General Information First name: [REDACTED] Middle name(s): N/A Surname: Roseblood Alias: Nomad Age: Thirty-five years of age. Date of birth: August 10th, 3251 Race: Avian Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual Current residence: Her ship. Relationship status: Single. Social status: Vagabond. Wanted criminal in some areas of space. Financial standing: Not strapped for cash, but not wealthy either. Traits of Voice Accent (if any): A specific musical trill to her voice, when unfiltered. Language spoken: Galactic Common Other languages known: High & Low Aprian. Style of speaking: Slow and methodical, usually - almost tired. Volume of voice: Average-ish. Can be quite loud when desired. Physical Appearance Height: 5’7” unarmored - 5’12” armored. Weight: 135lbs. Eye color: Violet Feather color: Ashen gray, nearly black. Shape of face: Slender and angular. Distinguishing features: Numerous scars, some more visible than others due to her feathers. Build of body: Lean, fairly muscular. Complexion: Clean, unblemished. Posture: Straight, proud, confident, composed. Tattoos: None. Piercings: Naval stud-piercing, tongue stud. Typical clothing: When she’s unable to be in her armor, her typical attire varies greatly, but usually consists of some form of dress or skirt, and revealing top. On almost all other occasions, she’s clad in a personalized, modified set of AM-V20 (Avian Model, Variant Twenty) powered armor. Is seen by others as: Aloof, possibly intimidating, eccentric. Personality Likes: Not many things. Dislikes: A whole lot of things. Education: High school equivalent. Fears: Allowing her adopted daughter to be put into any form of danger, opening up to others, and being incapable of forming any kind of real connection with others. Personal goals: To provide a future for her adopted daughter, accumulate wealth, rebirth the Lowbrau Mercenary Company, and overcome her social and mental faults so that she’s able to connect with others. General attitude: Melancholic, distant, mellow, tactless, bipolar, impulsive. Religious values: None. Atheist. General intelligence: Medium-high; more street/practical-smart than book-smart. General sociability: Very low to moderate-low, depending. Willing to engage with others, but with great discomfort if any part of her body is directly visible, and often fucks with people verbally since she isn’t especially socially adept. Health Illnesses (if any): Allergies (if any): Sleeping habits: Poor. Chronic insomniac. Energy level: Low to medium. Eating habits: Anything & everything that tastes and/or smells good. Three meals per day always, when possible. Memory: Acute. Any unhealthy habits: Drinking, smoking, the occasional bout of drugs. Also her profession. History [REDACTED] Relationships Parents: Alesia & Drianus Roseblood. Both deceased. Siblings: None. Any enemies (and why): Whoever her contracts put her into conflict with...and any overbearing governments. Children: Solaria Roseblood (Adopted) Acquaintances: Tova, Wallace, Koo, Mir, That Bitch Friends: Stroom. Best friend(s): None. Love interest (if there is one): None, at least at present. Mild infatuation with that green birb with the feather accessory. Combat Peaceful or violent: Blisteringly violent. Weapon (if applicable): Violium Longsword, or a variety of firearms depending on situation. Typically this will consist of an old-style scoped, modular bolt-action rifle. Style of fighting: Aggressive, quick, furious and unrelenting - or methodical, patient and quiet, depending on the situation. Others Occupation: Bounty hunter, mercenary, assassin. Current home: Her ship. Favorite types of food: Favorite types of drink: Hobbies/past times: Playing the flute, drinking, working on her armor. Guilty pleasures: Intimacy in any and all of its forms, frequenting brothels and taverns on the fringe, and Pet peeves: Nosy people, anybody who can’t take “no” for an answer, Pets: None. Talents: Excellent shot with a rifle, sublime swordswoman. Can also play the flute, albeit not super well. Favorite colors: Purple, pink, gold, seafoam. Favorite type of music: