Hey hey people, the KrukPan here. The PanKruk. The Pan of Kruk. PanCuck. PanCum, dare I say. krukkiest of pans. Panniest of Kruks. PanCock, even, SourKraut, if you're feeling spicy. Even PanCrook, PanKurk. Kurk. The Polish Man. The menace. The big Man. The Man that Has Been Banned Seven Times already. But enough introductions! I'm making a new series, called "Guess that character!" Which is like, guess that pokemon, from that one show, but regardless. What is "Guess that Character!" And what is the first episode about? Well, a looot of people on GC, those with multiple characters, sometimes have issues with making their characters different from one another. They are the same, speak the same, have the same personality, etc etc So, here, I propose a challenge! If you think your characters are unique enough, post a SINGLE quote from the character, or write a sentence written in the style of that character. Don't say which one was it- and when you're done, you wait for other people to guess which quote belongs to which character of yours! When they're done guessing, you can either reveal which characters you had in mind publically, or you can simply give them a number how many characters they guessed, and wait for others to participate. Simple enough, but I think it's a very good exercise to make all of your fellas just that bit more unique. Expect more of those things to come in the future, hosted by me, myself, and I. PanKruk out.
This is a wonderful idea, o' Pán of Krúk. I'm gonna do three because I'm qwerky like that. "Oh, uh... Sure. Yeah, I can do that just uh... give me a moment to work some stuff out and I'll be with you in a moment." "Hey, squeaks. What's up? Looked pretty miserable from over there so I decided I'd come and chat, see what that frown's all about." "What the fuck are you on about? You absolute waste of space, out of my sight. Go, shoo!"
Ding ding! Next one is a bit less obvious, but to those in the know, it's easy to figure out. "hello. good morning."
Correct. He has a speech impediment that stops him from using capital letters, as well as a narrative impediment that stops his actions from being capitalized when I Rp as him.