Characters can change

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ZachChase, Oct 23, 2019.

  1. ZachChase

    ZachChase Does Anyone Read These? Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Over time our characters can change either due to events they witness or the direction we want to bring them.
    Have your characters changed since you first made them, and if so, why?
    What was the fastest change in character you've witnessed in your own or another character?
    Have your characters changed to be better or have some changed and became worse? (in terms of morality not quality)
    9K, Pinkbat5, Horriblues and 3 others like this.
  2. inactive account

    inactive account Inactive Account Ex-Staff Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Oh, man.

    Rose, by a fucking landslide. From a little red orb slowly evolving over the years to a living weapon made in the mistakes of her father, to an organic girl trying to move on from her past and fight an uphill battle within her own mind, Rose has by far been the character with the most changes out of any character I’ve ever had. She’s certainly changed for the better, but the changes aren’t done yet. She still has a lot of growing and learning to do, now that her becoming a mother is slowly approaching.

    Her fastest change was without a doubt, her switch from synthetic to metanoid. Within three weeks, she essentially switched sub-races and was thrust into a new world where she could actually feel everything. If you were numb to taste, smell, and raw emotion for your entire life, and then one day suddenly got all of those returned to you, how would you feel?
  3. Horriblues

    Horriblues Galactic Commoner

    Jun 27, 2017
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    When I first made Calvin Carminium, he was pretty much a self-insert based off of high school me (I think I was a sophomore at the time) and a lot of my past characters from other RPs (there was this one from a pirate RP that was a redhead just like Calvin). He was your run-of-the-mill human, having come from a small colony and having been a junker up until his arrival in the Fringe. His backstory wasn't really thought out beyond him being a simple "from-zero-to-hero" kind of idea, which I wanted to do by getting Calvin involved with the main server events.
    This changed, when, shortly after bringing him to the Fringe, I started to look into the lore on race-changes and cloning and thought it was all super cool, and met a character whose whole identity was two characters having merged to share a single body. I thought it was all really fascinating, so I went that direction with Calvin and merged him with another character, an Apex-gone-human geneticist named Wallace Waverly (alliteration is nifty, huh?).

    I kept going with the idea of a "rise-to-the-challenge" narrative as the now-merged Calvin/Wallace found confidence and comfort in one another. This changed as they got involved with Vulcan, a robotic deity who was working with the famous Vago Kepp. The pair were planning to forcibly convert organics everywhere into machines. It was at this point that the heroic narrative kinda went out the window and Calvin/Wallace became evil minions of Hyperian God-Emperor Vulcan and DTech Robo-Lord Vago. Sometime during that event, Calvin/Wallace were forcibly transferred to a robotic body only for their organic one to be disposed of.

    This is where things get tricky.
    The android Calvin/Wallace went on to work for Vulcan and Vago until each's respective disappearance, at which point they had an in with Alpha, Beta, AkCorp, Harper, and a bunch of Slafto, Ampo, and Dappy's characters that I forgot the names of ( :c ). Sometime during, the human version of Calvin/Wallace resurfaced, alive and well (there's an explanation, but it's way too many needless words for this already pretty lengthy post). Of course, he was terrified and aggressive towards his machine counterpart, whom he felt replaced him. This kickstarted Human C/W's descent.

    The next two years of the human's life was dedicated to destroying the android, making this previously honor-destined character into a force of vengeance, who would go through anyone and anything to kill his counterpart. Without getting into specifics (especially since a bulk of it revolved around some small and stupidly over-complicated events I ran with people who mostly aren't around anymore), the human was set on totally dismantling the android, presumably getting his life back as soon as the machine man was gone. Of course, revenge doesn't really work like that.

    At a point, he actually succeeded, hiding bits and pieces of the android all over the sector in a comic-book-villain fashion and keeping the programming, memories, and all their techy innards so he could successfully assimilate and replace this android Calvin/Wallace character. Then, unfortunately, he died (not the first time but definitely the most impactful), and his clone woke up having lost those two years of memories. As far the human knew, it was still 3284 (3283?) and Vulcan was still looming over the Fringe. They were filled in and shown bits and pieces of what they'd missed and the things they'd done by a revived android C/W (who were reassembled through the power of friendship and more events with the aforementioned no-longer-active group of players/characters). The android gave the human a home in an attempt to bury the hatchet.

    It was then that things started to look up for Human Calvin and Wallace.
    The human dwelt on their past initially, letting their techno-phobia guide them to some rash decisions, but this ultimately petered out and the human moved on, taking a job at Horizon under the guise of Calvin Carminium alone (no mention of Wallace on their application, for fear that it might lead to some complications in this attempt at a normal life). Over the course of their return and re-integration into a modern Fringe setting, Calvin and Wallace were able to cultivate their own unique identity and relationships, not as a human copy of the android, but as the Human Calvin and Wallace.

    Things took a grim turn when a research expedition to Scalb lead to the human nearly bleeding to death, with the resulting brain damage causing the chunk of their mind/personality/psyche that was Wallace to completely cease function. Though Calvin was able to recover and function like normal (or, normal as he could after numerous deaths and an abundance of trauma), the damage was permanent, and Human Wallace was no more. On the other hand, the android Calvin/Wallace had lost its Calvin due to some Lovecraftian space monster fuckery during the Miskatonic expedition event. After both of these events, Calvin and Wallace were now completely separate entities (which isn't a first, but it's permanent this time around).

    Now, Calvin Carminium is his own person, and nearly back to where he started. While he's no junker, he's a basic synthetic human (having transferred shortly after losing Wallace, with his organic form's hemophilia playing a major role in his Wallace's demise) working as an engineer to make a living and, hopefully, live a stable life. He doesn't have a clear goal in mind right now, but one thing is certain; going forward, the human is an ally to the android, not an enemy.

    To summarize, Calvin went from a basic and friendly nobody to a begrudging henchman to a terrible, vengeful doppleganger. And nowadays, after his memory loss and the death of his Wallace, he's slowly learning to be a decent human being again.

    In reference to other people's characters, I think Lloyd's change from funny engineer guy to Emperor of Atlas was pretty swift, or at least his rise through the ranks. Beyond that, a lot of characters tend to go from alive to dead pretty quick.
  4. seaweedgod

    seaweedgod New Arrival

    Jun 28, 2017
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  5. ZachChase

    ZachChase Does Anyone Read These? Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    9K likes this.
  6. schizothotep

    schizothotep Ozymandias's very own Diamond Donator

    Aug 20, 2018
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    ZachChase steals?!!?! No dignity.
    Deleted Account, Yz2 and Horriblues like this.