Calypso Redesigned.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by insidertrading, Jul 4, 2017.

  1. insidertrading

    insidertrading Daedalus Staff Member Administrator Technician

    Jun 25, 2017
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    So I decided today was when I would give Calypso a fresh coat of paint.

    First, a few questions:

    Who is able to access Calypso? Isn't it Atlas only?

    Absolutely everyone, regardless of allegiance. Atlas is only the ruling body there.

    Can I apply for a bartending position?

    Of course, check out our faction page and list yourself under 'Civilian.' Here.

    What kind of guns/armor are allowed?

    There are NO gun/armor restrictions on Calypso. Just like the good old days.

    What is the background?

    The station is built inside of a gas giant, don't worry, you can breathe outside.



    I'll keep this list short, but this all is an attempt to actually get people to RP somewhere else than Haven. It's stagnating. 

    Calypso has gotten an update!

    -Entire visual rework that attempts to utilize new blocks but stay true to the Atlas design.

    -A few and a few redone custom objects

    -New and improved bar area, more of a looker now.

    -Gave the medbay an actual medical thingy.

    -Built an entire extension on the old tech room leading to an office for conferences, this is guarded by a robot.

    -Cut out the supply closet for a more open floor plan and a new table.

    -Reworked every part of the building to use hull panels.

    -Adjusted red accents to favor angular shapes.

    -Bar now contains an Atlas insignia.

    -Updated the ICIF poster to match Gronkey's new appearance.

    -Evicted Rusto.

    -Made the banners white with the real Atlas insignia.

    -Coolfied shit.

    Hopefully you all will actually deviate from the norm in order to get a more varied taste in RP. Afterall, those who put up the great amount of endurance it takes to sit in an unpopulated hub are the same people that change the tide of the server. Those brave souls.


    Some Screenshots for your pleasure:






  2. inactive account

    inactive account Inactive Account Ex-Staff Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Since myself and a few other low-end spec players had issues with this hub, I will give an analysis of this. Will it play? That is the question.

    Unfortunately, some users still may experience FPS drops around the entire hub, but it is now a consistent gain of 10
    fps so it is now rendered at least playable. Personally for me, it's hovering at around
    14 - 17
    FPS. Which- while that is not a slideshow, it's still significantly lower than Haven, which stays in the 27 - 30

    My answer?

    it plays!