
Discussion in 'Approved' started by Dekerrex, May 12, 2019.

  1. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: Changelings, Kniffelvurm (Vampyric), Pluganfai (Thaniik)

    Description: Changelings are wormlike creatures ranging in sizes from mere centimeters to several meters depending on age and amount of food available to them. When not disguised, they usually appear as gelatinous blob-like worms, with two eyes sticking out to either side, and a large Mind's eye on the front for sensing energy of potential prey. Located below this head structure are rows of individual and prehensile jaw plates that grind together like five scissor blades, making short work of flesh. Changelings though are not restricted to this form, as they are capable of molding their body into any they so desire thanks to sigma-cell based skin allowing for both structure and stability, and pnuematic internal musculature to push anatomy into the right place. Changelings are in fact the closest living relative to the Thaniifarri, and have gone the path of complete innate body modification having lost every hard structure in their body and pushed further the same neural-network adaptations that allow Thaniik body modifications. As a result of all of this, changelings can mimic the visual, tactile, and vocal sensations of whatever creature it can observe for long enough to learn these complex forms and behaviors from. Changelings are not sapient, but are very intelligent- comparable to great apes- and will use this trickery to coax unknowing prey to them.

    Behavior: Changlings are very nomadic solitary creatures, and will travel great distances to find suitable prey, or simply stay put should the stream of prey be reliable enough. These habitats tend to be cold and dark, though disguised changelings may venture into the light if seen fit. Changelings will often study an object or creature extensively, trying to determine and estimate the morphology of a target, and then push their proportions into that studied morphology. A changeling can then rest like this for months, or actively pursue a predator that has shown interest in the object they have replicated, but this will cost far more calories and only seen in areas where the target within a certain range.
    Changelings are strictly carnivorous, and will not mimic their target, but rather an object of that target's interest as to lead the target prey towards it for an ambush. This can be a fruit, a chest, your pet, even you yourself, could be mimicked in this fashion. Despite their intelligence, and even ability to problem solve, they cannot hold a conversation less so properly communicate, and so sapients usually have a far easier means of discovering a changeling than non-sapients in this regard.

    Tamability: Can not be tamed.

    Where is it found?: Changelings evolved on the remnant homeworld, but thanks to the diaspora, they can be found in several places across the galaxy, including but not limited to: The Undercrypt, Midnight Planets, Remnant Colonies, or any area a population could get a hold of in and reproduce -often done via stowing away unbeknownst to travelers.

    Rarity: it is nearly impossible to tell just how common changelings are given their nature as mimics of even inanimate objects.

    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: Hypercarnivorous. Whatever can be lured within ambush range is fair meal. They will often go after prey larger than themselves to have surplus food in the event there is no more for quite some time.

    Products?: Changelings can be killed and eaten safely, but do not produce anything harvestable.

    Reproduction: Changelings often mate indiscriminately shortly after birth with several of their own clutch, and hold the gametes within their body for later use once they have enough biomass and nutrients to produce a clutch of their own.

    Size: Younger changelings can be mistaken for snails, but the largest of changelings can grow to much more substantial sizes, with the largest known specimen to have reached 26 feet long, but its unknown if this is the upper size limit or not. Regardless, at large sizes like this, changelings are often immobile.

    Weight: Being mostly fluid and fluidly tissues inside their elastic skin, changelings are much heavier than they appear, but weight varies. Weight can be calculated by determining the water mass of the changeling's volume.

    Lifespan: Uncertain, though most die of starvation before reaching old age.

    Abilities: As stated in length in the description, changelings are profound body modifiers. Able to push sigma around their bodies and alter the texture shape and color of their dermis to mimic almost anything.

    Flaws: Like other sigma based organisms, changelings can physically melt in heat exceeding 80 degrees, and are very flammable due to high carbon content of their bodies. When mimicking an object, they cannot hide their three eyes easily, and thus gives them away if the prey is intelligent enough to notice this flaw in an otherwise nearly perfect disguise. Also changelings are unable to locomote after exceeding a weight of 250 kilograms else they risk their dermis rupturing under the pressure.

    Other: they make wet sloshy noises when not mimicking a vocalization.
  2. Notanumber

    Notanumber The Archivist Ex-Staff

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Well this seems no stranger than the species they have the most in common with. Take that for whatever it's worth. Everything that would need further elaboration has been covered in the Remnant Species App. Pass.