Prosthetics Avalon MedPlant

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Jestephos, Jul 16, 2019.

  1. Jestephos

    Jestephos Galactic Commoner Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: Avalon Brand Medical Implant/ "MedPlants"

    ( A visualisation of the connection of the implant. Source: Jacques Pena )

    Description: Avalon MedPlants are centrally located on the back of the implanted subject, running down the spine to provide a direct link to the nervous system of it's user. It is smoothly integrated with minimal edges to prevent uncomfortable sensations and difficulties in wearing clothes.

    Abilities: - In combination with a synthetic optic or overlay, is capable of providing first aid and triage instructions for those uninitiated with the skill, analysing optical data and contextual clues about what resources the user has at their disposal. Can help treat cuts, infected wounds, bone fractures, poison and many other conditions
    - Utilizing a medical ENDI scanner, heart monitor, blood pressure monitor and a blood toxicity measuring device, the implant can provide conclusive data on the medical status of the implanted user, displaying statistics such as heart rate, blood level, the location and severity of fractures or cuts and information about organ damage.
    - Has a communication device in-built to allow the user to contact emergency services and in the case that someone is unconscious, is capable of remotely calling the emergency services.
    - Can inform the user of injuries or toxins that they themselves are unaware of.

    Conditional Abilities (Optional): - In conjunction with technology such as MANOS, can do self repairs on the user, utilising stored chemicals or clotting agents.

    Limitations: - Is a piece of technology, can be EMP'd.
    - Requires either access to a network ( Meaning it will not work on remote worlds or places with signal jammers ) or an in-built database which will make the implant heavier, weighing the user down more
    - Is an intrusive implant, connecting directly to the users nervous system, meaning that any impact or damage to the implant will hurt the user. Can be sensitive to some.
    - The AI inside is required for the implant to work. It is centrally housed and thus deactivating the AI will disable all of the MedPlant AI systems, rendering it useless.​

    How does it work: Essentially a gimped Autodoc AI, the Avalon MedPlant is a miniaturised spinal implant that houses a Medical ENDI Scanner, A connection to the nexus or in-built Database and an AI. The ENDI Scanner is responsible for scanning over the body of the implanted user and detecting wounds, fractures while the presence of a heartbeat monitor, blood toxicity and blood pressure analyser look for toxins in the bloodstream or low level blood-loss . The connection to the nexus ( Or database ) works in tandem with the AI to provide detailed instructions through a holographic display on how to treat the associated wound with a step-by-step diagram. Furthermore, it has a communication device that allows the user or the AI itself to contact local emergency services in the case the wound is unable to be treated with the resources the user has available. The AI is able to analyse contextual information and outside stimulus through the users sensory system to discover issues not able to be seen by the implant itself, such as a decreased breathing and heart rate and an increase in blood toxicity leading it to believe poison was involved, or to prevent misunderstandings in the treatment process such as the example of alcohol or martial arts/sports

    Flavor text:
    Inspired by Kealohi, Val Komenatsu immediately went to work on the idea of a medical implant that could help those with little to no first aid knowledge treat themselves. Incorporating an autodoc AI and a nexus connection, it's capable of assisting with anything from simple scrapes to providing warzone assistance such as bullet wounds or lost limbs. It prioritises both form and function, being stylish and smooth with the option of painting it several colours or textures or even incorporating multicoloured lights for the style savvy shopper

    Referenced Technologies (Optional): Can use MANOS

    Attainability: Semi-Closed ( Buy it from Avalon )

    Tags: Medical

    Category: Medical Prosthetic
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2019
  2. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Hey hey Jeste, I'll be grading this.
    First off, I'm giving this a pending.
    I have a few questions first. While I can understand certainly having an AI to assess injuries of both the user and assess visual data to assist in the user's abilities to treat others, I have to ask about the self-repairs. On the assumption the user is unable to treat themselves with their own arms, how could the implant itself help? Clarification is needed. In addition, I'd like to clarify that an implant of that size will not have a high-resolution ENDI scanner. Their resolution scales with size- medical ENDI scanners with extreme accuracy are pretty large, too large to be carried on one's person. I would suggest other implementations to supplement what a low-resolution ENDI scanner cannot do, if any.
  3. Jestephos

    Jestephos Galactic Commoner Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Hey! The self-repairs conditional ability refers to the MANOS Arm app, which itself is capable of performing self-repairs on an unconscious person such as reviving people with shocks to the chest or automatically clotting wounds. That's why I left it in the conditional abilities as it requires a specific OTHER app to do this. For an alternative to a full on Medical ENDI Scanner, a Low-Resolution one alongside a heartbeat monitor, blood pressure and toxicity analyser and a greater level of reasoning for the AI might be able to provide the same benefits.
  4. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Alright. With those edits applied I can give this application it's first pass, awaiting seconding.
  5. Notanumber

    Notanumber The Archivist Ex-Staff

    Jun 26, 2017
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    This all seems fine, yeah. I'll give this a Pass.