Cyborg Fish Killed the Radio Star (Alexander Washington's First Clone)

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Horriblues, Jan 5, 2020.

  1. Horriblues

    Horriblues Galactic Commoner

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Character Name: Alexander Washington
    Cause of Death: During a heated fight, Washington bit an armed Hylotl's ankle. Her response was to aim her pistol at Washington and fire at the top of his head.
    # of Previous Clones: Zero
    Member Vouch: SilverGallium and zirconzz were both present ICly as Washington took a round through the skull.
    Character Sheet: No character sheet (yet).
    Cloning Method: After tensions subsided, Kyusei (the Hylotl) came to regret her decision to kill Washington, and used her laboratory's cloning pod (previously used only for experiments) to clone him.
    A copy of Washington's consciousness would be sent to her by the same person who hired Washington (along with Silver and zirc's characters) to go there in the first place.
    Skills: Washington has a very basic understanding of technology and can't really handle himself in a gunfight like so many others in the Fringe. However, the man has a love and longing for music, rhythm, and dance like no other, and knows how to talk his way into and out of most situations.
    Essentially, Washington is a 5e bard. He's got other various uses, but none nearly as useful as his silver tongue.
    SilverGallium likes this.
  2. SilverGallium

    SilverGallium No-Bark Noonan Impervium Donator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    gotta really bad casea corpse face too wink wink anyway yea vouch
    Horriblues likes this.
  3. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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