Miasma Blooms

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Khaos, Jun 7, 2020.

  1. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Miasma Blooms

    Miasma blooms are a cultivatable plant that consists of a large bulb-shaped flower enveloped in yellow-green petals. They are renowned for both the medicinal properties of their miasma and the danger it presents to cultivate. These plants, especially after releasing the miasma, smell strongly of honeydew.

    Strangely, specimens tend to grow larger in areas of higher than average ECF, and typically develops new properties in its miasma once it reaches the age of 5 years old. The yellows of the petals in this circumstance change into a more violet coloration, often being the most obvious indicator of this.

    While the plant by all means behaves as one would expect, when its roots or petals are agitated by a creature, the plant will release a yellowy chemical into the air from between the petals wrapping around its sides.

    Miasma blooms can be cultivated similarly to most other plants, individual blooms preferring to have ample soil of their own in order to grow healthily, often choking the life out of each other or other plants that grow too close. Grows best in warm, humid environments and moist soil. Similar to rice in its ability to withstand flooding, though surprisingly doesn't react well to hydroponics/aquaponics.

    Where is it found?:
    Found originally in a humid, jungle world dominated by Florans. The planet in question was renowned for peculiar wildlife, both fauna and flora as it was an anchor planet, and this is also responsible for the plant's most peculiar properties.

    Typical variants of the bloom are not hard to come across given its uses, but the older and rarer variety of anomalous nature is quite hard to get one's hands on.

    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy:
    Same as a typical plant. Uses miasma to efficiently kill nearby creatures, in order to provide extra nutrients from decomposed bodies.

    The miasma itself, stored in sacs within the bulb can be harvested once the plant is mature, killing the plant in the process. It can be refined into a number of drugs and medicines.

    Plants grown in areas of higher than average ECF eventually fully mature at the age of around 5 years, the miasma developing anomalous, more intense traits. As areas with a higher ECF are rare and little understood, few have bothered to try to fully develop them in this way, and fewer have succeeded.

    Typically in order to harvest, organic species must wear full hazmat or similar gear that separates them from the environment. Care must be taken after harvesting, as the miasma can stick to suits/inorganic bodies and absorb into exposed skin.

    The plants are asexual, and function off of pollination. On their original word, insects immune to their miasma carried out pollination, though off-world this is usually done artificially by parties intending to breed more.

    Produces seeds within pods, they are ejected high into the air, and then carried by the wind in a an odd combination of methods, like a combination of peat moss and dandelions.

    Varies greatly. Adults are usually 3 feet tall and 2 feet wide at minimum, with the largest specimens being of the exotic variety at older ages. The largest known specimen is 13 feet tall and 8 feet wide.

    The plants themselves aren't too heavy, extensive root systems weighing quite a few pounds. The bulbs themselves can vary from a fraction of a pound to up to a whopping 50 lbs in exotic specimens

    They mature in usually 15 months. Kept in optimal conditions, one bloom can surprisingly last a few decades, though usually not past 30 years. However, most blooms are harvested once mature.

    The more exotic version of the plants oddly don't seem to wither and die with age, though no known specimens are over 50 years of age.

    The plants can release a unique chemical into the air around them in order to kill prey and potential predators.

    This miasma is usually too weak to kill a humanoid sized-creature until the plant is mature, however mature blooms can quickly render a humanoid unconscious in a matter of seconds, death by respiratory failure following in 30 minutes should the individual not be detoxified.

    The miasma from the rarer variant of the bloom is especially potent, capable of killing a person within the span of a couple minutes.

    The variant of Miasma Blooms that has more potent, anomalous traits, requiring an higher than average ECF, which greatly restricts one's ability to acquire them. Usually most anchor planets have a satisfyingly high ECF.
    They also wither and die if exposed to an ECF of absolute 0 or less.

    The miasma drug will have its own application, a link being put here should it be passed. Non-exotic variants of this plant may be freely used in roleplay, however miasma samples from the exotic plant are typically to be earned.
  2. TriReef

    TriReef treef Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Passed :)