Character Evolution

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by seaweedgod, May 30, 2019.

  1. seaweedgod

    seaweedgod New Arrival

    Jun 28, 2017
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    Haven't seen an epic off topic post in a while so I thought I'd make one.

    What is the biggest change a character of yours have went through during your time on GC?

    For me, it would be my character Liu going from a cheery party girl looking for her father to a drunkard mercenary, followed by a year or two of desperate homelessness and then a stable job that allowed her to live a comfortable life. Good 4-5 years of story with her.
    Last edited: May 30, 2019
  2. schizothotep

    schizothotep Ozymandias's very own Diamond Donator

    Aug 20, 2018
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    Hayden! In less than seven/eight months of his "stay" at the GC, he has went from a worn-out, skilled, a bit-too exhausted Novakid scavenger, into a overly-scared, depressed, autistic Novakid.
    He died on his way there, got ressurected, lost his mind a few times, got a special Visitant symbiosis, got himself a family (before losing it), got himself a family again (which he also lost once more), became a very emotion-ridden sack of plasma. He also published some sketchy information about one of the Haven senators. Currently he's being "held" by Meathead to not kill himself.
    Quite a good trip if you ask me.
  3. inactive account

    inactive account Inactive Account Ex-Staff Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    While Rose is still developing, Lange definitely went through some big changes. Throughout his years at GC, he “evolved” (degraded would be a better term) from a renowned engineer and robotics enthusiast in the fringe, to his mental state slowly decomposing, until he hit rock bottom and killed people without remorse. He went from wanting to help people, to being a vindictive monster, to a cynical old man in his final months trying to atone for his countless sins and regrets.

    It was an interesting ride, but the Avalice saga continues on with Rose as she tries not to make the same mistakes her father did. Ain’t over yet, folks.
    Last edited: May 30, 2019
  4. Notanumber

    Notanumber The Archivist Ex-Staff

    Jun 26, 2017
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    When Archer first came into The Fringe, he was chattier, got into more fights — But generally made more friends and was in most circumstances far more upbeat and idealistic. Then The Fringe happened; James died, Skylar died, Kira left him behind, Haru and Shea moved away to have children, same as Em-T. He fast ran out of friends and family. Now he's quieter and more isolated, far less impulsive than he used to be as a hard learned survival instinct. Archer now has finally learnt how to feel old.
    Randy, Pinkbat5 and seaweedgod like this.
  5. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    In terms of canon timelines, definitely Dave. Started off as a stable, happy, successful person well-liked by all of their peers, got thrown into the Fringe, lost all of his money, hard work, family, identity and humanity, and basically ended up going nuts. There was also a second point of development where he finally adapted to the Fringe and stopped being irrationally angry at everything, but picked up some weird habits instead.
    This was all retroactive, though, or at least the first part was. When I first made him, I didn’t really think too much about his backstory or what he was like before he entered the Fringe. It was only later into playing him that I decided to go back and retcon his backstory into something that wasn’t bad writing. I’m pretty happy with the result, but I’m not sure if it really counts.

    So in terms of characters I developed without retconning things later, CE has actually seen the biggest change. When they first entered the Fringe they couldn’t speak common, knew nothing of the aliens they encountered, and generally came off as cold, distant and robotic. When they got used to Realspace, though, some cultural barriers have been lowered and they understand humans well enough that other characters can actually see what their personality is like. A previously naive and unopinionated alien has become a dry, cynical asshole that not only understands sarcasm, but embraces it. Frequently.
    WowGain, SilverGallium, Randy and 2 others like this.
  6. schizothotep

    schizothotep Ozymandias's very own Diamond Donator

    Aug 20, 2018
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    CE has evolved from a silent judging asshole to a speaking sarcastic asshole
  7. crumchy

    crumchy pet food taster Silver Donator

    Jan 23, 2019
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    She hasn't been around long but since Churu is really my only super dynamic character I'll describe her "regression." She's lived on her own for the majority of her life and was an incredibly proactive "I'm gonna go out and do this" kind of person. It wasn't the very nature of the Fringe that changed her, nor the cruelty of the people in it, but the friends that she's made along the way. Frankly, she's kind of a bubble blowing baby now. She relies on others for her living condition and can't make her own decisions for the life of her any more. Social interaction has also heightened her anxiety issues and now plants others' opinions so high on a pedestal that she practically goes into a state of shock when given a negative or aggressive response from anyone she cares about.
    necrovixen, TriReef and Pinkbat5 like this.
  8. Randy

    Randy Galactic Commoner

    Jun 29, 2017
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    Hmm this is a tough one, since I've had tons of characters in the years I've been on GC and I've tried to make character progression ever since I joined, both good and band. While Bradley and Ro'di Sykes are my first two characters, I believe that Lorch - my main character - went through the most changes.

    For him, it started off being on the run for his father, Archeus, who used to be a high general for one of the Miniknog divisions. Archeus didn't approve of Lorch's sexuality, his flamboyant personality and being different than the rest. Lorch had a free mind and opinions of his own that went against those of the Big Ape regime. Having escaped his father, Lorch became a deserter in the eyes of the Miniknog and became hunted. That's how he got into the Fringe. From there on, he faced several hardships that slowly but surely changed him. He lost people that he held close, several relationship break ups and drama in his small family and his social circles.

    The biggest changes for Lorch started after his clothing company Melting Heart's grew larger and larger, while he refused to delegate the extra work and responsibilities that came with these changes. This eventually led him to being overworked and suffering from a burnout, depression and anxiety; a combination that scarred his mental health and changed him as a person. He never got to recover from all of it, because after he booked a vacation, his life went further down the shit slide. He got kidnapped by a member of the Welton family and was extorted and tortured into selling everything regarding his business. Having survived everything that he had to go through after that, he never really became the same person he once was.

    Pinkbat5 likes this.
  9. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    purgsoldier1 got nuked by tiberarms tony and then got turned into a ghost
    TriReef and WowGain like this.
  10. schizothotep

    schizothotep Ozymandias's very own Diamond Donator

    Aug 20, 2018
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    UPDATE: Hayden is no longer a depressive, lonely and autistic sack of plasma, he's now only autistic. And he got his family back, despite all that happened to him and them before!!!
  11. polytechnique

    polytechnique New Arrival Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 13, 2019
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    Well, Murphy went from a refugee, to a gangster, to a rat, to a liberation fighter, to a mass murderer, ended up getting Emma's house almost burnt down (twice), to a mental asylum intern, to a practicing mechanical engineer, to a covert assassin or something, to a corporate CEO, and retired young with her beautiful wife. She had the longest character arc out of everybody I've played.

    Mairenn went from being a programmer to a monk highly skilled in gun fu, and also almost got killed by her sister.

    Caitlin didn't really weather many changes. She was poor starting off, but she just became a technician/machinist at a company on Margury.

    Marion went from being a privateer mercenary to a woman in love with a robot. She was like, hunted down for a while or something, but ended up okay eventually.

    I had a couple of other characters here and there, like Siobhan and Renee, but I don't recall much about them.
    Pinkbat5 likes this.
  12. ZachChase

    ZachChase Does Anyone Read These? Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Here's the anthology for most of my significant and semi-significant characters.

    Sanam went from an eccentric floran selling meat through her hunting business to a hotel? (it wasn't really a hotel more like a bar with bedrooms) owner with her girlfriend and later wife, Ella, on a planet that would later get glassed. From there she started up a mining company and eventually faded away from there, mostly due to complications between me and the player of Ella.

    Polyima was a starry-eyed angelic synth who was just trying to figure out who she was. She married the first person she ever met in the Fringe, Lange, and quickly built up a hatred for the ICIF after they killed him. Syed literally showed up to his funeral and insulted him at his grave in front of his wife. From there Poly became the type of person to hold back her emotions and later completely phase them out. At the current moment she is a cold unresponsive mother who hasn't been heard from or seen in a long while.

    The Diode was a sword that contained a merged consciousness of the 1000 people it had slain. Later this was stabbed into Poly and broke apart and was later separated from her as an odd crystal spidery thing. Eventually this thing found itself a body of it's own, still referring to itself as Diode. They were naturally a pacifist at heart, not wanting anyone else to experience anything like what they had. This lead to them trying to stop a Haven guard shifter, Crowebar, from literally trying to cut a stranger's head off in public. Diode got sliced in the stomach and thrown into a billboard for their troubles, but they saved a life and also met a Naian named Anica as they fled and got repaired. Later Olivia (the stranger from before) and Diode would be tortured by some of Crowebar's friends or associates or something to do with her husbands connections? I dunno, but long story short she died, but Lange flew by and copied most of her mind. Now only 500 people part of her consciousness Diode began to associate themselves more as someone called Digit, changing their looks for a while to hide their former identity. After all that she began to hit off with Anica. Now she has a kangaroo girlfriend and feels more like herself when she's with her. She's still a pacifist and loves to meet new people.

    Chalk is Chalk. He's an artist at heart and always will be. His art has always been changing from plants to people to landscapes to charcoal drawings to origami to watercolors to painting and beyond. Ironically Chalk hasn't drawn anything in chalk yet. Throughout all this he also dated Lorch for a short time before Lorch revealed he had gotten drunk and cheated on him. This left him depressed for a time as he was struggling to enjoy doing art, until he met someone at a party who managed to spark inspiration in him once again. He still wishes to be friends with Lorch, but still keeps his distance.

    WH1RL7-31RD is an avoson® flying unit designed to deliver packages and mail. They have a child-like wonder and possess the overall goal of wanting to make people happy. There's a lot of things they still don't understand and they've pretty much broken every code that avoson® flying units are supposed to follow, especially since their AI is beginning to understand empathy and emotions... something avoson® would rather not have their delivery drones have.