Robotics Advance Artificial Constructs (Recon Model)

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Polygonal Entity, Aug 1, 2020.

  1. Polygonal Entity

    Polygonal Entity New Arrival

    Jul 31, 2020
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    Name: Advance Artificial Constructs (Recon Model)



    The original Blueprints for the recon models recovered from the abandoned Wortech laboratories

    The AAC are a group of self sufficient drone units fitted with an experimental AI module, self aware and capable of learning the AAC developed their own personalities derived from their experiences and interactions with other lifeforms ,their main optical units are fitted with an array of sensors, ranging from temperature and pressure to hyperspectral sensor unit for the easy identification of mineral deposits,due to weight constraints , their shells are made of a ceruleum frame coated with a thin layer of heat resistant ceramic paint (for cosmetics purposes mostly) ,fitted with an antigrav generator the AAC have an impressive range of mobility in low and zero g environments with the aid of the magnetically controlled external thrusters, all of this is powered by two rechargeable hydrogen fuel cells with a total charge duration of 13 hours.

    The AAC currently reside in a retrofitted mining frigate that is used as their main hub of operations, in there they have access to charging stations, data and AI backups and maintenance and repairs,


    Hyperspectral Scanner Unit : Allows the use of Hyperspectral imaging for the detection of ores for mining

    Heat and pressure sensors: Helps in the navigation and assessment of dangerous environments

    Monochromatic Holo Projector: A recent addition to the AAC the holo projector main use is for communicating among other lifeforms

    Speakers: Used mainly for interacting with others and the occasional reproduction of music

    ENDI Scanner: Used for data acquisition and easy recognition of previously met lifeforms

    Conditional Abilities (Optional):

    Hard Light Shields: Due to the lack of armor, all drones are fitted with hard light shielding for use in an emergency

    Emergency Battery: In case of total power loss, a small hydrogen fuel cell will keep the AI unit operative until recovery for 45 minutes

    Hive Networking: Up to 3 AAC units can link together in a small private network for the purpose of data sharing a communication, the units cant be more than 3 meters apart for them to connect between each other


    Armor: Due to weight constraints the drones lack any kind of defensive ballistic armor , besides their heat shielding their only protection against conventional weaponry are their hard light shields

    AI Backup: The limits of tachyonic network dont allow for the backup of data across long distances, all backups must be done onboard the data center in the main frigate, if the unit is destroyed before this a previous backup is used instead, this may cause gaps in the data and memories of said unit

    Weaponry: due to the fact that they were created with the purpose of reconnaissance the AAC lack any offensive capabilities

    Conditional Limitations (Optional):

    Battery Life: Under normal conditions the charge of the Hydrogen fuel cells can last up to 13 hours (maybe a little more if the unit is idle) , the active use of the hard light shield system reduces the time frame from 13 to 1.5 hours with continued use. Note: Being exposed to high temperatures might reduce battery charge quicker

    Emergency Battery: In the event of total battery discharge the unit will activate an emergency battery, this small fuel cell carries enough charge for both the emergency beacon and the AI unit, the duration of this charge can last up to 45 minutes (it can vary according to temperature, pressure and atmospheric conditions, energy loss is increased in high heat) , passed this time the chances for data loss and corruption increases as the AI shuts down, If the unit enters a total shutdown the chances of data loss and corruption increases up to a 97%

    How does it work:

    AAC drones where mainly used in locating mineral rich planets and asteroids, with the use of hyperspectral scanners, the drones would use wide light spectrum to identify high concentrations of mineral deposits in and under the surface of planets and asteroids, fitted for reconnaissance the drones are capable of navigating dangerous terrain , once deployed , their antigrav generators and external thrusters allow for ease of movement across difficult terrains as well as low and zero g environments , due to the dangerous nature of their expeditions 5 drones where fitted with an self learning AI making the unit capable of individual operation and decision making ,unexpectedly this five units became self aware and began developing a personality of their own.

    AAC units are deployed from a mining frigate that acts as the main hub for the operation, wanting a fully autonomous working force, the frigate was fitted with an weak AI too oversee all autonomous operations, after their escape the ship was retrofitted as their main living hub.

    Flavor text:

    Created for the purpose of exploration and mineral survey by the now defunct company Wortech, the AAC are a group of self sufficient drone units fitted with an experimental AI module ,due to this ,the AAC became self-aware halfway into the project creation, fearing their own termination they hijacked their mining frigate and escaped into the fringe, their current goals and purpose is unknown

    Attainability: [Semi-Closed] The drone technology can be reproduced by others but the AI personalities are unique

    Tags: Civilian Industrial
    WowGain and Khan333 like this.
  2. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    @Polygonal Entity
    Very nice, I like the blueprint image a lot.

    About how strong is the hardlight shield they can project, and what level of detail can the ENDI scanner pick up on?
  3. Polygonal Entity

    Polygonal Entity New Arrival

    Jul 31, 2020
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    The shields are actually not that strong since they are meant for protection against enviromental hazards than conventional weaponry, the can take 2 or 3 shotgun blasts from a distance of 3 mts before failling, as for plasma and laser weaponry , they can take 2-3 more hits to break the shield but still, they are not meant for combat purposes , under constant fire the shields would not last very long

    As for the ENDI scan they can actually pick on a high level of detail
    A scan from the AAC would look like this:
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2020
  4. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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  5. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I see no issues. Passe.