//The Spotlight Focuses...//

Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by PUZ-L, Jul 2, 2017.

  1. PUZ-L

    PUZ-L New Arrival

    Jun 28, 2017
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    //Upon entering the Nexus post, the user is greeted with a NexTube video link. The thumbnail depicts three diamond-shaped jewels lined up horizontally: A blue to the left, a red to the right, and a large purple, shimmering gem centered and overlapping the two. The title reads "Amethyst Entertainment Returns!".//

    //The video's first few seconds are pitch black, with no sound or visual image. Suddenly, a click is audible, and a bright light shines from above upon a figure facing the camera. The being appears to be Glitch, adorned with a brown cape, a golden-buttoned brown vest with a white undershirt, black dress pants, a wide purple hat with a yellow feather stuck atop, and slick brown boots. However, these details are likely not what catches the viewer's eye. The figure's right hand and right side of their face is a deep blue, their mouth engraved with half of a wide smile. However, the left hand and left side of their face is a crimson red, the other side of the mouth curled in a deep frown. Rather than having the usual wide visor often used by Glitch, each side has its own black, circular screen that houses a blue and red light on their respective sides. The figure only stays motionless for a second, quickly raising their right hand above their head, fingers raised to the heavens. This movement causes their cape to swish behind them in quite the dramatic fashion. The figure then begins to speak, however the blue side's mouth screen lights up and fluctuates in pattern with the volume of the voice, meanwhile the red side's mouth remains pitch black. The voice is high pitched and cheerful, perhaps annoying to certain ears, their sentences brimming with enthusiasm and exclamations, and their right hand moving quite frequently during their speech whilst their left hand rests upon their hip.//

    [font='Trebuchet MS', Helvetica, sans-serif]Greetings, Fringe! Long time no see, huh? Man, five decades can really fly by! Most of you probably don't remember us by now! Such a shame, such a shame! We are the Great Pretender, PUZ-L! We've come back to bring our exciting shows and entertainment back to the desolate Fringe! Surely it could use a bit of cheering up, no?

    //Perhaps to the viewer's surprise, a different voice suddenly spoke. The red side's mouth visor now lit up with the voice while the blue side remained blank. This voice was much deeper and monotone than the first, and carried an eerie aura that the first was lacking.//

    [font='Times New Roman', Times, serif]We are the CEO of an entertainment company that began in the Fringe fifty years ago. We are now returning to this area to relocate our theatre, find new talent, and reach an audience hungry for amusement, distractions, and art. This video is a call to all who find themselves desiring to work with an establishment such as ours. Skill level does not matter, as we are more than happy to teach those willing to learn in the ways of entertainment. If you are interested, we have provided a link to our company's page below.

    //Once again, the voice that was linked to the blue side spoke up, the figure's right side once again animating.//

    [font='Trebuchet MS', Helvetica, sans-serif]We're planning the Fringe's first big production soon, and need a cast to help bring it to life! Once everything has been settled, we will open auditions for 'The Quest of Exile', featuring the Fringe's very own talent! We are looking forward to seeing what this place has to offer, and we're eager to teach the Fringians a new thing or two!

    //Suddenly, the camera panned backwards, more of the environment lighting up to reveal a massive stage, a large purple curtain draped at the back. Various spotlights now shone upon the scene, causing the stage to shimmer. The figure stood at its center, arms outstretched.//

    [font='Trebuchet MS', Helvetica, sans-serif]So come one, come all, to the Amethyst Theatre! Find us at your local teleport hub's listing soon! Seeeeeeya later!

    //The video ends here. As the figure that called himself "PUZ-L" stated, a link in the video's description was included. Would the viewer be curious enough to press it?//



    DUWANGO New Arrival

    Jun 28, 2017
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    (I like it. You're going in bold. Good shit, keep it up.)
  3. Cap'n Beatdown

    Cap'n Beatdown New Arrival

    Jun 30, 2017
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    (This will be great! I want to see one of your shows IC!!)