Lotus Viper [ ZECYRIA ]

Discussion in 'Approved' started by LillithN, May 11, 2019.

  1. LillithN

    LillithN L i l l i t h Impervium Donator

    Oct 5, 2017
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    Name: Lotus Viper - Lillium Serpentes Vipernium


    The Lotus Viper is a distant cousin of the Grass Snake that the Floran species have grown fond of owning as pets, yet unlike the grass snake the Lotus Viper only grows to 1.5 feet long and has a mane of large petals similar in appearance but not limited to a lotus and although there are different types of these vipers out there, the Lillium is by far the most common and deadly.

    The venom in which the Lotus Viper injects to paralyze its prey contains unique properties that that render prey immobile after around 40 minutes in which their mind melts while bringing on early rigor mortis, causing the deceased body to petrify just like wood. The entire process is extremely painful and takes around three weeks until the victim finally expires, after which the viper can use the petrified prey as a point of sustenance rather than burning energy hunting for prey.

    This process can be countered by amputation, creating an antidote on the spot by knowing the deepwood or it can be slowed by sucking the venom from the wound, wrapped with wire, belt, etc. Only the inexperienced die from Lotus Vipers.

    Behavior: These serpents behave almost identical to a typical snake except for the way in which it hunts for prey. Instead of entering the burrows of smaller creatures which could damage its fragile petals, the Lotus Viper uses its flower like appearance to remain completely still and blend in with the surrounding foliage until an unsuspecting animal passes. Once the victim has been struck the Lotus Viper stalks them until movement ceases. Although Lotus Vipers are solitary creatures, swarms of them can be observed feeding from one corpse.

    Tamability: Cannot be tamed. If kept as a pet they should be de-fanged and fully enclosed.

    Where is it found?: The Deepwood of Zecyrion, anywhere from the treeline onwards.

    Rarity: Endangered due to dwindling birth rates.

    Diet/Method of gaining energy: Carnivore.

    Products?: Fangs, and the unique venom can be extracted and weaponized against foes but the rest of the body dies and rots as quickly as a common flower.

    Reproduction: Sexual reproduction. Lays 2 eggs maximum that are buried an inch below the surface or well hidden in thick foliage of spiked/prickled bushes.

    Size: Small.

    Weight: 1-5 kilograms.

    Lifespan: Up to 30 years.

    • Infrared/night sight.
    • Petrified venom to kill prey.
    • Camouflage into the forest environment and foliage.
    • Flammable.
    • Very low survival/birth rates.
    • Will flee upon and bright lights, especially flame.
    • Will leave any area where there is too much noise.
    • Sensitive eyes, bright lights can permanently blind them.

    [ I have permission from Khan to keep pushing out bestiary apps. ]
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2019
    Khan333 likes this.
  2. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I shall be your grader today! Before we can pass this off to approved, I have a question.

    What does this mean? Does it mean that the venom takes forty minutes to work, before the snake does the rest? Does the snake need to be biting the target for forty minutes? If so, how does the rest of the process take place over three weeks? Really, I just need more clarification on this in general.
  3. LillithN

    LillithN L i l l i t h Impervium Donator

    Oct 5, 2017
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    I've overlooked that sorry and it has been edited.

    The venom acts slow-ish, leaving the victim immobilized after 40 minutes and completely petrified within 3 weeks.
  4. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Got it! After some discussion in Discord, I'm glad to slap these guys with a Pass!
    LillithN likes this.