// An Interview of Leda Portia, Founder of Haven \\

Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by PrivateNomad, Dec 29, 2019.

  1. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    // An Interview of Leda Portia, Founder of Haven \\
    The Founder Returning

    The camera was on, lights briefly shining onto the lens before fading to reveal a quaint talk show setting of the Rose Gold morning show, a political talk show based in Rendera. The camera was centered view on a set of two fine sofas on a backdrop of a Renderan beach. On one sofa was a man in a suit, with white pants and a golden coat with accents of rose - he had tan skin from years in the Renderan sun and had long black hair and hazel eyes.

    On the other suit was a smiling man, sat eloquently with his hands in his lap, his leg over his knee. He appeared notably aged - no more than sixty - and had almost snow white hair with streaks of gray running through it. His eyes were a color different from the other, one a sapphire blue and the other an emerald green. His jaw was square and he was well built with broad shoulders. He wore a suit of white and gold, as well as a traditional Havenite scarf marked with zigzags of orange.

    The Renderan turned to the camera, and smiled. He spoke with a Renderan accent and a charismatic tone, “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Rose Gold talk show. I’m your host Lorenzo, and this morning we have a very special guest with us today. Please welcome Mr. Leda Portia, founder of the Haven Federation and one of our candidates for Grand Protector!”


    The other man spoke up, after letting a brief silence linger. He was not as charismatic as the other man, and almost seemed aloof, occasionally staring off into space or lapsing into a brief, momentary silence before speaking again.

    “Thank you, Lorenzo - a kind introduction. I am very excited to be here today, to answer whatever questions you - or any other viewer - might have. We live in a time, after all, where there are.. Many questions. Many questions that require succinct answers.”

    Lorenzo gave an enthusiastic nod, “We all share your excitement this morning, Leda. So - wow. Everybody assumed you were, well, dead. But here you are, right in front of me! And the whole thing with Bl-”

    Leda rose a finger, “Blake Esther. Yes. The people deserve an answer - it is only fair. Confusion is an agent of chaos - a good Grand Protector must bring order,” he said, before sighing and staring off, “Where to begin but step one…

    “I will assume everyone watching has paid attention to their history classes - if you don’t know, then here’s a lesson. I was the final Grand Protector of what was known as the ‘Council’, the successor of the Protectorate… and, in my tenure as the leader of our nation…” he took a breath, glancing idly,

    “We were attacked by Blackhelm, and we were glassed. The devastation was… endless. Fire burned our beautiful green forest, buildings, relics of the old Protectorate crumbled, turned to useless slag. There was nothing left.”

    At this point, Lorenzo was silent, staring at Leda with an interested look.

    “We.. moved to Caelum, and found a spot, after the war was over. It was a beautiful spot. Lush green plains and hills, flowing rivers, and mineral rich mountains not too far away where Corrav now is. We decided that our new bastion would start there, and so my predecessor, Ermine Muller, began to build the foundations of Haven City.

    “Admittedly, there were issues with the structure of the Council. It was a council of six, democratically elected but chosen by the majority. The constitution was weak, formed haphazardly after recovering from the devastation of the war. People were not represented adequately, and the Council could not meet the needs of the people. I, with the help of figures such as Antonio de Guanciale, dissolved the Council. We and all the districts then adopted the Haven Constitution - and I became its first Grand Protector. I had finally brought stability and peace to an uncertain nation. And then.. Well, the rest is history. I grew old and died.”

    Lorenzo spoke up again, “You cloned, then?”

    “Not exactly. I had worked closely with Dr. Marco at the Gaia University, and had my mind uploaded to a machine in secret.”

    “You’re an android?”

    “That’s right.”

    “That is quite the revelation, Leda. Your body was created by Dr. Marco? Does that mean…”

    “Very astute!” Leda laughed with a wide smile, “My technical model number and designation is EBS-1, yes. Nowhere near as advanced as the newer models, just an old relic I’m afraid. A prototype to test the body’s compatibility with both uploaded and artificial consciousness.”

    “You do look quite different from the other EBS androids.”

    “I had some aesthetic mods done.”

    “Are you aware that Dr. Marco is forming a new political party? The Transhumanist Party. What are your thoughts?”

    Leda sat for a moment in thought, “I.. respect Dr. Marco, and his work. However, he does advocate socialism, which I do not believe is a fit for our Federation, which has recently thrived economically since the opening of our borders.”

    Lorenzo gave a nod, “Let’s hear about your thoughts about the other candidates. Let’s start off with the elephant in the election - Markus Aleksandr. I’ve heard about your views on Atlas, are they true?”

    Leda gave a nod, “Atlas, for a long time, has been an indirect enemy of our Federation - and people don’t even realize it. Atlas was allies with the shifters and the caliphate - and I doubt I need to remind people of the shifter invasion on Corrav, that gruesome event, and Saif Cassio and Kate Bradshaw, both of which were ICIF agents. And the caliph, who had attempted to commit what is essentially genocide, by infecting our water supplies. Yet people are saying they would elect the general of Atlas, who was likely aware of all of this,” he said. He was vocal, but his silent anger did not show.

    “I guess you’re not a fan, then?”

    “No, definitely not. I do not condone fascist dictatorships attempting to interfere with our affairs like the ICIF did. Markus is not ‘different’. He is still Atlantean. To vote for Markus is to condone the vile values of Atlas.”

    “His leadership and strategy in the Battle of Silentia was considered groundbreaking by many, though-”

    “Groundbreaking? Sure. He did a fine job destroying his flagship in a risky maneuver to buy time. Now turn your telescopes to Silentia - you will see a destroyed Tartarus zombified by the Ruin. An entire ship - for what? For nothing.” Leda shook his head, “People are deluded if they think he did it for Haven. It was just Atlas protecting its assets in our system from a threat, and a convenient political tool to sway the people in Atlas’ favor.”

    “Alright then. Wright Dinn?”

    Leda gave a small nod and briefly thought for a moment, “Wright Dinn.. I respect him. He will be a formidable opponent in the upcoming election. But he is passive - too passive to be what Haven needs right now.”

    “What does Haven need right now?”

    “Haven needs a strong leader, who is not afraid to reach out of our shell or to bite back. Historically, Haven has been the victim - to Blackhelm, to the shifters, to the ICIF, and now to the Ruin. It is time to establish our presence in the Fringe, instead of waiting for the Ruin to devour us all.”

    Lorenzo gave a slow nod, “Speaking of the Ruin - what would you do about it, if you were elected?”

    “Select the best commanders and admirals, keep resources coming in so we can have a thriving defense - have plans in place in the event of disaster.”

    “And Cassius?”

    Leda gave a small laugh, “An odd fellow. I think he could be a good leader for our new Bastionite refugees.”

    “What do you think about his statement that, and I quote, ‘shifters can be reasoned with?’”


    Lorenzo slowly nodded, briefly looking down at some notes, “Martinez?”

    Leda smiled, glancing up at the sky, “Ah, Marty’. He is what a Senator should be - reliable, dedicated, smart. He isn’t passive like the rest of them. His work in Corrav has been phenomenal, absolutely phenomenal.”

    “Let’s end this bit with… David Ward,” Lorenzo said, looking over to Leda in interest.

    “Da- did you just say David Ward?”


    “He’s running again?”

    A short moment of the clip was silenced, and Leda’s mouth was blurred as he uttered a curse.

    “So, what do you think about h-”

    “Next question, please.”


    They sat a few moments in silence.

    Lorenzo interrupted the silence, “What are your plans for expansion?”

    Leda gave a nod, and took a breath, “Right now, we currently have all our eggs in one moon - if we fail, we will lose everything. We need to not only expand off world, but also to different systems, notably lush worlds such as Atridal.”

    “Well, Leda, this experience speaking to you has certainly been enlightening. Any message for the viewers before we go into break?”

    Leda turned to the camera and gave a wide half-smile, “Vote Leda! That’s it, I haven’t really come up with a catchphrase yet.”

    “Ladies and gentlemen, Leda Portia!”

    // Applause, and the video ended. There was a section for comments, likes, shares, etc. \\
  2. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    // User "Cunt" replies //
    You guys suck.
    Pinkbat5 likes this.
  3. inactive account

    inactive account Inactive Account Ex-Staff Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // User “br0ker” replies //
    haha leda’s scared of david

  4. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    //User posi3252 posts a comment, seemingly unaware that the video was not posted by Leda directly.//
    fucka you give me allyour money my dick biger than your's stupit shit head
    WowGain and PrivateNomad like this.