
Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by TriReef, Jun 8, 2020.

  1. TriReef

    TriReef treef Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // A little Nextube account pops up on the Nexus one day, simply titled 'SurvivingAndThriving'. The account has a very, very small amount of subscribers, and two videos: Both episodes of 'Surviving and Thriving'. //

    SurvivingAndThriving - 15 subscribers

    //The rest of the channel, for now, is barren. No playlists or other subscribed channels.//
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2020
    Pinkbat5, zecon125 and ThatCabbage like this.
  2. TriReef

    TriReef treef Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // A video is uploaded, with a thumbnail of an armored man sitting in front of a pile of purple, glowing fruit. He appears to be in the Blacklight Fen of Baldr's Underground. //
    Surviving And Thriving - Episode 1: Crystals!

    The video is shot at a head on angle, showing the armored figure sitting behind his pile of glowing, crystalline fruit. His hands rest on his hips as he began to spoke and rose from his seated position.

    "Hi, folks, this is Surviving and Thriving Down Bellow, and I'm your host, Petrichor. I rightly believe that I don't receive any signal down here, but if there's anyone out there watching today, we have some survival tips for you regarding..." There was a long pause as he turned to point at the surrounding cavern, the camera unmoving. He shook his hands a little bit to emphasize it's vastness, a few more of the fruits from his pile visible hanging from vines in the background.

    "The Blacklight Fen! Now, this is one of the nicer spots around these parts... The algae glowing in the water makes for one heck of a view, and the fruit here is edible if you're running low on food supplies. Regarding this little fruits, I just call 'em Erchi-Berries, it's very important to know how to prepare them correctly. The exterior of these little friends is solid and inedible, and the liquid inside doesn't taste the best in most cases. The first step is roasting them over a nice fire- Or, if you're doing fine food wise, these fruits make for a good source of light if you've ran out of tinder." Petrichor shifted a bit where he stood, picking up one of the fruits and bashing it against his chest plate. The fruit caved in as soon as it made contact, a glowing purple liquid leaking out onto his armor.

    "I've already pre-roasted these ones. It's good to be able to differentiate between a cooked and an uncooked fruit- I've noticed that the cooked one's glow tends to be a bit closer to white in coloration. Once you crack them open, just pour them into your container of choice, and there you have it! A good coffee substitute, something I sure wish I had down here." He chuckled briefly, attempting to wipe the juice off him with his free hand, but it seemed to stick to him.

    "I think that should be all for today, folks. I'm trying to take some viewer suggestions, so if this uploads, I'd love to hear what you folks think. Thanks for tuning in, and come back for episode two!" One abrupt cut later shows Petrichor sitting in front of his pile of fruit, holding a marshmallow on a stick over it as the credits roll by:


    MOM&DAD : D


    // The episode ends. There's a section for comments, and a link to his Benefactor.Nex page in the description.//
  3. TriReef

    TriReef treef Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // The channel uploads a second video, titled 'Surviving and Thriving - Episode 2: Hunting VS Trapping', The thumbnail is pretty similar to last time, apparently just a frame out of the video, depicting Petrichor sitting by a pool of water. The lighting is far worse compared to last time. //
    Surviving And Thriving - Episode 2: Hunting VS Trapping!

    The episode opens with Petrichor fiddling with the camera, the tripod set up in a pool of standing water, evident from the sloshing noises coming from behind the camera. The masked man sat down and huffed once he was finished, waving a gauntlet to the camera. "Hiya, folks. This is Surviving and Thriving, and I'm your host, Petrcihor. Today, we're discussing the ways one can get food down in these parts. Food is important- Very, very important. Without it, we'd die!"

    Petrichor chuckled, picking up a dinky rifle that had been sitting out of frame until now. He turned it around a bit in view of the camera, demonstrating it to the audience. "Now, I'm not one to support gun violence under any circumstances, but it's an unfortunate necessity when living in times and places such as these. I only use this here rifle to hunt bigger animals- Pretty uncommon finds down here, and their hides are as tough as steel. If you can get 'em, though, they can feed a single man for weeks! I prefer the alternative method of trapping- Simple enough, you just set up a trap of some sort and then wait for-"

    CLANG! Petrichor jumped a bit, then scrambled to grab the camera off the tripod and rush into the open cave behind him- Finding a shut, comically large bear trap. Besides it lay the torso of a glitch clad in blue and silver armor. Beneath it lay the other half. If there was such a thing as a verbal frown, Petrichor would make it, setting the camera on a nearby rock ledge. ".. Shucks, I'm sorry, all. This is certainly not what I wanted to catch." He chuckled a bit sadly, turning back to the trap and the glitch corpse.

    As Petrichor mulled over and, very upset, looked down at the body, something appeared out of the gloom behind him. A figure clad in dark robes, wearing a... Safari hat and monocle. Petrichor didn't seem to notice, kneeling down besides the body and flipping part of the glitch's tabard over his still glowing optics.

    "Well, folks. This is the reality of the underground. I, uh, just wish he could've seen it before he stepped on it. The right thing to do when something like this happens is-"

    "Say, chap." The figure behind Petrichor fully materialized, a red feather atop his cap and a hunting rifle hanging off his back. "Are you going to need that body?" His voice was wispy and ethereal, accent distinctively European, perhaps British. Petrichor turned to face the reaper, giving him a small wave.

    "Oh, hello. Probably not, though I was hoping to give the fella a proper burial."

    The reaper twirled the scythe in it's hands, burying the head in the soil and leaning casually upon it. "Oh what fun is that! It's a good catch, and letting it lie buried in the ash is no good, simply no good!"

    "I didn't mean to kill 'im. Isn't any fair if you or I take pride in that." Petrichor crossed his arms, glancing between the reaper, the camera, and the corpse. The glow of the optics beneath the cloth Petrichor put over it dimmed.

    "Oh, you're quite sure? I hardly doubt you're to eat it, and to simply put down an unmarked tombstone is no more an impressive death then anything I could cobble up for the chap- It's better with me, truly. Besides, I'm sure you've got better uses of time then showing a cadaver to a camera! Bah-hah!"

    "Well, no. This is a good use of time. It's important." He turned back to the camera for a moment, making sure it was still rolling. "I want to tell people about the dangers of living down here, and this is one of them. I sure hope none of my viewers get caught in a trap like this, particularly one of mine, but it's a possibility. They should be aware of that."

    "Oh! We're doing a bit?" He drifts over, staring dead into the camera with his monocle. "Hadn't thought you the stagely type! Bah-hah! Now.. about that Glitch." He rotates, still twirling the scythe like a toy.

    "How much do you want?"


    "For the body, dear sir." He stops spinning to poke the camera with the butt of his weapon.

    "I don't want money, I wanna bury him. That's that."

    "In this crag? Bah! You're better luck going elsewhere... Besides, you're better off handing him to me." The monocle glares a faint, cherry red.

    "I'll bring him down to the basin, then." Petrichor crossed his arms over his chest stubbornly, putting a foot over the body to 'protect' it.

    "The Basin? Please, chap.. That's a ridiculous place to bring anyone.." The reaper reaches out a hand and... grabs the camera. "Besides, we wouldn't want your show to be cut short, now would we?"

    "I'd say this episode has gone pretty well. Oh-- If you could just please set that down, I would appreciate it."

    "..You really are clueless, aren't you?" The video feed is clouded in the vantablack hand of the reaper.

    "Now about a five second head start, Petrichor?"

    "Fine by me."

    "Bah-hah! Clueless... Like hunting a winter hare.." He mutters to the camera. "Five.. four.... three..."

    Despite the lack of video, the pattering of Petrichor's oddly light feet against the stone floor could be heard.

    "TWOOO! ONE!"

    The reaper hollered, before the sound of a hunting rifle cracked out.

    The audio cuts, a long and black silence filling the next twenty or so seconds before video reappeared. It showed Petrichor, helmet cracked and armor nicked with bullet holes, sitting in the sandy dunes of the Jade Basin. Behind him, a large pile of sand next to a shovel, and in front of him, a camp fire which he roasted the marshmallows over. His Benefactor.Nex subscribers began to roll by.


    MOM&DAD : D


    // The episode ends. There's a section for comments, and a link to his Benefactor.Nex page in the description.//
    Dekerrex and zecon125 like this.