Poidette (Javelins)

Discussion in 'Denied' started by TrIpTiCuS, May 17, 2019.

  1. TrIpTiCuS

    TrIpTiCuS Galactic Enforcer

    Jun 30, 2017
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    The phylum is called Poidette, after the common nickname "poid" the creatures were given upon humans settling on Trappist-1 E.

    A domestic poid alongside a javelin.
    Easily identified for their bizarre biology, poidette beings are nothing like previously recorded "slime" like species. Preliminary research into their physiology seems to indicate that up to 90% of poidette biomass is technically dead matter whereby the remaining 10% could only be likened to that of a bizarre unicellular organism, yet it still possesses advanced optical and auditory reception, an impressive sense of reflex and motor control and great strength and speed. Some species of poidette has achieved flight. By proxy, their mass is comprised of around 90% water, 5% carbon and 5% other elements. Additionally, fully independent poids are very rare, and the vast majority are either parasitic life forms or symbiotes.

    In detail their physiology is comprised of three primary parts, the cortex, the gut and the mass. The gut are a series of vaguely translucent entrails and stomachs. When a poid consumes matter, usually by absorption, it is sent to the gut where through manipulation of the gut linings it is pushed through the entrails and digested in the stomachs. Usually a poid will send their food through a minimum of three stomachs to digest before the waste matter is excreted.

    Next is the so called mass. The mass comprises upwards of 90% of the poids total body structure and is technically dead matter. The mass is comprised primarily of water and a gelatin-like protein holding the consistency of Jell-O. This protein is produced by the poids gut.

    Finally we have the cortex. The cortex is made up of a central "brain" which exists in varying places around the body and millions of thin chords running throughout their mass known as ion channels. Little is currently known about how a poidettes brain truly functions, but it's understood that they have full 360 degree vision, capacity to hear and comprehend commands and learn basic language skills and sense chemical signatures.

    Poids move and manipulate their mass through the use of the aforementioned ion channels that run throughout the mass. By alternating the flow of these ion channels they can cause parts of the mass to extend, retract, inflate or deflate and otherwise be manipulated, allowing the poid to easily move.

    Poid behaviour varies depending on the specific species. What has been noted however is that poids have an inherent capacity for cooperative (or parasitic) behaviour with other species. Herbivorous poids might group up with other grazers for the greater protection and predatory poids might gather with carnivores, helping take down prey in return for part of the meal. All poids are inherently, to some degree, symbiotic or parasitic.

    Depending on the species, incredibly easy or nigh impossible. Generally, independent poids capable of symbiotic training are the easiest to domesticated and can often be used by humapoids as biological exosuits.

    Where is it found?.
    The first ever recorded poid outside of the Trappist-1 system was found deep underwater on earth roughly 120 years ago. For the longest time it was assumed to be a species of slime mold as no samples could be retrieved until 80 years later, at which point the overwhelming diversity of poids on Trappist-1 E had long since been discovered and the phylum coined. Since then, several small species of poidette-like beings have been found around the galaxy, usually deep underwater or in caves.

    In the Trappist-1 system, exceedingly common. Literally anywhere else, nigh nonexistent.

    Due to poidette only being the phylum, poid diets are incredibly diverse, and there's a poid for almost every single dietary method.

    Another defining feature of poidette is for the females to secrete a usually sweet, greasy oil to feed their young with. Called "poid grease" it's used in flavouring, perfume, cosmetics and, curiously, industrial lubricants.

    Most poids reproduce via sexual reproduction. The male and female will partially, or completely, merge throughout the mating period, after which the female lays usually several eggs which she laminates in the poid grease for sustenance. Poid hatchlings will often continue to feed on the secreted poid grease until they reach adolescence.

    Varies between species.

    See size.

    See size.

    Generalised poid abilities go as follows.
    • Poids are often resistant to different manners of physical stress or damage.
    • Poids can mold and morph to fit in most crevices and holes down to one inch in diameter.
    • Poids can usually regenerate most forms of bodily harm provided they can rest and feed for several hours.
    Generalised poid flaws go as follows.
    • Poids are often very weak to extreme temperatures or pressures.
    • Poids are often slow and sluggish with only the capacity for short bouts of speed.
    Due to the sheer diversity of poids, one could freely build a poid using traits from the table below. Note, a poid must have a final trait point count equal to, or over 0. You don't have to spend all your picks however.

    • Large poids (7+ feet tall) have access to 12 ability/flaw picks and 1 free trait points to spend. Weighs more than 100 kg.
    • Medium poids (4-7 feet tall) have access to 9 ability/flaw picks and 3 free trait points to spend. Weighs between 40-100 kg.
    • Small poids (1-4 feet tall) have access to 6 ability/flaw picks and 4 free trait points to spend. Weighs between 10-40 kg.
    • Tiny poids (below 1 foot tall) have access to 3 ability/flaw picks and 5 free trait points to spend. Weighs less than 10 kg.
    Base statistics:
    Strength. Poids can carry things equal to or lighter than their body weight. A poid 'pilot' would weigh half as much when inside the poid.
    Agility. They can perform a short distance dash or jump, covering at most 3 metres every 3 combat turns.
    Compressibility. They can squeeze through gaps 1 inch in diameter.
    Intelligence. Poids have the capacity for learning basic commands and being trained, akin to dogs.
    Extreme conditions. They are weakened in extreme conditions.
    Speed. Unless using their bouts of speed, poids are often slower than a running human.
    Lifespan. Large poids have a base lifespan of 80 years, medium poids have 40 years, small poids 20 years and tiny poids 5 years. For every unspent trait pick their lifespan increases by 10 years and for every unspent trait point it increases by 15 years.
    Standard diets. Herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, decomposer.

    Poid traits table:
    PrivateNomad likes this.
  2. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    This application will be graded in tandem with Javelins due to a dependence between the two. Pending, awaiting clarification on the Javelin application before further grading.