//Some poems//

Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by PointyBoi, Nov 11, 2019.

  1. PointyBoi

    PointyBoi Galactic Commoner

    Aug 20, 2018
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    //A few poems were posted throughout a few artsy Nexus sites and on the forum of a small bookstore known as "The Blank Page". The username of whom posted those poems is simply known as Cici//

    The Landscape

    I want, to compose chastely my eclogues,
    Laying near the sky, like astrologers
    And, neighbor of the steeples, listening in my dream
    Their solemn hymns carried by the wind.
    Both of my hands at my chin, high from my attic
    I would see the workshops singing and conversing
    The pipes, the steeples, those masts of the city
    Those giant skies that makes you dream of eternity
    The lakes of coal climbing to the firmament
    And its moon pouring its pale enchant
    I would see the spring, the summer and the autumn
    And when those dull winters will come
    I would close everywhere, door and windows
    To build at night, a ferric mansion
    So I could dream of blue horizons
    Gardens, water jets in the alabasters
    Kisses, birds singing day and night
    And everything the most childish idyll has
    The riot banging at my window
    Will not lift my head from my pillow
    Because I will be dipping in this sensuousness
    To bring the spring to my will
    To shoot a sun from my heart and to make
    From my burning thoughts ,a warm atmosphere.


    The music often takes me like the ocean!
    Toward my pale star,
    Under a ceiling of mist or a vast aether
    I am setting sail;
    The chest forward and inflated lungs
    Like a canvas,
    I am escalading the back of those tender waves
    When the night covers me;
    I can feel all the sensations
    Of a suffering ship,
    Good wind, tempest and its convulsions
    On top of that gigantic gulf
    It rocks me. Other times, flat calm, large mirror
    Of my despair.


    When you’re certain to be the loser,
    There is no peace, there is no war.
    Goodbye father
    Goodbye brothers
    I leave with a beating heart
    Walk the earth
    Brave the storm
    When experience is nothing but wind
    For the unknown mercenary
    You take the straight path
    There is no sense to misery
    Goodbye father
    Goodbye brothers
    I leave with a beating heart

    The Comet

    How heavy is the time in my misleading soul
    A large menacing sky, a lighting that shouts at me
    Your heart is vicious, your spirit between its claws
    Cannot do anything for you and you are meaningless
    The travelling clouds are making abstract arts
    They are talking about unknown happiness
    I could do just like them and leave without waiting
    Light like dust carried by the wind

    And in this solitude of this aerial dance
    Courage erupting, I will find the words
    I will endlessly mumble prayers
    For the serenity of an eternal rest


    Exhausted like I am, I will push back
    The day of my departure for another planet
    If only I could drown my vice
    A warm voice would tell me
    ‘’You shine like a comet’’

    ‘’You shine like a comet’’

    Oh, how mocking is the moon
    When she takes over the sky
    She stares at me like a tracking light
    I would wish to destroy or land on it
    Dizzied by its charm that never ceases

    I am a magnifying glass that the light kisses
    Its rays rejoice into a single point, burning everything of my cuirass
    And after my time, there will be nothing left
    And in the solitude of this new desert
    I will have everything to build to welcome peace
    And all my time as well, to warn the universe
    That joy came back and will never leave


    Condemned by doubt, frozen and fearful
    I am like my people, hesitant and wistful
    I talk to anyone about my fictional kingdom
    My dizzy heart and gnawed by fear

    And in the solitude of this new desert
    I will have everything to build to welcome peace
    And all my time as well, to warn the universe
    That joy came back and will never leave
    Special thanks to Chehui for sharing her incredible writing skills and knowledge for the last poem, "The Comet" !.

    //Comments could be left on the page and a link was offered to download the poems//

    (( The poems were mostly inspired from real poems, songs and books.))
  2. inactive account

    inactive account Inactive Account Ex-Staff Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    //Watchtower left a comment.//

    Very good musings. The Comet especially resonates with me. A lovely dance of words connecting together, such class! I look forward to your future postings.

    //Watchtower followed Cici.//
    PointyBoi likes this.
  3. ZachChase

    ZachChase Does Anyone Read These? Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    //Colordust left a comment.//

    I really like your poems, it inspired me to make this.
    9K and PointyBoi like this.
  4. Deleted Account

    Deleted Account Galactic Prodige Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // User 'BoldAutomata' left a comment //

    I really like your language, Cici!

    // End //
    PointyBoi likes this.
  5. PointyBoi

    PointyBoi Galactic Commoner

    Aug 20, 2018
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    // The original poster, Cici, left a comment//

    Thank you. It is appreciated of you all. It was quite hard for me to gather up the courage to post those publicly!
    ZachChase likes this.