Your first character! (and you!)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by schizothotep, Oct 10, 2019.

  1. schizothotep

    schizothotep Ozymandias's very own Diamond Donator

    Aug 20, 2018
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    As title said; What was your very first GC character that appeared on the server/Discord rp?
    What prompted you to make them?
    Are they still around?
    Are you happy as to how they turned out?
    Do you cringe at their every mention?
    Or do you simply accept them as a part of your story and just see them as a milestone to see how much you've improved?

    How about you, yourself? Have you improved yourself ever since you joined GC all that time ago? Have you picked up a few new hobbies, maybe? Get married, got a job, etc.?
  2. inactive account

    inactive account Inactive Account Ex-Staff Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    As my username is a reference to the character (this wasn’t my name when I joined at first), Lange was my first character on GC. Day one to me joining GC, Lange was a bit of a placeholder character. A freelance bounty hunter just trying to make it in fringespace. But as time went on, he became a more cemented character and had an actual story arc to him. An android under Vago Kepp’s conversion creation, sworn to protect his teacher and eventually broke off to start his own family, before slowly losing his mind due to repeated clonings, inevitably causing the genocide of the Viti, and living a life of regret before dying of fully corrupted AI, unable to clone himself again.

    Am I happy he turned out the way he did? Yes, though the adventure and methods used to get there were extremely old habits from my HL2RP days, and has wound up in a couple of staff warnings before (Those who still remember Bathshire, know what I’m talking about), as well as the age old meme of,

    *dodges laser*.

    Lange was a stepping stone to my time here on GC, and I’ve definitely improved since my time playing him. I’d gotten a new job around the time of his 5th/6th cloning, and though physical health has declined a bit, I’m still alive and kicking. That character, for all its faults and achievements, is the cornerstone of my experience at GC and has caused me to branch out into other characters, different horizons.

    It’s become an inspiration for me to help out new players when I can. Because I was in their shoes right when joining the server. No one has a well-known, cemented character in GC’s lore on day one. These things take time, and nurturing. There are always bumps in the road, things will happen. But at the end of it all, we’re all a family here. A big, dysfunctional family with an interest in roleplaying.
  3. SilverGallium

    SilverGallium No-Bark Noonan Impervium Donator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Ah yes, March 2013! Back when I was just a dumb kid still. I like recalling this story.

    So, I'd had Starbound for a few months already by the time I found GC. To recap: I played the game normally until one of the character wipes that happened almost every update during the alpha/beta phase of the game got rid of the set of characters I'd gotten the farthest into the original sector-based progression curve of the game. I got some cheaty mods to let me spawn my stuff back in, then went a little too far and gave myself (what I thought was) the best stuff instead of what I'd lost, causing me to get bored with the main game. Thus, I did what I always did in sandbox games when singleplayer got boring; browse multiplayer servers! And I happened on GC.

    I'd done very little RP before I came to GC. hour and twenty minutes of HL2RP in GMod, and I don't count DarkRP. That, combined with the fact that I was just a tween - a very weird, naive one - meant I had very little idea on how to properly make or even describe a unique character. Thus, I just ripped my at-the-time survival character - a randomized human character that I named Monstro, whose name I ripped straight from the Binding of Isaac (a 'Gish' and '(The) Hollow' also saw GC, and a Fistula nearly did), which I was really into at the time - and did the only thing my little peabrain could; assign traits, tropes and details from other characters I liked from other works of fiction to mine to create a character who, while held together by nothing but metaphorical spit-and-duct-tape at that point, was the lens through which I was able to experience GC.

    The looser, more open-ended way GC operated back then and the fact that I was just starting out, having no identity or reputation attached to me at that point, meant that I was far more active than I am now. Discord didn't exist, Skype was just gaining traction, our original forums had its own IRC chatroom and play-by-post subforum; the server was Galaxy Citizen, in great contrast to now, where some people like me subsist of only (or almost-only) roleplaying on Discord instead. Monstro was my way of experiencing it, my lens through which I observed and interacted with this setting and community unlike anything I'd done in any game up until then. Of course, I wasn't very good at it, as I'm sure you can infer and many others can remember; younger me, having no idea how tall people were or barely any grasp of the relative size of a foot in measurement, thought seven foot was average height, and only a hundred and forty pounds was a healthy weight for someone of that size. Yeah.

    Fortunately, I had a great deal of fun despite that. From March to May, I was on almost every day, curious what was going on in this living world, this wild west of roleplay communities. Who would Monstro meet? What would he do today? What would he see go on in Horsebutt that day? Another day of just sitting around, enjoying the performers' music, or would something go down? Have to throw some mutilated corpse in the trash out back before it exploded, get on top of someone in a fistfight only to vaporize themselves inside their own armor just out of a paranoid fear of being captured? ...Or would he just walk around yelling 'boo' at the back of any-of-his-friends' heads who happened to be in in the building at the time?

    Just bored of Starbound as a whole, though, I stopped mid-May and came back around October or November, just in time to witness the great 2013 winter downtime. Up until this point, Monstro wasn't really much of a character, or at least not a good one. Like I said, he was more of my way of interacting with the server world, even though he wasn't much like me as a person. After that though, something changed; I became deeply interested in character interactions. After Monstro finally met characters that would go on to have lasting interactions with him for once - first three, then four, five, more - and through that, I finally became motivated to actually flesh him out. Monstro went from some generic southern engineer sterotype to an actual character over the course of six years and through two rewrites. Monstro got a name, friends, flaws, traits, sense, direction, love. What were all the why's, the how's, behind everything? Well, I found that out over time.

    Now I treat him as a passion project, which is why even after six years, I not only still play him, but play him more than any of my other characters. Caleb Marcus Carpenter is a much different character than he started out as, that's for sure, and a lot of my grasp on him came from not only growing as a writer, but growing as a person, having been through and done so much in those six years, learning so many vital things the hard way. I wouldn't have it any other way now, though, or at least not any other way I could think of.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2019
  4. schizothotep

    schizothotep Ozymandias's very own Diamond Donator

    Aug 20, 2018
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    change that color dipshit i can't read it for life
    SilverGallium likes this.
  5. Deleted Account

    Deleted Account Galactic Prodige Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    As with Lange's case, my username is a reference to my first character, Turnwall Copperspin. When I properly got into Starbound around the middle part of 2016 during Version 1.1 with a decently life-long friend, I began to craft a little Glitch OC as I found myself a big fan of the AI race. As said friend began to drift from the game, I decided to look into the game's community, to see if it possessed a roleplay community, luckily enough I found this little corner of the Internet.

    Galaxy Citizen was my first proper foray into a public roleplay setting, I joined late one night during a school break and sat alone on Roji, spectating what was going around. I didn't really have much in mind of a story for Turnwall, but I had the idea she was a piece of a travelling band of space merchants, lead by a novakid pilot. Honestly, I struggled to find a fit for her in the server's plot, she befriended a human by the name of Yuri Glazkov, and a couple of his own friends. Admittingly, her plot continued to develop on another server near the end of that year, on Constellation, to which she befriended another human, eventually finding a romantic partner in them. This plot was bought back over to GC when I had returned, with their creator's permission.

    After my writing of the Cervidani race, she was kinda shelved, as the custom species took my interest, as did B'vorn, a character of mine of said race. Despite the wayward plots of Turnwall, I still look upon her somewhat fondly, and have considering restarting the character to clear out the story flaws.
    SilverGallium likes this.
  6. Kappa

    Kappa Robot Man Ex-Staff

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I tried to make the edgiest character humanly possible, but Lange beat me on that front
    Finished my apprenticeship, got a job with a fortune 500 company, moved into a bigger apartment but none of that matters because I'm still a fucking weeb
  7. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    My first character was Eyewing and she fucking sucked.
    Well, okay, she didn’t suck, it was mostly me actually. Eyewing was a grounded avian cyborg engineer and as a concept she was actually pretty good. Her colour palette was on point and she matched the avian lore just fine. She still stands up as a character today so I will bring her out on occasion. It was mostly just me that was dumb, because I was an asshole OOC and didn’t really know how to tell stories properly yet. Also my art was bad but that part is fine because everyone’s gotta start somewhere.
    Most of Eyewing’s life in the Fringe consisted of getting killed or killing other people, mostly her friends. This was because basically everyone in her friend group was prone to violent homicide when stressed so murderdrama would break out around every month or so. I deadass don’t even remember her kill or death count. This was before there was a cloning limit so she generally came out unscathed every time.

    Despite most of her life consisting of either mass murder or just chilling out, I actually miss some of the things I RPed back then. For one, because literally everyone would kill or get murdered all the time, everybody played to lose and arguing was really rare. I was also more willing to try out whatever I thought would be fun without ever feeling self conscious, which led to Floranbound being hosted, which everybody really enjoyed despite it being a little silly. I need to pick up on that proactiveness again and be a lot less worried about event hosting because I know I have good ideas, I’m just too afraid to execute them.
  8. ZachChase

    ZachChase Does Anyone Read These? Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Sanam Maplewood was my first character on GC, which was actually just my Starbound character at the time when I played the game. From there I ended up joining GC out of curiosity with no real priror experience in roleplay except for roblox. Sanam went through many changes as I was testing the waters with how this whole 'roleplay' thing works, what was good, bad, etc. Eventually I got a hold of things and she even got married, but since then I've retired her after I had a falling out with the player of her wife. In terms of cringe worthy characters some aspects of her make me cringe, but I have another character that was so bad it honestly makes me look back at Sanam happily. Will Sanam ever come back? Probably not, barely any of the characters around now even know her so there's no real reason for her to be around. I may have her come back in some small aspect though since she did go off to run a mining company, but right now I have no plan for her return.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2019
  9. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    My first character was Dandy (back in early 2016) who was my single player character, no real character beyond being a hotshot with a pompadour and someone who's seen a lot of shit over the years. He's been in the USCM for ages even after the Fringe USCM got disbanded, and was most active during the Shifter invasion on Roji. Don't really play him anymore aside from the occasional visit once in a blue moon.

    As for me, I made some really good friends and improved my art and writing I guess. College has killed my soul. Don't know why I still do events
  10. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    My first GC character was a floran named Orchid-Venom, they were quite literally my vanilla survival playthrough character that I decided to plop onto rp servers. Her first appearance was not on GC but on Antares before I made the jump here permanently all the way back in 2014ish. They didnt last long, and only notable interraction with anyone was with someone who claimed to be a time traveler. You see, I had just began highschool then, and was recovering from the middleschool pre-teen edge cringe that had consumed my life, so despite already being a seasoned roleplayer thanks to years of minecraft rp, I was still really horribly regretably cringy on my own right. Every month a different phase of maturity if you will, and long story short her, and many of my first characters retired rather quickly. I have no real intention of bringing them back as their personality was rarely much more than generic floran experiencing civilization for the first time. I can make better characters in 20 minutes than I had with her in months.

    After that era of cringe I introduced Vago to GC in the summer of 2015, a character much older than Orchid but had more story to tell, my first character that you could say I knew wha I was doing with them, being developed back on minecraft rp years prior. He became something of a very important figure over the course of my time with him, which honestly probably had a lot to do with the fact that I used to make drawables for each item he sold on his store that people could downlaod from the catalog, boosting mine and his popularity quickly. Things snowballed though as Vago got dragged into more and more things, until he was basically getting requested to join the majority of factions, especially the ones like OFTO and whatever it was that came before it who's name I forgot but was led by a Mr. K; organizations made up of the best of the best, most influential people, etc. He's become sometihng of a historic figure now, ushering a new era of robotics and synthetics into the fringe, his legacy continuing on in companies that adopted and adapted his ideas and ideals. What once was revolutionary is now commonplace.

    Considering when I first joined I was pre-teen angst incarnate and now I am something of a somewhat mature Mostly-Adult abomination, yeah I changed a lot. I learned the basics of programming from SB, I improved my story telling through GC, I've made a lot of friends that have lasted me a lot longer than I would've anticipated. Good shit.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2019
    Pinkbat5 and SilverGallium like this.
  11. Roren

    Roren Galactic Citizen

    Jul 13, 2018
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    My first character to enter GC was a floran by the name of Greenblade back in 2015.

    I remember nothing from then, other than the fact that I wasn't that good at rp. Moving on.

    In recent times, my first REAL character was Vadim Soosnekev. I came into GC mainly looking to burn time while watching my friend's house and dogs. He basically said "yeah you can use my computer if you want" before he left, and I wanted to play Sleg tarbound. Looking around for a good server, I saw GC on the list, and just said "fuck it". Made Vadim, hopped in, got shot a few times, hospitalized a few times, nothing really noteworthy other than getting my leg blown off my Lane. Though, I will admit, I may have meta'd that part a little, and, instead of my leg simply being crippled, I wanted it gone, vaporized. Gave me a bit of drive to keep going with rp as Vadim because it fit better thematically for me personally. I consider myself an amateur writer, and back then, I was hardly that. I had this whole planned thing that I was making up as I went through the Miskatonic with a bunch of people who are still around today. The story arc never saw the light of day because of disinterest from other people I wanted to get involved in the production of it, so I'll just infodump that right here:

    "After the Miskatonic event is finished, shady guys will take Vadim and (Avian whose name I've forgotten) with them, while also under the guise that they have Tolkin's brain drive as well. Tolkin will fill in the adventurers on what exactly is going on with that whole situation, leading to this sort've 'shadow antagonist' group that will be knocked down and out in one fell swoop come next Miskatonic chapter."

    Obviously, this never happened. A lot of what was going to happen was simply written out and discarded by me personally. I ended up growing more and realizing that my original idea fucking sucked. Tolkin's backstory fucking sucked, too. Also around this time, I wanted to play an Obsecrian, but I sorta screwed the entire dog kennel there.

    Not long after my friend had gotten back from where he was, my mom and stepdad took off, leaving my house empty and without power. I had no warning, I had no plans. You can't really plan for total abandonment from your family like that. So, I just hung out over my friend's thinking "Oh, they're just on a trip, they've made trips like this before, they'll be back."

    They didn't come back. They decided to abandon their home and go live outside of the city in my stepdad's shitty hunting "lodge" which was basically three mobile homes kitbashed together into a living space.

    The longer I stayed at my friend's, the more concerned I got. I would spend a few weeks during the summer and winter breaks hanging out at this friend's house, despite the fact that he honestly wasn't that good of a friend. (His dad once shot me with an airsoft gun, in my thigh, from across the basement we hung out in just because he could. Metal bbs, too.)

    Apparently I was out of the know on this, and they wanted me to get a job working at some movie theater that I honestly couldn't reach in a reasonable amount of time. That, and the city changed the bus routes up so I had no idea how to even GET there by bus. I would've 100% worked there, too, if my friend's dad would've just given me a damn ride to and from there. But no, apparently being a retired garbage truck driver with a mean streak longer than...something really long, entitles you to not do a god damn thing other than play call of duty in your living room.

    Upset, scared, and panicking, I grabbed my xbox and some of my other shit up, and headed out down the street to my house. It was locked up, as expected, but thankfully, my mom and her neighbor were good enough friends that she gave her a spare key. Into my house I went, and holy shit, they just left the power flat-out off with a full fridge.

    You ever play Destiny 2? You know all the weird Hive growths around Titan? That was the inside of the fridge.

    (From here on out, my memory is a bit foggy. The time I stayed there sorta just blended together.)

    I called my mom up, asking what was up with the power, and they apparently hadn't paid the bill yet. Uh-huh. The power was on for a good...week or two after that, so I just sorta chilled out and waited for them to get home.

    A few days in, my mom comes back, and we started to clean up the fucking mess they had caused. Fully grown adults, going into their 40s, doing stupid shit like this. I probably sound entitled as shit, but to be honest? I really, genuinely, honestly don't care. People have responsibilities, and they decided to shirk theirs to go drinking in the woods until they wanted to come home. She says that she's heading back up to their place afterwards, and asked me if I wanted to come. Seeing as how I didn't have much choice, I did.

    This is where everything goes downhill. Keep in mind, I've lived at rock bottom for a long fucking time. I didn't have internet of my own until I was maybe 16 or 17, so 90% of my outside exposure was from hanging out at my friends on his internet. His parents actually got me my xbox as a christmas gift around 2017. Good people, bad head of household is all I'll say about their whole deal. Technically, they're my half-grandparents because my sister's dad is my friend's brother. They got custody of her way back in 2014-16 because of how shit my mom was at parenting. Probably even earlier. Lot of shit blends together there too.

    Anyway, back to the camp, as it will be called from hereon out. That past month had seriously been wearing me down. My only connection to the outside world was through my mom's hotspot on her (5th) phone. (I've had 2 phones my entire life, one was a shitty brick phone, the other can't even call people because it's apparently jailbroken. I still have it, too.) ((I've forgotten a big chunk from when I was at home, I'm now realizing, where the power was out and my step-sister moved into the house with me. That's how I got this piece of shit laptop. My sister just didn't want it anymore, and let me have it. Played on GC for a little bit with it as Tolkin and a few others. TL;DR for that whole deal, I got my laptop.))

    Anyway, recent events had me at and close to a mental break, and I hadn't even realized it. I snapped, sorta lost my mind for a good week or two in that camp, and in the Obsecrian discord. Ruined any chance at playing that race. After sitting at the camp with them, seeing the daily life they went through, it dawned on me.

    "They clearly never wanted to have kids. I'm the only one that stuck around."

    So, I asked my mom to take me back to Baltimore. She dropped me off at the house, I went inside with the food stamp card, and sorta just rotted for a bit. Eventually, I just said fuck it, grabbed all of my shit I could, and walked a mile down the road to my grandparents, where my brother had moved to prior for school.

    Ever since, I've been here. I had a job through the temp agency I'm employed by, but they terminated my contract after a month of working. Since then, I've been jobless, hapless, and hopeless.

    At the time of me writing this, I've just been trying to get a job. My mom and stepdad have been apart from each other, my mom is currently a state away living with *her* father, funny enough.

    Now, wait a minute, this is hardly about my first character at all!

    Yeah, that's an astute observation. But believe it or not, it's all relevant to how I'm still here at GC. GC has been one of the biggest constants in my life in the past year, almost two years now. Whether that's a good thing or not, you can decide on your own. Staff is probably gonna chew me out for spilling so much of my personal life here, and not to be rude, but I really don't care if I do get chewed out. I'm a social reject with hardly any chance of surviving on my own, or finding anybody that'll want something to do with me. Sorry guys.

    Remember what I said about considering myself an amateur writer? Well, that was then. Nowadays, I consider myself to be a decent writer with hardly any chance of publishing a single work due to life just kicking me in the balls. Storytelling is honestly one of my favorite things to do ever. That's why I like rp so much, that's why I've kept GC as a constant, even if it doesn't seem like I rp as much anymore. Most of my creative juices have honestly been in other places, like playing games with my friends or thinking of how to write out my webcomic's first arc. (I have like two whole sections done that on their own could have maybe 2-4 pages of content each. Still damn proud of them, though.)

    I got into music, too. Ain't got anything on paper yet, but I've got some ideas brewing. Right now, this old reed organ-ass keyboard thing is my only real way to practice an instrument, and most of it turns out like pirate music.

    You can take what you want away from this, take it as something motivational or just laugh at my misfortune, whatever you really want to do. I'm gonna keep doing what I normally do. Playing games and all that good shit.

    Also, uh, I brought Vadim back. He's still active as a character these days. Some people like him and some people don't, he's generally an abrasive person that wants other people to grow through strife while disregarding his own personal turmoils. It was one of my earliest ideas that I've kept around because being there for other people, rather than yourself, is something that I think everyone can admire.