what would your characters job be if they were in a generic job on earth? ie: Elijah would probably be a sheriff or something lmao. ie: General Ulr would probably a burger king manager
I mean Mir's a prosthetics engineer so I guess in a generic job he'd be a regular engineer. Not a civil engineer, though.
Elyena might probably be one of those people who works at one of those archery range things. Izanami... I don't think she would even have a job.
Lorette would be a theoretical physicist. Probably related to time and space. Zysnura would run an MLM. Khiknos would be a weapons engineer. Xeqichuatl would be a priest. Tock would be an accountant. Theo would be a literal cat. Khar would be a beekeeper. Jornda would be a diplomat. Ksanna would be a bouncer. Virisia would be an actress. Crodessa would be in the military. Angel would be an Internet personality. So... their current jobs.
Diana Cilvay would be a biologist/virologist Jessica Navarro would either work IT or nightguard Princess Genocide would be a teacher
Archie would still be in school. Judith would still be a psychologist, GREENSTAR would be a government official of some kind...
Septimus would be an HR Manager at Epic Games who has to put up with the horde of squeakers and their parents on the daily. Lydia would be committing daily OSHA violations at her construction job to impress her coworkers. Atticus would be a Vtuber who gets cancelled once his audience finds out hes not actually a girl. Telroth would be a bouncer somewhere that will gladly take bribes of all sorts
Hope would be a sex worker. Blair would be a club owner. Sam would be in some woman's sports. Zelis would still be a doctor. Lillian would work security. Suzume would be a popstar. Via would be a librarian.
Flare'd be a R&D scientist breaking geneva convention on the daily for some warlord probably. Televisor would be a servant.