ok serious thread time

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dorfus, Sep 14, 2020.

  1. Dorfus

    Dorfus Sword Fiend

    Jun 26, 2017
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    not many know me (i think), im dorfus, a guy from the 2016-2017 era where i was a bit of an idiot and now i came back to gc in hopes of not being so much of an idiot

    however i have a few issues as of right now and i'd like to see if anyone wants to help me address them

    1. when I did the r&p (roleplay) I remember I had a very mary sue ish character who had very potent armor and weapons, part of this is because I saw that everyone around me was either a killbot or a big person in power armor or le massive murder alien and I didn't want to get obliterated if I ever accidentally got into a crp lol

    just wondering if that's the same rn or if I can make a more normal-ish character that doesn't need the ability to point at someone and delete their right to exist in order to survive

    2. I know people in the server know eachother pretty well and their characters and such but I'm only known by a couple people (aside from the adroma boys who I'm big friends with, shoutout to them for being lads) and so far no one knows my characters as I haven't even fully made one yet because of these issues

    thing is - contrary to what my usual attitude may imply - I'm actually a very big introvert and, to me, entering a server with 30 people, where almost everyone knows eachother, is already a difficult task, and if I do go there, I just sit around and watch people do their thing, because I have this feeling that I'm entering some sort of private party where everyone knows eachother but no one knows me

    this is obviously my main issue which prevents me from actually getting on server, real life aside. of course I'm aware gc doesn't have 30 people on at all times but the problem is that I'm still unknown to everyone and I personally just don't know how to approach people I haven't even met

    I'd like if people could tell me if they've ever had these kinds of issues (especially the last one) and how they tackled them, or how they'd deal with them should they ever come across them

    I'm probably gonna get bit in the ass by karma for having made all those non-serious posts on other serious threads but oh well
  2. Teldrassil

    Teldrassil Galactic Officer Community Monitor

    Mar 24, 2020
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    Hi! I'm a relatively new player, so we're probably going to have had some similar experiences.

    Short version:
    - CRP is only if you want, plenty of non-CRP characters.
    - Do stuff. Be active. Even if it's just sitting in a bar. You'll get to know people that way.

    Ramble Version:
    To address the first one, that is absolutely not the case anymore. I know plenty of non-combative characters and have only ever been in on-server CRP once, and that was on my Forlorn Legionnaire on their planet of residence after they were attacked (for being a legionnaire). So, no, CRP generally isn't a threat. And nobody plays characters like that really anymore. Plus you can also just not consent to CRP if you're that against doing it.

    To address the second. I'm kind of extroverted, so... yeah... perhaps some different experiences. Here's sort of how I went about with stuff. "Go in bar. Talk to person in bar. See what happens." and from that my main, Lorette, has quite a nice network of people. Also I'd join up with a faction, even if it's just becoming a Haven citizen. You'll get into RP. Just last night in the Haven discord there was a charity fundraiser where a lot of mingling went around. So uh... yeah, just do stuff I guess and you'll make friends. I know that that's kind of unhelpful advice but that's the only way I can think to put it.
  3. majo

    majo Magical Girl Ex-Staff

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Oh yeah, as Tel said, there's plenty of normal people exist in the setting now.

    However- please don't consent shield. At this point, most of the time you won't have a character in combat unless they either insert themselves or they have gotten themselves into a situation where that would be a possibility.

    I'd say one of the easiest ways to insert yourself into the setting is to get your character involved in nexus conversations. As for actual on server situations, I understand completely. I think its a hard thing to overcome sometimes, but I'd like to think that people have gotten better about going out of their way to talk to new people unless they're in the middle of something distracting. But even then if it's something quick they'll likely come around. I'm usually the same way and I haven't had many issue, but I guess maybe I'm biased or have a different perspective since I've been established here for a time now.
    Teldrassil, Dorfus and Pinkbat5 like this.
  4. Teldrassil

    Teldrassil Galactic Officer Community Monitor

    Mar 24, 2020
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    Just for the record I wasn’t meaning to suggest consent shielding as a constant escape plan. Just assuring them that if it’s something that they as the player really aren’t up for then you can generally talk it out with the other person and negotiate.
  5. majo

    majo Magical Girl Ex-Staff

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Oh yeah I get you! I just wanted to make sure because it's happened in the past. You're good. :)
    Teldrassil likes this.
  6. Dorfus

    Dorfus Sword Fiend

    Jun 26, 2017
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    no I'm aware I'm not gonna be throwing insults around or anything I just don't want mr killbot to point in my general direction and evaporate me
    Teldrassil likes this.
  7. majo

    majo Magical Girl Ex-Staff

    Jun 25, 2017
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    I mean, killbots arent really a thing anymore. We've phased them out. I'd say a majority of characters are going to be normal people, if mildly armed. Nobody wants to just open fire on normal people anymore and for good reason. Its just needless, and nobody really does it. If there's a bar fight or something, you're only going to get hurt if you try to insert yourself into the situation.

    Most people are pretty reasonable about CRP at this point, and that's the only reason I said anything about it. Otherwise I wouldn't have pointed it out. Nobody who DOES do anything like just terrorizing people just minding their business expects them to just accept death or grievous injury without question. If they do they're dum.
  8. crumchy

    crumchy pet food taster Silver Donator

    Jan 23, 2019
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    fennec gang
    necrovixen likes this.