
Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by Dekerrex, Jun 10, 2019.

  1. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    //The Link leads you to the nextube page belonging to an "ATTI-K"\\

    ||This page displays a short list of current videos uploaded for your viewing pleasure, organized by most recent, and a list below that organizing by most popular||

    ||This page displays all current uploaded videos||

    ||This page displays the user's playlists, which are currently: 'LIKED VIDEOS', 'FAVOURITES', and two named playlists 'Work Music' and 'Setting The Mood', the latter two being full of music||

    ||This page shows status updates||

    ||This page displays other channels this user has subscribed to. Mostly music channels and meme channels||

    ||This page shows a description of the channel||
    Welcome to the secret world of Atticus Kepp, where I take you on a journey where I do the stupidest things humanly possible for your entertainment Make sure to subscribe.

    For business Inquiries: Kepp@dtech.nex
    Location: Space
  2. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    //A Video is uploaded on June 6, 3286 at 2:31 AM\\


    //The Video opens up on a young male with violet hair, yellow eyes, and mocha skin. Atticus Kepp for those familiar. He's wearing a camouflage hoodie and cargo shorts, with a backpack with several poles and straps hanging out and off of it. He's walking through the lush woodlands just outside the settled regions of garlen. The camera is shaky as he holds it in his left hand, his face looking forward, back, to each side, as he mumbles something under his breath before looking at the camera//

    "Wassap guys its ya boi Atti K here, and I wanted to start this shit off with a bang, yknow what i mean? So erryone sayin that the woods here be pretty dangerous, but I aint scared of no eyeball lookin motherfuckers. I got me a lighter, some kindlin, and I got a pot for boilin water n cookin shit in. Naw i hear you say: 'Atti you a robot, you dont need t' eat!' but das where you wrong. I got me one of them bioreactors installed couple weeks ago. real tired of havin t' power down n recharge all the time, now i just gotta eat some shit and im good to go. SO im takin this time t' show you guys howta hunt shit and cook it up real nice"

    //he would fumble on some roots, visible only by the sudden shaking of the image and the sound of loud crunching//

    "What I'm lookin for now is a good place t set up camp and the real shit begin. I see you there"

    //beat and snare music takes over the audio as the video fades away to first person go-pro footage of the hike through the woodlands, creating a montage of nature and alien fauna. The occasional clip of animals doing their thing, fluttering from one tree to the next, running away from Atticus, or whathaveyou. The feed then changes back to the handheld camera facing Atticus again as he looks at something off-screen//

    "Yo so I just found this cool lil overlook place by the mountain. Now I aint gonna go up it cuzz yknow that you gotta walk back everythin you walked through. So Imma just set up over here. Got nice protection from the wind, and if it rains I can just climb up a lil bit and its all good. so Imma set up"

    //The camera is placed on a rock displaying the overlook mentioned. A stony outcropping at the lower altitudes of the mountain, eroded by the elements to be nice and smooth. some dust and dirt are at the bottom, and no plants grow there as the overhang blocks direct sunlight. The footage becomes another montage to beat and snare music as the video speeds up several times, showing atticus go through is bag, bring out a tarp, a knife, several poles, hooks, multitools, and other nonsense layed about. He takes what appear to be screws and begin banging guide holes into the rock before placing the multitool in his hand and holding the screw up to it. His entire hand swivels on its wrist joint like a screwdriver with the multitool in hand, and so a hook is installed in the rock. This is repeated several more times. The tarp is then hunt from these hooks, creating a hammock of sorts that he sits in to test out, and then deciding it is satisfactory, cleans out any potentially flammable brush and debris from the outcropping and makes a little circle that will serve as a fire pit. He shoves the knife in his pocket, and puts his backpack against the rock. The footage slows down, showing atticus walking up the camera and bending over so his face is in frame//

    "awright this is lookin pretty good! now lets get us some dinner!"

    //Feed fades to black and cuts to an ad//

    //After the ad ends, we return to gopro footage of atticus hiking again, except this time holding a long stick, and using the knife to sharpen one edge//

    "So idunno exactly what Im expectin, but i shouldnt have t' worry bout poison or parasites or whatever- hopefully. Now, I'm a dumb ass and didnt bring no rope to make any traps, so we doin this like cavemen. UNGA BUNGA! but uh, if we gonna find anything I gotta hush up now."

    //Footage shows a few more seconds of this wandering before transitioning to later footage, zooming in on some kind of small alien tetrapod akin to a hare grazing away on ferns and the like. The footage then cuts to the handheld camera again, positioned on a rock showing Atticus crouching, holding the spear. The animal is barely in frame, on its rightmost edge as he as quietly as possible creeps closer to it. Suddenly a branch snaps under his weight, and the sound of brush rustling in the direction of the animal is heard. Atticus swears and runs off frame. Video cuts to the gopro again, shaky and loud as wind hits the speakers and atticus tries running down the alien hare, jumping over rocks and logs and roots alike as he bounds through the woods, but he simply isnt fast enough, and the animal disappears. an audible "FUCK" is heard. video cuts away to back at camp, the weather worsening as seen by the darker overcast that now consumes the atmosphere.//

    "aight so, that didnt work out, I aint got enough juice to run like that again, so good thing I got me some granola bars n shit."
    //He takes a swig of a soda can labeled ESCARPMENT DROPS//
    "so imma go on to the next cool thing... makin ffiiiIIIIIrreee"

    //cuts to atticus squatting like a true gopnik over the dip in the soil, now surrounded by rocks in true firepit fashion. kindling is placed inside it, char clothe by the looks. He breaks up some smaller sticks and sort them around the char clothe, then larger sticks outside that. Atticus pulls out some flint and steel and begins scraping into the center of the flammable mass//
    "This is the tricky part, tryina get an ember t stick. Jus gotta keep tryin"
    //The ember is made, and the kindling now smoking. He blows into it gently yet rapidly until the fire begins to burn the smaller twigs, at which point atticus stands up with his arms held high victoriously at his accomplishment.

    B roll of the fire plays to beat and snare music for some aesthetic shots, then the scene cuts to Atticus sitting in the hammock. the woods visible behind him. At this point atticus pulls out his pad and begins explaining his sponsor's dating app 'AraX2' pronounced 'ara-ara'. an edited in red circle then appears around a green shape moving in the background that atticus seems oblivious to as he starts messing around with the app, swiping several faces of space fairing individuals.

    This green blob becomes more clear as it gets closer. A plant of some kind, hoveling through the woods, making way to the fire. It walks on short legs, with a large head fumbling about. Atticus remains blisfully unaware as he finally wraps up the sponsored segment, before looking behind him a la some sensor likely going off. The creature in question appears to be a Karlod, and has chosen the fire as its target as it begins to pick up speed towards the pit. Atticus curses several times over as he falls out of the hammock leaving the camera behind.

    Atticus runs as fast as he can off frame, as the karlod picks up on his movement and switches targets as it takes a few seconds to waddle off frame. A hissing sound is heard, and a loud earbut-vibrating explosion following. Spikes landing all over the campsite, barely missing the camera. Footage lingers in grim silence for a few more seconds.

    We cut again to atticus, blue fluid leaking from a cut on his face, looking like he had just seen a ghost.//

    "AIGHT SO I DUNNO WHAT THE FUCK THAT BITCH ASS MOTHER FUCKER WAS BUT YOU SEEN THAT SHIT? IT CAME RIGHT TO ME MAN!" //he winces// "Been pluckin fucking thorns out for like, half n hour man. I'm in one piece but holy shit man that was close." //He lets out a stressed breath// "So, I was gonna stay here like all day all night leave in the mornin, but I aint stickin round seein if there any more of them assholes walkin around. I gotta get this shit treated dude. Ill see yall in the next one."

    //Once more a montage to beat and snare music as we watch atticus dismantle his camp, the tarp and backpack riddled with thorns that he plucks out as he finds them and tosses into the woods. We then watch the hike out of the woods to the teleporter. A final ad plays, and the video ends//
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2019
    Horriblues, Yz2, schizothotep and 4 others like this.
  3. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    //User archy3 subscribes.//
  4. TriReef

    TriReef treef Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    //User Tyrell subscribes.//
  5. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    ||A new video is uploaded after a long expanse of kinda poor quality lets plays and game reviews||​

    Tastefulâ„¢ Cybernetic Tongue TESTS

    /The video begins with a focus on Atticus' face. his eyes are closed, he looks serene. Suddenly the yellow optics open and he sticks out his tongue, wiggling it all around while making an 'aaAAGAGaaaAAEAWAWa' noise. One may notice the tongue is made of some transparent pink plastic with all sorts of nonsensical machinery underneath. The video cuts suddenly.
    A stock intro plays with annoying trap music.

    After the intro fades out we see Atticus holding either some kind of phone or cheep camera on a selfie stick of some sort as he stands in a poorly lit laboratory. Countless cans of ESCARPMENT DROPS soda stack high on tables and by a trash can. A three monitor computer on a test with a rather expensive looking GAMER CHAIR against the wall, and all sorts of technology and tools and wires on just about every other surface.

    "AIGHT SO I GOT THIS GREAT NEW THING IVE BEEN WORKING ON FOR A WHILE! I cant show ya right now 'cause its in my mouth but I been workin on this cybernetic that...." dramatic pause "PUSHES THE
    He adjusts the angle of the camera so that there's less background in the shot and more him
    "So This is what I call the TASTEFUL. Its a tongue, a fake tongue, that- well you can taste normal things too, but I've been workin on trying to make it taste ELECTROMAGNETISM. That right. You ever wanted to know what magnets taste like? what about joules? does a watt taste different the higher and lower it goes? Hell does a monopole taste different? burning questions guys, questions only I can answer. AND TODAY WE WILL FIND OUT."

    Footage cuts to a
    time-lapse of putting the tongue together from dissecting a normal synthetic tongue, all sorts of transducers and circuitry. Adding a circuit system with an entry and exit on the surface of the tongue, and pumping the whole thing with ferrofluid in some kind of spiral mechanism. The time lapse freezes and we see a clip of Atticus holding this apparatus with a voice over.
    "So this things like an inner ear yea? full of ferrofluid and buncha micro hairs n shit. Hairs get triggered when the fluid moves when magnetism happens. Took the neurological data that people usually got for hearing n taste, made hearing stimuli transfer into taste processing and then FINALLY converted whole thing to code for my dumb computer brain."
    montage of its construction continues until the same plastic tongue from before is present. the video lingers on a still of it for a few seconds.

    Now we cut to Atticus in a much cleaner environment, a table covered in several types of magnet of varying sizes. Two spherical fidget magnets, a U shaped red magnet-how stereotypical, a couple in thick bar magnet of some sorts, and then a very large industrial magnet thats separated from the others by a good several feet. on the opposite end of the table entirely.
    "Aigh so, here we got magnets o different strength. And here we got a control- a cube of iron- I make sure I ain't getting no false positives because MMM TASTE THE IRONY. Lets get started."

    He rubs the iron cube on his tongue. He cant help but giggle. "Bro this taste like shit dude" he says to someone off screen. Quiet snickering is heard behind the camera.
    "aight aight lets start with the lil ones." he picks up one of the spheres "bro I'm kinda nervous what if the codes broken or something broooo" he would say while still laughing at the absurdity of the situation. The voice behind the camera just tells him to suck it up. He does, and places the magnet on his tongue. Appears to move it around in his mouth, even pretends to chew it. "Just a lil tingly-like one of them sour heads. Still tastes like shit though." He spits out the magnet, which bounces off the table and bumps into the camera.

    The video cuts to a new shot, a teenage avian holding the camera, and the horseshoe magnet up to his head. "OH man I'm Atticus I don't need a girlfriend because I got Suuuuuzy" And promptly bursts out in laughter, as he rubbed the magnet all over his face during the whole ordeal. The bird starts running, laughing like an idiot. In the background one can see Atticus giving chase, looking embarrassed but also enraged.

    "WELL WE LOST BOUT THE REST OF EM BECAUSE MY BOI RASHI OVER THERE IS A BITCHASS MOTHER FUCKER" Atticus is holding the camera by hand now, looking frustrated, and his hair messy from wind. He holds the largest magnet now in his hand, he looks like hes struggling to keep it away from him. "This, the big Momma. Guess all we got left to try is to-" He would stick out his tongue, which the magnet seems to be pulling towards itself, and the rest of Atticus' face. He looks scared suddenly and tries to pull it away from him, but it slams into his face with a loud thud. His tongue flat as a pancake and his skin squishing against the dirty metal. Atticus starts screaming "OH GOD ITS LIKE A MILLION POPROCKS FUCK FUCK IT HURTS AGHA-EAK-KNL-WRB-Ae-" his voice would gradually degrade into electrostatic with muffled screams of horror beneath it. All the while the other voice from before, the assumed Rashi, is having the time of his life laughing.

    The camera drops and we can see Rashi coming over to help his friend out, though we can only see their legs. Seems editor-perhaps Rashi himself given the inclusion of one of the earlier clips- left the rest out.

    We cut to Atticus's now disembodied head with the magnet still attached sitting on the table, while the rest of atticus from the neck down sits on the chair and continues to gesticulate. A mind core and optics sits atop the artificial spinal column that would've usually been inside.
    In one of the hands holds a speaker in which Atticus' voice comes out. "Well this failed horribly. Now I gotta make a whole new face, but uh. I guess it kinda worked! DONT TRY THIS AT HOME and uh I still gotta try electricity so uh, MORE TESTS LATER."

    Stock outro with subscribe button.\
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2019
    Pinkbat5, WowGain, Horriblues and 2 others like this.
  6. crumchy

    crumchy pet food taster Silver Donator

    Jan 23, 2019
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    //User churu subscribes.//
    necrovixen and Khaos like this.
  7. Horriblues

    Horriblues Galactic Commoner

    Jun 27, 2017
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    //User 'WW3240' subscribes.//
    //User 'ConnorConnor' subscribes as well.//
    Khaos likes this.
  8. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    ||A very short video is uploaded||

    The video is seventeen seconds long. Here we see Atticus running down the hallway of some facility holding a large armful of AVOSON MACARONI AND CHEESE some boxes barely balancing in the pile. The camera appears to be flying with him this time instead of on some stick. Since the last video, he's acquired a face only a mother could love. Without any synth skin or specialized parts, his face at the moment looks like a mangled Jim Henson robot puppet without fur. Two optics stare almost creepily into the camera


    He then promptly trips on something, the camera follows his arc down and some fifty perhaps more boxes are sent flying down the hall as he falls over what appears to be a cleanbot making a '*>~<' face. The footage cuts mid-scream.
    Pinkbat5, WowGain, Horriblues and 2 others like this.
  9. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    | | After a very long period another video is uploaded | |