// A Nextube video with terrible resolution and someone reading with an awful microphone. The background video is normal gameplay of Cube. // "Cube: Tha secret of CUBEBRINE!!! Chapter One When I was a kid I always loved to play Cube. I loved the epic graphics and awesome gameplay, but there was something wrong with the game I could tell. One day I was going to bed after playing Cube for 12 hours when my mom told me that it was bad for me (of course I didn't believe her but she's my mom) and when I laid into bed my computer started again for some reason. The CD tray opened and I went over to look and I saw that it was no longer Cube but the CD said CUBE: THA SECRET OF CUBEBRINE!!! in big red letters and I decided to play it. The gameplay was very similar to Cube but there was one major change: All the levels were red like BLOOD and GORE instead of the normal gray and the cube had a GUN which was super bad and went against the game itself!!! But I was very curious so I kept on playing. The level designs were quite normal except there were screams of dead peoples everywhere and I was really scared but for some reason I couldn't stop. The graphics weren't cool like in Cube they were too high tech and realistic which made it even scarier when the cube now covered in blood pulled out a gun and walked up to a dying person and shot him so there was blood everywhere." Archie started freaking out a little and said "Oh my gooood guys, this is too scary. I-- I can't keep on reading this, I'm sorry. Bye! Remember to like, comment and subscribe if you liked the video."