few things.
    Fears: Small firearms, rooftops, conduits, alien disease, alien religion, isolation, combat-based machines, drones, and Shifters.
    Personal goals: Cop that bag, find a way home and find a meaningful purpose for his life.
    General attitude: Friendly and cordial with new people, jovial and grateful with friends, and abrasive and aggressive with the opps.
    Religious values: Complicated!
    General intelligence: He enjoys reading and learning, yet he never received the foundation a high schooler is granted. Most of his knowledge is street taught or self-taught.
    General sociability: He's happy with his friend circle, yet wishes to expand it. He'll often go out of his way to have a conversation with any newcomers and friends alike he may see in his day-to-day life.

    Health Illnesses (if any): Vampyrism (Cieleblod strand), Paranoia, Minor case of Scoliosis.
    Allergies (if any): None known!
    Sleeping habits: Prefers to sleep with his head under the covers. He typically sleeps well, satisfied with a meager 6 hours daily.
    Energy level: Normal.
    Eating habits: Eats balanced meals.
    Memory: Sharpened memory, albeit he's been known to remember sporadic little details while neglecting to recall the important ones.
    Any unhealthy habits: Ichiro's been a bit more aggressive and brutal when it comes to problem-solving, altercations, and even general interactions! This abrasive side of the Hylotl comes sporadically as a byproduct of his Vampyrism's mutations.


    Peaceful or violent:
    Varies on each situation.
    Weapon (if applicable): Ichiro usually totes a personalized rifle and a few special surprises when out and about. Other tools and weaponry can be added if he feels up for carrying the extra weight.
    Style of fighting: Volatile. A vast contrary to his past demeanor, Ichiro can be incredibly aggressive, fanatically peaceful, or unnervingly methodical! He's unpredictable, which is something he finds comfort in.


    Gate guard on Renaize.
    Current home: Above ground accommodations of Gossa City.
    Favorite types of food: Red meats.
    Favorite types of drink: Lemonade!
    Hobbies/past times: Dissecting machinery, writing, sketching, and shooting guns.
    Guilty pleasures: None! How boring!
    Pet peeves: Being touched, having his hood down, unusual eye contact, and idiots.
    Pets: None. :(
    Talents: Remarkable Marksmanship, subpar singing voice, skilled tinkerer, quick learner, and proficient in upkeeping and crafting tools.


    Tix Deichert - He's a good soldier, a solid shot, and a reliable shoulder. He helped me rid the colony of that cult and kept his word on keeping it hush-hush. There's nobody else in that colony I'd rather ride with than him.

    I need to be more upfront with him.

    Naru Sera'Maeor - He brings out a better part of me, a part which I thought had long died out since contracting that damning plague; a more pleasant side. We're similar in many ways yet so alien to each other, it's awe-inspiring. He's a strong one - both mentally and physically. He'd best me in swordplay any day of the week.

    One day he came to me. Broken. He had fallen out with family I believe - he was frightened, angry, and confused when he had entered - I saw the zealous fire in the eyes fueled by abhorrent resentment. I tried my best, though I thought I'd hardly changed him. Yet only when he had left have I noticed a trickle of enlightenment in his gaze after quietly echoing some words, as if uncovering a forgotten truth. I don't think he knows that I heard him - it was a short phrase. A phrase that I've since thought about often:

    "In vengeance, I shall seek forgiveness."

    Rehihuko Poinsettia - You've. . . helped me a lot. You've shown me that it's not so bad living with Vampyrism, helped me understand it, and helped me use it. We're born of the same kin and afflicted with the same plague. You've embraced it, I'm trying to follow in your footsteps. You have a fighting spirit, one that I haven't seen matched on this world just yet. Although I'm not a fan of your weird pocket magic, you're a good person in my book, and I owe you for helping me in my time of need.

    Gossa Poinsettia - We don’t talk much, but you pulled me out of a dark place. I'll return that favor one day.

    Eri - I like you. Sure, you probably don't like me for shooting that machine, nor for shooting near you, but you're alright. You helped me deal with that cultist, thanks.

    - In simple terms - you ruined my life. You had seven days to tell me but waited until the last one, part of me thinks it was on purpose. I don't know what to think of you, I understand you tried your best to make up for it with the occasional visit and gift, but I haven't seen you in months. We need to talk.

    Kilariya Ikehara - This universe is so alien compared to home, yet it was the time I spent with her did I feel the most at ease. It felt like home. . . . I'm not sure why I reached out to her again, ‘think it’s something inside me I can’t get a grip on. She left me when I needed her the most and I never got over it. I understand what she's doing is important, but throwing away friends and loved one's for it is just wrong. She tried to make up for it, but it doesn't feel authentic.

    Paulie Patooie - I look forward to the day you raise a weapon to me. You ain't nothing but a conman and a coward. You said you'd 'cap me when you saw me but you just gave me a funny look as I laughed at you. 'Tried to weasel your way into the council too, but you learned we'd all rather a wild animal over some perverted ape-brained dolt. Go drown yourself in that bottle of red and six-twenty. You overstayed your welcome, Patootie.

    Mary Proctor - You brought a robot cult here when I begged you not to, you came back when I flashed out on you, you tried to off me when I offered to talk. I did what I had to. You put a gun to my head and tried to kill me - I did what I did in self-defense. It's justified. I'm sorry.

    -=[ History ]=-


    It was brilliant. Eight years were spent on the grand scheme. Eight years spent masterfully crafting their heroic flight from this hermit of a rock. The close-knit gang's final defiant message was that of a people long denied their devout right to experience a life beyond the stars. They were leaving this world.

    The stage was set, the plan was in motion! Clutching a small bag of belongings they could take on the ship, the group made their way to the meet-up point under the overcast of smog permeating through the dense urban sprawl. Yet despite the countless hours endured to make the escape possible, the plan was not without its own flaws

    . . . .

    Alone. Scared. Broken. He awoke with a jolt, the emotions and memories of all that had happened in the span of only a few hours come racing to the Hylotl's head in a whirlwind of pandemonium. Urged by the poundings on the other side of the shuttle's door, he scampered off of the soaking floor, clutching his burnt side and limping to the ship's control panel. Through the wailing emergency sirens, the static of his busted earpiece crying into his ear, and the bright pulses of the emergency lighting, the lone survivor found his way to the captain's chair. With the preprogrammed launch sequence already on standby, he'd muster up his last bit of strength to heave himself onto the dead captain's seat, its rusted frame creaking at the sudden introduction of weight.

    The consideration of turning back was out of the window now, looking back to the door, he'd shudder at the thought of being caught and hold his hand above the launch button. With a hitched breath and a silent prayer, Ichiro would turn his back on his home and all of those who had worked to get him here for the final time. He'd fasten the safety belt before initiating the launch sequence. He braced, yet as fate would have it, Ichiro was denied a parting glance of the life he was abandoning; for consciousness had failed him once more.

    . . .

    Damaged, but alive, the Hylotl found himself in a claustrophobic alien box floating aimlessly through the cold abyss of space. He knew enough to patch his wounds, yet his coddled upbringing on that abhorred planet left him clueless on where to begin now. The technology surrounding him, though old in the average Galaxy Citizen's time, was alien in nature to Ichiro. The ship had long since run out of fuel by the time he had got his wits about him. With the battery life draining and the looming threat of suffocation becoming a feasible threat, Ichiro trusted his intuition. Having turned to a desolate corner of the ship, he made use of the only piece of technology he had learned to use in his time on that hermit of a planet. The teleporter.

    Desperate, Ichiro rolls the dice once more. Choosing a random teleporter coordinate, he'd use the entirety of the ship's emergency power grid to send him off. With a brilliant flash of light, the ship was left desolate and Ichiro was off.

    . . . Paradise?

    After countless tries, Ichiro had found himself making footfall on yet another "colony". Right away, he had considered simply turning back upon being hit with the cutting wind of the Renazian winter, yet he was stopped by an alien; A friendly one. Wary, yet cordial, Ichiro allowed himself to be led by the little yellow lizard-like alien into the colony's main town. Charmed by the simplicity of it all, he was introduced to the settlement and a few of its residents, and upon being welcomed in with open arms and no questions regarding a lawless past caked in misfortune and hard choices, Ichiro eagerly accepted the proposition.

    He learned from the colony quickly. He learned how to use the Nexus and all of the information it could provide, he learned how to harness the skills from his buried past to assist himself in the present, and he learned how to become attached once more. Albeit an absolute hater of the cold, Ichiro had grown to cherish his life at Gossa City. It wasn't a big metropolis or a life of luxury, yet it was something he had yearned for his entire life - absolute freedom. He loved Renaize for its goods and its flaws, if the sheer vie for survival wasn't found in the ferocious wildlife, then the weather would surely kill, and Ichiro was okay with that. This was the way he was to live out his life, helping the colony and its inhabitants in any way he could in a constant uphill battle for stability. And he did it with a smile!

    Seven Days.

    Seven days was how long it had taken for Ichiro to get treatment for the bite, and seven days was the deadline. Afflicted with an incurable curse that'd malformed his body into a twisted abomination, detestable by anybody who'd have the stomach to bat him an eye, his life at the colony took a turn for the worst. He lost friends. Most who had reached out to him were quickly turned away. Whereas more changes had sprung about, Ichiro only threw himself deeper into a hole of self-loathing.

    The image of Renaize was shattered in his mind. He was purposeless, loveless, and he had never felt more alone. Thoughts of despondence and misery guided by a war that he was unsure how to fight and countless instances of infighting within the settlement made Ichiro nearly lose himself. Yet before anything horrid could happen, there was a break in the storm.

    Purpose, redefined.

    Uplifted by encouragement from those around him, Ichiro began to see improvements. Despite the increasing tensions on the planet, he had finally looked to the brighter horizon - A brotherly bond formed, old connections tethered and even a bounty of cash from an old friend he had nabbed was all he had needed to bounce back! Although not yet at terms with the affliction and all of its side effects, Ichiro had grown from the timid, frail escapee he had arrived as. He was bolder, better, and he was ready to take back control of his life!

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    Last edited: Oct 27, 2021
    Quazwerty456, crumchy, tuna and 4 others like this.
  2. D&K

    D&K Nicotine Mogul Bronze Donator

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Thank you
    803Chancè and Nemo like this.
  3. wango

    wango Galactic Commoner

    Oct 22, 2020
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    SilverGallium and 803Chancè like this.
  4. tuna

    tuna New Arrival

    Apr 13, 2020
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  5. 803Chancè

    803Chancè New Arrival

    Nov 22, 2020
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    *Massive update!
    -Added the image, provided by the wonderfully talented @MaskedHero
    -New Color scheme and information
    -Finally added the dreaded relationships snipbit
    -Added a brief part on Ichiro's history and current story in the RP setting!
    More to come later!
    ThatCabbage likes this.