
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Teldrassil, May 22, 2020.


Screw you! I'm British!

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  1. Teldrassil

    Teldrassil Galactic Officer Community Monitor

    Mar 24, 2020
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    It's been over a week, I need more little red things next to that envelope and my name. Time for another fluff question!

    What would your character's dream wedding be? Idc if they're already married, say they got to do it again - how would it go?
  2. schizothotep

    schizothotep Ozymandias's very own Diamond Donator

    Aug 20, 2018
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    guns and pink, lots of pink
    you already know which one
    Teldrassil likes this.
  3. Teldrassil

    Teldrassil Galactic Officer Community Monitor

    Mar 24, 2020
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    Why am I not surprised?
    Khan333 likes this.
  4. Neon

    Neon New Arrival

    Jul 14, 2017
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    Box doesn't have to marry someone, she just wants someone that she doesn't think has secret grudges against her.

    Neon wants white. Lots of it. No black. At all. And lace. Better be lace, and some cool ass flowers. Roses are for basic people.
    Cheffy and Teldrassil like this.
  5. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    One of my characters, idril, is actually still PLANNING a wedding with Gary, so...
    private and in a dark area, maybe underground, or in a church at night. Lots of food imported from Obsecria, and then some of Gary's favorite dishes. A proper wedding cake, because idril loves sugar, though it might have some weird ingredients thrown in (bug flour? idk)
    Some obsecrian wedding/mating traditions would probably also be thrown in. those traditions vary from cave-city to cave-city so I'm gonna say for Idril's hometown, there'd be special hornwear and decorative traditions she'd want to follow. I don't know if she'd wear a dress but whatever her outfit is, it'd have bioluminescent fungus in a pattern that'd be considered flashy. there would also be lots of flowers and fungi in bouquets.

    as for Dave,
    SilverGallium and Teldrassil like this.
  6. Mir

    Mir The Kentucky Fried Cyborg Impervium Donator

    Jun 19, 2019
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    Mir: Well... This isn't really a thing I'd considered. Given Mir's long, storied history of having literally been in a relationship or anything similar to one, the prospect of a dream wedding, or wedding in general, seemed rather infeasible. However, if he had to think up what a "dream wedding" would consist of for him, it'd probably be something pretty modest. He doesn't care too much about theatrics in his personal life, so really his dream wedding would be to either have a rather modest one, or have the dream wedding of whoever he was marrying.
  7. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    Zelis! He would... really just want a nice, dimly lit place with a large amount of his and whoever he was becoming mates with's friends. Along with the specific customs that his home city has- Glowly clothing, good food, and of course, something that cannot be forgotten. Orange juice. Lots, and lots of orange juice.

    Sam! She, would like a small gathering of close friends. Nothing overly formal, just... simple and sweet. Preferably in nature and near a body of hot water.

    Lillian! Lots of baked goods, lots of red. She just wants something nice, simple, and sweet for her dream wedding. Similar... to, the last one I wrote up actually.
  8. zirconzz

    zirconzz da guy Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Dec 17, 2017
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    Seru is a simple woman. Her wedding would be equally simple. They’d exchange rings, kiss, and that’d be it. No ceremony or anything unless someone else pushed it. If she had to choose a venue it’d be a beach. If she had to choose a dress it’d be the most basic one she could find. Food, however, is the one thing she’s spare no expenses with. Lots of Hylotl food and snacks. Maybe a cake? If she did have a cake it’d be coconut cream flavored but on the small end.

    Ari, in contrast, is actually engaged to Xentl already!! But she would (will?) spend a lot of money on a big ceremony where she can invite all of her friends. She’d have a pretty dress with a lot of thought put into it. The venue would probably be bright and filled with nature, lots of greenery and flowers. As for cake, she’d go for a smaller one (because she’d feel guilty eating it otherwise) but the flavor would be white chocolate and raspberry. Because she really likes white chocolate and she really likes raspberry. Lots of family, lots of friends.
    SilverGallium and Teldrassil like this.
  9. SilverGallium

    SilverGallium No-Bark Noonan Impervium Donator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Oddly specific, but... alright. Here's everything on that:

    Caleb really doesn't know what he wants to do for his weddings. After being engaged to Blake (Parked's) for about a year without having one, the two just started calling eachother husband and wife despite not having had a ceremony yet. He plans to give her a proper wedding one day though, when things in their life are more "settled" and they're living in what he feels like is a safer environment. It'd probably be... well, fairly basic actually, but he'd go out of his way to make it as nice as possible. The only real oddity about it would probably be just how traditional it would be, even moreso than most 'human' weddings of the current century, given Caleb's obsession with (and impressive knowledge of) human history. Oh- and I can tell you now that security would be a major point too. Like, concealed carry for guests wouldn't just be allowed, it'd be encouraged, and said guests would solely consist of people he'd trust not to misuse such a privilege. And then, later, he'd have to do it all a second time for Robin. Then a third time for Diana. Then...

    Arial hasn't even thought about a wedding yet because she hasn't been in her relationship long enough to even propose to her partner. She's confident they're going to stay together and all, but given how very very very fast she and Alera (TurnWall's) entered their relationship, she's trying to take things slower for now.

    Jerry, I haven't given much thought yet. He's engaged too, but I don't have an actual IC excuse thought up why he hasn't had his wedding in like, almost
    four years now. The far-less-interesting OOC reason is that the person who plays his fiancee left and I ran out of ideas for what to do with him, but- if I did finally have him hold his wedding? It would probably be something crazy or zany for the sake of just having fun with Rebecca and anyone he invites, but not something intrusive. Just a little... out there. In (what in his mind would be) a purely good way. Oh, and Dave would be asked to be his best man, so if that gives you any idea the kind of things Jerry want to do, well, then... there you go.

    Hollow and Rubigo haven't given any thoughts about a wedding because they're almost entirely asexual and aromatic as of now and are only interested in friendships. That being said, the former has solid life partners in PosiMin (Pink's) and the latter has a similarly-close (if much younger) friendship with Emiko (Zircon's), but either of them marrying their best friends aren't something they really think about, much less proposing to or even "dating" them.

    I haven't given what Cipher's would be much contemplation, but to fair, he's in a position where he wouldn't have thought about it either much yet. He's had a girlfriend for a little while, but only after a super-long stretch of thinking he was gonna live and die alone his entire life, so he's only really just begun to
    think about his future. If I just had to guess though, a weird but oddly precise way of describing his dream wedding would be "what a human would think a stereotypical novakid wedding would be like," since he plays up a few old western tropes as part of his "public" persona purely for fun. I'd rather leave to your imagination what that would look like rather than trying to disservice it by describing it, but it would involve lots of wood. And brass. And guns, probably. Everyone would have hats. Half of everyone would have guitars...

    Wesley's would just be like Caleb's, but more boring essentially; alternatively, Cipher's, but way more boring. Way less rootin', hold the shootin'...and all of the fun, too, while you're at it.

    Lloyd is (barely) too young to to think about what he'd want his wedding to look like much, and thus, he hasn't really. His mind's been occupied by... other things...
    Teldrassil likes this.
  10. schizothotep

    schizothotep Ozymandias's very own Diamond Donator

    Aug 20, 2018
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    lol lloyd is thinking about BOOBS hehe
    SilverGallium likes this.
  11. SilverGallium

    SilverGallium No-Bark Noonan Impervium Donator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    girls??/ EW girls Are GROESS!!!!
    Teldrassil likes this.
  12. Teldrassil

    Teldrassil Galactic Officer Community Monitor

    Mar 24, 2020
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    He's thinking about deek.
  13. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Goraznyce - He's married to evil- So a good brawl with his nemesis is quite like that!
    Lesslyn - A quiet, golden ceremony with no family in sight. Preferably in a capital-class ship that she owns wholly to herself, equipped with the best defenses money could buy.
    Barter - It's taken many marriage ceremonies in its day... But a few more couldn't hurt.
    Moirai - A peaceful, small ceremony set in a rolling hillside, with only her closest friends and family with her. This ceremony has come and gone with her age, sadly the husband isn't around anymore.
    Ahdran - A ceremony indoors, twenty people max. Bare bones, but efficient. They don't enjoy talking of their feelings, so the wedding vows would be rather short.
    Zenith - A grand ceremony among the cultists of Quintesson, overseen by one of the other High Priests. The decorations do not matter, so much as the attendance. It would be a large thing, if he had his way. It is imperative the followers know of such a joy.
    Grug - A larger, more traditional wedding with his large family there. The buffet would be top-notch, of course. Sadly, he's not much of a dancer.
    Kohi - Weddings? Yeah! Of course. I do weddings. I can plan your's for.... sixty thousand pixels? Too little?
    Dimitri - A proper smuggler's marriage! Set in the dying heart of a war ship, in the middle of a massive battle, outmatched and truly outnumbered. A deathly chance, with deathly vows... but the heroes would make it out! Of course.
    Peep - A traditional glitch ceremony, sworn under the gaze of Aluminus. That wouldn't stop him from casting his blade at any welcome knight in the crowd, of course! Sadly, this is likely never to happen.
    Arlington - Bah! Marriages? Try finding a bride as /amazing/ as Arlington Tale of the Telltale Tales clan! Surely, it would be the best ceremony in the history of... well, everything?
    ??? - He's the best man at your wedding, not the other way around.
    Veiled Voyager - They're already married to their research.
    Orbiter - Oh! Oh! The biggest and flashiest, most welcoming ceremony they could get their hands on!
    Brasit - A drab and dire ceremony, set in the heart of Necropolis amidst a blackblight swarm, with his loyal subjects gazing on in awe and terror as he christened his queen. The defectors would be horrified to find the punishment.
    Alistair - Oh! Oh ho! Of course the great Sophus Alistair would have forged themselves a wonderful display of magic at their own wedding. But truly, what sort of caster could be so great as to meet his standards? Though, of course, Nyx would be invited.
    Vise - ...Yeah, what's a wedding?
    Lkzi - Too married to his craft. His some three-hundred years of preparation for being a master-class butler in schools around the galaxy could be considered his 'marriage.'
    Ordnance - ...Truly wants a quiet, lovey ceremony with a girl he could call his own. Or, maybe a boy to call his own? He's not sure, but he can't let anyone think he feels love. It's a weakness. No proper Gun Priest would be so weak.
    The Hermit - ...Ha.
    Jari - Let's not get into /this/ one.
    Parietus Marrow - Imagine the Addam's Family. Yeah, that. He and his wife would sword-fight rather then kiss.
    ??? - Hm. Perhaps if their was a suitor available...
    Blubby - It feels no love. Not in its tiny core, not after what happened to Rhapsody.
    Thorn - A bond forged in battle is the only thing Thorn needs, someone he can properly trust.
    Marquis - ...So, imagine what happens when two clowns get married in the middle of the most snobbish place they can imagine, then by the end of the day the building is gone. Yeah. That.
    GARF - ohwellineverthoughtaboutweddingsiguessififondagirlwhoilikelikelotslikethaticouldtotallydoitbutidneedtothinkaboutwhotoinviteandallthatandmaybemysisterwouldliketocomeihaventseenmysisterinalongtimeiwonderwhatshesuptoshewascoolandusedtohelpmelikegetjobsandstuffbutthatwasawhileagoyouknow
    PROSECUTIVEGOD - Can you get married in the middle of a court trial? That.
    Warygaze - I don't actually know what a 'Eye Guard Wedding' looks like, but Warygaze would probably want a smalelr version of that. It's probably a grandiose and lovely display... which is prone to being drawn down by usurpers showing up for one's significant other.
    SIMULACRA - Honestly the biggest relationship they'd have is like, TF2 medic girlfriend. They'd like that, though.
    John Law - ...Love? Hmph. Yuh don't know love aftuh all yuh've been through, especially Niveus... nevuh goin' back tuh Niveus.
    Ernesto - Ernesto isn't one for commitment, as much as they love the female form and figure. They're a flirt first and foremost, anything else second.
    Jeremy - Honestly whatever Dave's is?
    ??? - A wedding? Hm. It has room for another.. somewhere around here.
    The Flaming Man - Too busy with his job to give something like that any thought.
    The Gamely Reaper - A hunt across Garlen with his would-be bride would be lovely!
    ??? - No Comment
    Pinkbat5 and Teldrassil like this.
  14. Teldrassil

    Teldrassil Galactic Officer Community Monitor

    Mar 24, 2020
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