
Discussion in 'Denied' started by RangerSavage, Feb 14, 2020.

  1. RangerSavage

    RangerSavage New Arrival Silver Donator

    Jan 21, 2020
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    Stage 1 Application
    Tenefkhet are a synthetic construct lifeform created by Avians native to Sharwing that are vessels for the deceased.
    Tenefkhet are usually composed of avian power crystals, synthetic brains, a series of conduits and poweways, skeletal structures of maleable and durable stone associated with Sharwing technology, and a glyph covered skin layer not unlike the texture of sandstone. The Tenefkhet form is varied. They are usually in a permanent garb of brass and gold trimmings, armored and the head permanently adorned with the likeness of a skull of the native species to their home. A jackal, an avian itself, a crocodile, and a number of others.[​IMG]

    Some have visible power crystals adorning their body, giving the portion of their exterior a dull red glow. Tenefkhet when unmoving resemble a well decorated statue that belongs in a tomb, the only hint of their sentience the eyes of the sockets of the skulls on their heads eyes, which move and glow just as well as ever.

    The Tenefkhet are heavily influenced by egyptian aesthetics, while culturally identical to their desert brethren on their home planet of Sharwing they do exhibit a more stringent honor code, being some of the best of the best of their society at the time of their living bodies. This makes them more predisposed to abiding by the laws and customs of their home even in strained circumstances. They are constructed and maintained as sentinels, scholars, and leaders and on average implanted with the mind imprints of dying or dead skilled warriors, statesmen, craftsmen, leaders, highly skilled cabbage farmers, ect from Sharwing to allow the individual to continue their vigilant service in the afterlife to the living. Generally they have a strong connection to Sharwing’s avian reformist practices.

    They are also generally neutral figures, finding their codes and customs in life of higher importance than perhaps moral guidelines. This is partly due to the immortal disposition a imprinted mind eventually succumbs to, the identity of their living self and now “Afterlife” self splitting. This makes their kind prone to seeing themselves above others unless it is an ancestor of theirs.

    Sharwing is a Avian colony settled hundreds of years ago by Kluexian reformists who wished to rid the beliefs of blood sacrifice and suicide from the faith, calling themselves starwatchers. Sharwing grew to a thriving mining and industrial desert planet, producing some of the most innovative avian technology known in their sector. In their golden age one such technology was the creation of the Tenefkhet.

    The initial project was with the intention to preserve the skills and wisdom of fallen or dying brothers and sisters in sharwing without clumsy and foreign cloning procedures. To this extent it was a success with dozens of prototypes being tested, revised and introduced. It took years of hard study on the effects on the mind of the implanted, and even more time to correctly implement a skeletal structure that used minimal conventional alloys. It was considered a success, though the minds of the implanted are as previously mentioned prone to splitting.


    Intentions for Story
    An Tenefkhet roleplayer can look forward to playing a uniquely flavored android-like character. Aesthetically tailored for much more ancient and powerful themes. With the focus on avian technology they effectively put low the need for conventional technology (Steel exteriors, servos, electronic components) in favor of a more mysterious and mythical theme. With personalities of long lost statesmen or warriors in a trapping made to contain them for lifetimes. It also serves as an alternative to cloning for expired characters who would prefer a more meaningful return-from-death scenario.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2020
    Horriblues and InvaderCristi like this.
  2. InvaderCristi

    InvaderCristi New Arrival

    Jan 21, 2020
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  3. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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  4. Deleted Account

    Deleted Account Galactic Prodige Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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  5. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Sorry it's taken so long to get to this application.
    I have no issues with these so far besides what we went over privately, which was all ironed out and you edited the application accordingly and promised the stage two application would elaborate on them more to give them some further distinctions.

    I trust you to do this, so I'm giving it a pass.
  6. Skid

    Skid God Incarnate Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Second pass. You may progress to Stage Two.
  7. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    @RangerSavage Hi, I'm checking in to see if you are still interested in continuing with this species application
  8. RangerSavage

    RangerSavage New Arrival Silver Donator

    Jan 21, 2020
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    I've recently resumed schooling and unfortunately don't have the time to anymore. It may change in the future but for now no. Sorry about that!
  9. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    All good, make sure to let staff know if you want to continue this app.
  10. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Failed for inactivity. Let staff know and we'll move it back to pending and resume grading.