Wooden Glitch

Discussion in 'Approved' started by 9K, Jun 12, 2020.

  1. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Glitch, but made almost entirely out of wood save for their internals.

    Glitch, but made almost entirely out of wood. They look almost exactly like Glitch, but tend to have very few metal/glass parts, their visors having been replaced by wooden panels the majority of the time, even, restricting their capability of 'emoting' using their optics. They tend to be somewhat taller than the average Glitch, anywhere from 6'5" to 7' tall, and due to their materials being quite a bit lighter, quite a bit faster as well. Due to them being able to throw their reduced weight around quicker, they've also got an advantage as far as how much they can carry, and how hard they can swing a weapon or punch sometimes. They are, however, still made of wood, making them generally more vulnerable to damage than your average Glitch even with more durable varieties, especially to fire and chopping instruments such as the gigantic, heavy stone axes they tend to lug around.
    An example of a wooden Glitch.​

    Typically, as they did not have the capability to advance in the same way a regular Glitch does, up to the 'medieval' era, wooden glitch are restricted to wooden and stone tools, stuck in an even less advanced era. There are exceptions of course, however the purpose of Glitch to advance in this way is due to resource scarcity. Due to their struggles for survival, they've developed a culture that is very isolationist, with respect to one another. They tend to wander alone as they need all they can gather for themselves, or in very small communities reaching only about a dozen individuals or so, built around trust and usefulness so that combined efforts can secure more for one another as a whole. In this way, they are almost tribal, and it sometimes shows in their appearance. Among wooden Glitch, a popular aesthetic choice many of them make- especially as identification within their "tribes"- is patterning their wooden plating with burns, or as they call it, flame etching. To do this, they simply make a small, simple fire and ignite the ends of some thin sticks or twigs, and then use them to etch ornate patterns and symbols into their plating. They tend to have a "survival of the fittest" ideology, or at the very least value strength and hard work, and have quite brutal methods of fighting.

    Aside from this, there exist Wooden Glitch that are what are essentially viewed by the others as "cannibals". These Glitch highly value the metal internals of other members of their species, and will gladly attack and generally try to kill them in order to take them and fashion them into armor, weapons or replacements for their own degrading or broken parts. While this is a practice that is occasionally done when Wooden Glitch die anyway, none but the "cannibals" actively hunt for other Glitch to kill simply to fashion things out of their corpses.

    Wooden Glitch were discovered to be a thing recently after other species' first contact with Glitch. The cause of their stunted development not the cause of any programming/code error, but resource scarcity. Without much metal to go around on a planet they're inhabiting, or it being very difficult to access, Glitch were forced to repair their plating by merely replacing it with wooden panels, including fashioning cut-outs for their optical visors. They made their weapons and tools out of stone rather than metal, to give them some weight and some degree of sharpness.

    Intentions for Story & Setting Interactions

    Wooden Glitch have been a thing in the past and I wanted to encourage people to do it more by making them an actual existing subspecies. I think the concept of Glitch that have been even more hindered in their technology by uncontrollable, limiting factors is interesting. I'd also like to see the different things people can do to distinguish their Glitch even more within an already distinct subspecies.
    Yz2, Teldrassil, Khan333 and 2 others like this.
  2. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Teldrassil and Khan333 like this.
  3. Teldrassil

    Teldrassil Galactic Officer Community Monitor

    Mar 24, 2020
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    What the small purple dragon said. Cosign.
    zecon125 likes this.
  4. Deleted Account

    Deleted Account Galactic Prodige Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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  5. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    These are very epic, pass
  6. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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