
Discussion in 'Approved' started by Dekerrex, May 12, 2019.

  1. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: Trunkows, cow bugs, elephant bugs, trunkers, Unenlag (Thaniik)

    Description: Trunkows are a grazing herbivorous arathoform originating from Undas'Hiith, and has since made its way across the galaxy due to being livestock owned by the the Remnants during the period of diaspora.The upper portion of their body and their limbs are covered in an exoskeleton of true bone with an outermost layer of keratin above it, often giving them wavy striped patterns. The unarmored portions of their bodies, which is mostly their gut, tail, and mouthparts, are covered in thick muscular skin. Two large compound eyes rest on the shell near the front end of the creature, and just below it the trunk that is little more than a muscular extension of the esophagus tipped with feelers and dexterous lips. Inside the trunk lies scissor-like teeth for grazing, and rows of backwards facing sharp nobs for working food from the mouth into its body to be digested in a barrel-shaped fermentation chamber of a stomach.Males often sport a large sail.

    Behavior: Trunkows are a grazing herbivore akin to alien cattle. wild relatives can live in herds of hundreds of members, but domesticated their herd is reduced to the number their owner can afford. Regardless, they are very social animals that enjoy the company of each other, and even other animals that they do not deem as a threat. Trunkows will spend most of their day sifting through fungal growths and lapping up bacterial films also brought with them during the diaspora which makes up most of their diet, though on colonized worlds their biology allows them to graze upon grasses and other plant material almost as effectively.

    Tamability: Trunkows are entirely domesticated, dependent on their herder to manage diseases and injury for them, though rare, wild populations do still exist.

    Where is it found?: Trunkows are found most commonly in areas where Remnants are common: Undercrypt, La'Megoth, misc colonized worlds, and have made the rounds about the galaxy via the pet trade.

    Rarity: Very Common

    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: Opportunistic herbivore/fungivore. Trunkows will gladly graze all day on whatever nutritional growths they can slurp up with their trunks, but they will also take advantage of carrion or other animals that cannot escape. Certain breeders though limit their diet to specific foodstuffs to make their products far more palatable to certain crowds.

    Products?: Their exoskeleton can be harvest and ground into traditional medicines, carved into tools or art, but most commonly are crushed up and mixed with bacterial resin to create a very durable armor traditionally worn by Remnants.
    Their meat is however the main event, being muscular and succulent, their meat is a very common foodstuff in Thaniik markets. Trunkows have all sorts of cuts with different flavors and textures depending on the part of the body, but they overall taste like tangy lobster.
    Another byproduct of slaughter is the undigested fermented material which is also consumed as a foodstuff in Thaniik markets. The slurry is known as "Sehklan" and is rich in probiotics. Usually used as a sauce or spread, Sehklan is a high society foodstuff, described to taste akin to rotting caviar.
    Trunkow eggs are also collected and consumed for a very nutrient rich foodstuff.

    Reproduction: Like other Arathoforms, Trunkows reproduce by releasing spores into the air via two stalks protruding from the back of their exoskeleton. These spores are produced only by the males however, as the female has larger net-like stalks for collecting these spores to take into her body and produce fertile eggs. Female Trunkows lay up to eight eggs per litter, and these eggs will be protected by the whole herd.

    Size: Trunkows can easily reach the size of oxen, certain breeds even exceeding that of bison.

    Weight: between 800 - 1400 kilograms depending on breed.

    Lifespan: Trunkows only live some twenty years, maturing within the first five of their life, and spending the rest of it putting on weight.

    Abilities: Trunkows have complete 360 degree vision thanks to their compound protruding and wrapping around the front end of their shell. Their trunks are equipped with feelers that can detect tactile sensations much like our fingers, as well as pick up scents. Trunkow limbs are often adorned with sharp edges and spikes, as their natural defense against predators is either to run, or to buck these sword-like appendages at their assailant.

    Flaws: Trunkows, being domesticated, can not survive easily in the wild, having know knowledge of how to properly react in the presence of predators. This limits their wild populations to stable with creatures too small to do any major harm to them. Also thanks to domestication, the trunkow immune system is severely lacking, making them very prone to diseases that could lead to death and outbreak if not treated by their owner.

    Other: Trunkows are quite compassionate and inquisitive creatures, at times reminiscent of dogs.
  2. Notanumber

    Notanumber The Archivist Ex-Staff

    Jun 26, 2017
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    You are a weird man who makes weird aliens. Pass.