// Haven Times: August Warren: Where is he now? //

Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by Roren, Jul 19, 2019.

  1. Roren

    Roren Galactic Citizen

    Jul 13, 2018
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    ((Below the headline is a fuzzy picture of a scraggly, broken man wearing what appears to be a dark blue, featureless mask, long blue leather coat, and scruffy underattire. The man is concealing something in his jacket. The photo was taken at night in the Rendera District.))


    Augustus Warren, former high-ranking Haven Guard and senator, has vanished from the limelight following his failure to keep a presence on the Haven Senate. Warren was most well known for his legal blunders in the People Vs. Morpheus case, strong stance against corruption, and heroic actions during the Corrav Incident which may have led to hundreds, if not thousands, of civilians finding a safe route out of the crumbling district. Beings do not simply disappear in this time and era, so this reporter set out to find where the man in question had vanished to.

    Warren has always kept his private life, well, private. His address is unknown, his family ties are minimal, and his likes and dislikes can be boiled down to two things: Law and Order. Warren, above all else, prioritized making our Federation a safer place. That being said, were his methods above the law?

    This reporter was lucky enough to catch the disgraced senator one night in a local coffee shop.

    EM: "Augustus Warren?"

    Warren turns to the camera, shades blocking out his eyes. He appears to be heavily bruised on the face, and his glasses are cracked.

    Warren sniffs.

    W: "Who's asking?"

    EM: "Haven Times, I'd like to get some insight on where you've been since your ejection from the Senate."

    Warren stares at the camera, then shrugs.

    W: "...Living, I guess. Here in Rendera. Cleaning."

    EM: "Cleaning, sir?"

    W: "Yeah, cleaning. I clean now. It's what I do. In fact, some nice guys from down the block asked me to clean up their place the other day. I'm a busy man, so, watch out for those who might creep around at night."

    Warren walks out of the coffee shop, tipping a barista on his way out. The video ends here.

    "Those who might creep around at night" could possibly elude to the well-known crime syndicates that currently occupy Haven as a whole. Or, a newer threat. Recently, several discoveries have been made in several Guanciale-owned warehouses and businesses around the Federation. The buildings littered with the dead bodies of various mafiosos and hitmen functioning under the larger Guanciale crime syndicate. Any cargo that may be in the warehouses, be it counterfeit pixels, drugs, or weapons, have mostly been destroyed. The picture attached above was caught of a masked figure leaving one of these raided locations on a dreary Renderan night.

    The man in question has yet to target any other locales owned by other families, their sole goal is to seemingly clean up the city, one body at a time.

    Returning our focus to Augustus, this reporter dug deeper into his life. Most of you know from the leaked courtroom footage a while back that Warren lost a family member near and dear to his heart. Marchell Warren, aged 14, was taken at a young age by an unaffiliated gangbanger. The gangster in question claimed to be working under the Guanciale crime family at the time. News spread fast throughout the lively, bustling district, where it eventually fell on the ears of a young August Warren. Some time later, Warren found his way into the Haven Guard, just months before the attack on Corrav. August and the late Marchell were both orphans at the time of Marchell's death, with the older of the two, Warren, looking after the younger, struggling to get by with what little they had. Perhaps this is where August's hard stance against corruption and crime comes from. But this is solely speculation, so this reporter will stick to facts.

    Warren himself suffers from acute schizophrenia, according to several of his long-standing friends, as well as moderate PTSD obtained through the horrifying events of the Corrav Incident. While some of you may question as to how this man was elected onto the senate, need I remind you that David Ward has been re-elected. Moving on, perhaps, speculation, this may be the cause of Warren's clouded judgement and way of telling his side of the story.

    At the end of the day, it seems that Warren himself may simply be fading into obscurity once again. Whether or not this may be good for him, this reporter cannot say. What I can say, though, is that Augustus Warren has fallen from grace in his time as a Haven Citizen.

    //ARTICLE POSTED: 7/19/86.//

    NEXT PAGE: Lesslyn Stùiricke's 7 beauty tips for the common avian! David Ward: Gay?